Do you think it's possible to design a ploot system to satisfy concerns? How would it work?

so change the game because of people who brreaks Tos? so we should change ALL the games out ther. insted of trying to fix the problem. btw. i play 7+ hours a day. i havent seen pickit user or bot yet. and i havent seen any video of them. and ther must be alot of videos. pro.plooters says its a big problem.

what doo you se as an unfair adantages?

Hey no problem. I was against it til I learned that too.

You guys are trying to address a perceived problem that doesn’t actually exist. You think loot isn’t distributed equitably when it is placed on the ground for anyone to grab. This is actually due to a bias inherent in human behavior where we tend to remember our losses far more vividly than our wins. This leads people to assume they are either unlucky, or more commonly, that the system is unfair. You see it often with gambling especially in poker. People who play Magic arena are also prime for this cognitive bias when they claim the shuffler is broken. They forget all the times that went in their favor and fixate on the ones that don’t. This is exactly what you are doing and you propose a solution to a problem that doesn’t really exist except in your own head. Things aren’t unfair. You just lose out sometimes. 7/8 of the time you are gonna lose out in a full game. Learn to live with it.


once they introduce a ploot, i will create a pvp discord where we will hunt ploot noobs in public games day and night until there are no public games left here at all

your game experience will be ruined forever

think about whether or not you should continue to wish for that

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Why can I only like this once? Say it again for the kids in the back that don’t know how to dance.

You say the reason for ploot are bots. But now suddenly cheating is not a problem?

I wonder how many created lies you have just to somehow justify why you want an automated gift system.

I can embarrass you 100 different ways just with naz*'s if you want to bring up just part of a country’s picture. But you embarrass yourself enough with your lies about your lifestyle.

Are you agreeing with him that controller players are not getting an unfair advantage over KB+M players currently in D2R when picking up items from boss drops? I use a controller on PC and even I feel it’s an unfair advantage. I can funnel all the loot in public games if I choose to. An optional system would prevent me from doing this.

He sees everyone as pickit user who is not on his slow reaction level.

No, I’m agreeing with him that the human race has lost the ability to deal with disappointment. Don’t even get me started on the whole “pickit” thing.

If that is a problem, that is simple to change without adding ploot. Eliminate an obvious bug where they can grab loot before it hits the ground. You don’t need an entirely new system to address the problem.


To bad for you im not from germany. Try this harder communist supporter nobody.

:rofl: you couldn’t even do it in the optional system. read up on what you seem to be missing. Like you literally couldn’t go hostile and attack them because the people that choose the optional system are on a “normal server” so to say and can’t PVP. lol a step ahead of you

I can say factually that controller players have a huge advantage. I got frustrated with how many times in 6-8 players games that there was not even any drops visible holding down alt when using mouse/keyboard. I broke down and bought a PC controller. I still see something similar or more aptly said that I do not see any drops whatsoever from Baal, but with a controller, I have drops that are in my inventory from Baal.

I find this somewhat stupid. As a result, I tend to play predominantly solo. Also, on Hell difficulty, it is nearly impossible to find public games as seemingly >90% of games are “trade” games and not people actually playing.

oh, a special ghetto for ploot noobs?

i’m all for it, then, they don’t belong in this game anyway

and? too bad for you I am not a 1800’s southerner. yea… again you are showing your education

You are a step behind. They already stated if they make ploot then it will be on game cration level. You still going to be on the same server. You dont get optinal pvp options.

Sounds like you learned and adapted. This is good. This is the way. Idk why controller support was even needed in this game at all tbh but I’m probably in the minority on that one.

Just another commie. Nothing new.

Agreed, I have had an unfair advantage in public games using a controller against PC players since day 1. Such an advantage that I stopped playing public games due to feeling bad about using it to steal loot. How a couple of these players in here are so adamant against an optional system that would stop controller players like myself from stealing loot during boss drops is beyond my comprehension unless I believe these players are the ones who are using the unfair advantages that I am trying to stop and are only against the opt-in system so they can continue to have an unfair advantage over others in public games to take all the loot.