Dragon Tail Attack Speed Issue

Dragon Tail attacks faster client side than server side. I suspect that client side it’s ignoring the -30 EIAS debuff that all sequence skills have, but server side it’s respecting it as usual. I suspect this because common knowledge passed down through IAS calculators is that -40 EIAS was the Dragon Tail debuff, but that doesn’t include the -30 EIAS sequence debuff, only the -40 EIAS debuff written in skills.txt. Compare this to the likes of Double Swing, another sequence skill, which has +50 EIAS buff written in skills.txt but +20 is the conventional logic since it has the -30 EIAS debuff.

This bug mirrors the old Strafe bug from the original game (fixed now in D2R). When holding the attack button, the client and server will end up on different attack rotations/cycles, and sometimes you’ll sit there stuck waiting for the animation to finish server-side for notable durations. Here’s a demo video:

Note the following: With charges, Dragon Tail has a guaranteed chance to hit and thus the charges should release and the zombie should be knocked back on every kick (he won’t move but you’ll see him be put into FHR (GH) animation). However, he is not always knocked back and the charges don’t release on every kick. Additionally, in the last kick series, there is a successful kick while I am trying to move. This shows that there is a lot of false kicks overlapping each other and cancelling each other out. Once they get near the same “wavelength” again, it starts working again, and can even successfully activate a kick even if the client-side animation is over and I am attempting to move.

Here are two threads referencing this issue:


Yes can also confirm. If you hold shift +dragon tail it glitches real bad.

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Good research and explanation, well done. Hopefully this gets fixed sooner than later.

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bump, this bug is still live. people are gonna be playing MA sin in the next upcoming ladder, and this bug makes dtail not all that great to use

you can hear the assassin’s voicelines for the kicks overlap each other. once you hear at least 3 yells on top of each other, try moving and it wont let you for a little while.

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Great! it’s really dangerous when you’re stuck there after several kicks.
Especially, I’m hardcore player.

Additionally, if you use BoS, the fastest Dragon-Tail would be much easier bugging.

Bump. This should be fixed for the mosaic patch!

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Ah I was wondering why I kept getting stuck when using dragon tail. It really makes for a frustrating game experience.

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Its a shame because its definitely one of the coolest martial sin abilities. Hope it gets fixed before ladder.

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Bumping for visibility. This bug makes the skill Dragon Tail unusable.

Bumping too. This really need to be fixed…

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FIX this bug Blizzard!!! It is very annoying!!!

this was fixed in the 2.8.0 patch