Do you think it's possible to design a ploot system to satisfy concerns? How would it work?

lol… yea if they use the optional system we are fighting for its part of the part and parcel. You love to talk about what you don’t know about and are still acting superior. At least you were honest on the being from Europe part

Lol. Using 1 button vacum and crying for automated gift system. xD Pathetic loser.

What I (re-)learned was that FFA loot is a terrible loot system that has been abandoned by almost every video game aRPG over the past ten years from every software company since the FFA system is poor in comparison to alternatives.

I think that adding an optional timed loot system would improve the multiplayer D2R experiece for many.

Cheating will still occur. A timed loot system mitigates the negative effects of cheating.

There are legitimate reasons why like we have already explained, but we are not even asking for that, we are simply only asking for an OPTION.

so you get your optinal ploot thing. then ther is not a cheat problem anymore?

Sounds fun. Bring it on.

Not in my public games by players who use bots/pickit/controllers.

I’m not confounding anything. I’ve worded my comments specifically to address that this an opportunity rather than a guarantee. Reading comprehension, please.

I guess we can pretend everyone’s as good at everything as the next person in some hypothetical space where that’s never the case.

Looting is a competition to most people. They’d rather gamble on their ability to loot faster than the next person and run the chance of grabbing tons of loot rather than seeing one item drop for them. Psychologically, you’re stripping away their expression.

Will ‘I’ be better than the other person this time? In most games, the better looter gets more loot. Period. Whether that’s a bot or someone simply grossly experienced at sniping loot in pubs.

A bird in hand is only worth more in so far as we’re talking about survival/feeding your family, etc… not looting in a video game. The importances get criss crossed. I don’t NEED the thing I’m chasing, I want it and the more of it I can get, the more I’d prefer.

When I say that you are guaranteed loot in PLOOT, I am saying that if something drops for you, you are guaranteed to get it.

Which is fine, but those options exist there. They don’t have to exist everywhere. I’m fine with it the way it is, that used to be part of the grind starting out until you found friends to loot-share and do runs with. Sometimes you come out on top, sometimes you take it on the chin. Is it disappointing, sure! But like I said 12 year old me could deal with it without getting mad I’m sure adult you can too. Its a game. A retro game. Keyword, “New games” have it. Its supposed to be outdated, that’s why its retro.

If the controllers are such a problem just fix the thing and whats the point of ploot again?

ahh i get it now … its ok. as long as you dont see it. selfish af… alot of the plooters is the same. me me me me me me…

This makes no sense because ploot is an option. Nothing is stripped away. Simply don’t use the option, sheesh lol

Because then it goes from controllers as the main issue with picking up loot back to pickit players that have also had these unfair advantages for over the last 20 years.

Crying on the forum you call now fight? First work now fight? Pff :rofl:
Optinal pvp is not even on the table. You going to be hard day if ploot ever comes.
I’m always honest. I dont want medal for breathing air like your kind.

Either keep up with the conversation or don’t participate.

I’ve already said I have no problem with PLOOT being an option, I’m responding to someone who responded to something I said because I take issue with their arguments/framing of my own.

I understand that you were just responding to an earlier post after you realized that we are only asking for an optional system. No problem.

How can you come out on top in a Baal run if you do not see any drops whatsoever since they were collected before they can be displayed on screen? Using a controller, I do not even see the Baal drop but I can collect a bunch of them with a controller even though they never appeared on screen.

Exactly, using a controller and spamming the A button, I steal all the loot while it’s still in the air. It’s like Blizzard gave controller players pickit for some reason.

Getting loot in an automated gift where you dont even need be fast for clickin on the loot so you can chill and just watch how others play the game and you get benefits.

So let’s get rid of controlled support and make it pure mouse and keyboard then. I’m down for that. There’s no reason to change the main functionality of the game.