Do you think it's possible to design a ploot system to satisfy concerns? How would it work?

you can choice yo play public and what that entails.
you can play solo and what that entails…

the choice is left to you…

Because it’s against Blizzards Forum Code of Conduct…

So far there has been no viable point to stand against a ploot option. Every single one brought up doesn’t remotely stand up to basic scrutiny.

I am, call me rigid, I think diablo works a certain way and there is a reason it is the “#1 Arpg of all time” its like painting a moustache on the Mona Lisa, you could do it, and she’d look fierce, but why would you its a piece of art? Its like going to mcdonalds and expecting them to make you a whopper, like you’re at the wrong store and no one needs to bend over backwards to placate that. Thirdly, the point was brought up about splitting the pbase, I think that’s true. Either all or nothing, if they end up moving to a D3-esque system of loot I can accept it, but ask yourself, can you accept it staying the same?

can you show me this also?

Ploot would thwart all the loot grubs, not to mention render pick-it useless. lol

I don’t know if rigid is the right word to use if you are trying to dictate how others play their game.

I remember. The last thing you told is you ignoring me. You seem not only fail in a game what have “stuck” in the 2000’s but also cant remember where and what you have been lying.
Sry to hear if ploot ever comes you need to hide of pvpers. I never done pvp but maybe its time to learn it.

no choice for 8 player loot tables in a public setting though

ther is. its called singel player

There may not be a D2R pickit. I do not know one way or the other.

I do know going from mouse/keyboard to controller meant that I went from collecting almost no drops from Baal to far more than you would expect by random chance alone. In general, the loot I collected never even appeared on my screen but was in my character inventory. I would go from mouse/keyboard for the 5 waves to controller for Baal and always check my character inventory beforehand to make sure that I had max space and did not pickup any junk while walking towards Baal.

This proved to me the inherent inequity and why I farm predominatly solo now.

In all reality, ploot supporters are likely much more veteran players and much more skilled. It would be hilarious to try and watch anti plooters try to pk them.

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The loot belongs to you when you can pick up. I know you have some false feeling that if you see something on the floor then its automatically belongs to you. Sry entitlement is not a thing in d2r.
Cheaters need to be banned and not change the game around them.

Thanks man I especially appreciate that, because I know until it was worked out properly you were against ploot.

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so what you are saying is that. you are the problem you want to fix with p-loot?

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I didn’t know you could have public games with people in single player. Mind explaining how?

Yup, I only play solo/private games now myself. I tried to rush others through hell mode at least in public games but even those are ruined due to sorcs joining to abuse the additional player bonuses and killing all the bosses to halt other players progress.

i said ther is. its called singel player.
ther you can choice 8player

Often. Daily.

I don’t like the fact that it gets assigned to anyone. The benefit of FFA loot is that its free, for all, its in the name. I’m saying if you delay the loot drop say, let diablo do his “oh nooo my spirittt” thing and then have a counter 3,2,1 and drop it in the middle thats cool. But if the game just puts a high level rune or item in someone’s pocket that’s their’s now, there will be no imaginary “after”.

Yeah there’s no support for being against ploot so I changed my stance, like any sound minded person should. Unfortunately, that’s not how a lot of people operate.

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