Do you think it's possible to design a ploot system to satisfy concerns? How would it work?

That is the main problem. Your pathetic reaction time. Only cus YOU cant see the drop that dosent mean others cant.

heloo agian :slight_smile:

it will only not have an effect on players who will not play with ploot. shoulden we do somthing about that? or is it just a one way thing?

I think controller is a nice accessibility feature on PC. However, it is clear that timed loot would make this game much more fair than having someone who can tank Baal and just hold the A button when Baal is near death.

No, because then now it’s PC players stealing all the loot again using the pickit program like how they have been doing for the last 20 years in D2. It just changes back over to controller vs. KB + M on who has the upper hand for the unfair advantage. The cycle just continues vs. just simply adding an optional opt-in system to stop it entirely.

yes that is what you are doing, while having several people now smack you around and yet you still want to try me as if I was the easy prey… :rofl:

again its part of the optional system so if 1 happens they both do.

:rofl: right and you own 9 pharma’s in Europe

at least 20 people says ther is bots and pickit cheats and so on. and when you ask for proff, they say. you just a cheater :slight_smile:

Your posts are like recipe websites where they have to talk about their life’s story first before giving you the recipe somewhere in there. Please get to the point and drop the life metaphors and word salads. No one is stripped of anything with the implementation of an option. I’ve read the whole thing and you still made the point.

Yeah that does suck, for sure. I just don’t like the idea of someone standing off in a far corner casting one fireball and getting a high level rune because they’re in the rune. If its timed to drop later after the boss died giving ancillary characters time to rush to it I don’t mind that at all. I’ve also never really ran into a situation where I don’t see the loot drop at all. Usually I see it and click it but its gone, sometimes I get it sometimes I don’t. I’ve not really noticed an instance of that. Idk if that’s maybe a connection issue?

so he say lets remove somthing, that makes it easyer to get loot. and yo say no…
can you show me som of this pickit users in D2R?

yes stop it for YOU. and then you dont care with anyone els…

You can still just play FFA games only for the rest of your days in D2R. Are you concerned with that idea for others gameplay?

Did you just ask me to show you proof of cheating on Blizzard’s official forums?

I’m just going to pretend you don’t exist. I can’t imagine us having a conversation where you contribute anything of value.

Work, fight, smack? So many thing on virtal forum. Are you planing to loose your virginity before you hit 40?

Yeah sure? Would be nice where the devs stated that they even considering optinal pvp? Or just you still cant leave your unicorn world?

I have 9 in 4 city. Do you think i care what do you believe in little commie? Are you still angry at mums home?

Yes, echo chambers are comfortable for the feeble minded.

yes i did.
why? is this a problem for you?

Are you trying to bait me into a trap so my forum account gets suspended?

I think we should do something about cheaters who bot/maphacks, etc… You have a choice:

  1. You can choose FFA loot and what that entails
  2. You can choose timed loot and what that entails.

That choice is left to you. Both systems have pluses and minuses. If an optional system is introduced, then you can pick what you like.

How often do you play public games?

It would be a timed loot system like one of the options in PoE. Each item is assigned to a player for a very short period of time. Afterwards, that item becomes FFA and anyone can collect it.

how is it a trap. you can simply just post it.

Dude they have no evidance for pickit use in d2r. But this is a good lie if they want to justify automated gift system.

:rofl: you are totally lost in your feelings at this point and we aren’t even having a conversation. This is how the last 2 times went you tried me as well. Should maybe learn the names of the people you talk smack to.