Do you think it's possible to design a ploot system to satisfy concerns? How would it work?

ok cool so then if that is the case why are you fighting an optional system so bad then?

yes, maybe but a lot less will feel the “need to” if they have a optional system that can help them get harder loots that only drop in multiplayer.

Well looks like communism suits rly well ploot. With time everybody gets about the same result no matter what he is doing. Leeching or doing all the job.

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At 6:44 it is perfectly described what is the correspondence in ploot and communism.

it will only stop pickey and bots in p-loot games. the ffa games is still ther. so you dont really fix the problem. a problem that we all want to fix

if you cant se the problem, dosent meen its not ther. its like. ploot people just want to go to ther own littel land. and then the rest of the world must deal with the problems.

I appreciate you for being a voice of reason. Thank you for being one of those who are willing to listen instead of just using trolling as your response.

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except its not at all and you are showing your education again. Its a option. Communism is no options do as I say, you should know all about that being a euro. I’m starting to feel like this isn’t a fair match anymore. Might want to bow out of this

To be fair I’m 33 and I hate the idea of ploot its probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard in my life to add to the game other than the notion that teleport needs a cool down, lol. This isn’t a generational thing its just a people kind of suck at life and the game thing regardless of age.


it would make the game easy mode

Its not a fair match when you want optinal communism. I admit this.
Btw whats happend with history lessons murrican boy? Forgeting already who had slavery?

There are genuine arguments for why PLOOT can be functionally good for the game.

People have bots for looting in Hell CS games.

You’re not going to suggest that you should ‘just get good’ at grabbing loot to the degree that you can loot faster than a bot, right?

So when you see a wallhacker in fps games you want to remove walls? Ppl who break tos needs to be banned and not to change the game around them.

You are confounding two things. There is a differences in seeing an item and collecting an item.

With instanced loot/timed loot/personal loot, you are not “guaranteed” any drops. Drops would be based on a binomial distribution.

Let’s say over the course of time, there are 80 good drops in an 8 player game. Assuming that you are not playing with a cheat or someone using a controller, you can see all drops. If these 8 players are “average” clicking skill and similar level, each player would on average collect about 10 drops. In the alternate loot systems, each player would also get about 10 drops with expected variance.

Therefore, there is no difference in outcomes in loot collection. In terms of opportunity to collect loot, it is a bit of a mirage. You can be fishing on a lake with 10,000 five pound bass that you can see by eye or on your fish finder. You have the opportunity to catch fish but at the end of the day, it only matters if you caught the fish or not.

There is truth in the old saying a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. You seem to care more about the two in the bush while I prefer the bird in hand.

It would keep those cheaters or other players with unfair advantages for picking up loot over others on one side of the public games that use FFA. So if you chose to only play games that had the allocated item option, it would virtually not exist any longer. So now it would be your choice or not if you want to play public games with bots/pickit/controller players since they can no longer steal loot in a personal loot option game that you joined or created. No only that, but it would bring the players that only play solo/private games due to these reasons into public games, so now there are more public games available to play in hell mode and the online community has now grown bigger.

yes literally every race on every continent has had slaves. north america, south america, europe, africa, asia, even aussies and pacific islanders.

Lol, you are making this too easy. I should run your pharma for you

So to system decides when you get your loot what is guaranteed to be yours. I wonder how many lies you have for today.

If you want personal loot be careful what you wish for. Blizzard would royally screw up the idea by also making D2 stuff account-bound, calling it “balance”, and NOBODY wants that.

Please no more slippery slope fallacy on this issue. It’s been overused on these forums for the last several months. A fallacy is not a valid argument against the optional system.

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Nah I was going to suggest that if 12 year old me could get it done, you probably can too. You’re a grown man. There are plenty of other games that have this mechanic and you’re more than welcome to play them. Its not rocket science. If I don’t like an aspect of a game I don’t advocate to reinvent it I go play another game. I like the way Diablo works, I like the looting system, I like the scarcity. Meet some cool dudes and all 8 of you go to a private lobby and split the loot like gentleman. Its not rocket science. I’ve already got an army of folks sharing loot with eachother based on class and I just started playing last Saturday. I message them like “Bro, I need x” He’s like “I got you” then I hit him up like, bro, I just found y for you come get it. Idk that’s just how I always did it I don’t remember all this infighting and cries of “unfairness” in the early 00’s this is new and kinda sad to witness.

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The game already decides. If you are playing solo or multiplayer, if the loot table does not roll a shako, you are guaranteed not to get a shako from that loot drop. The game already decides the loot identity.

If you are playing solo and the game drops a shako, why should I not be able to collect it since I killed the monsters? The game “guaranteed” that drop to be mine.

That’s not even remotely a fair comparison.

Getting a fair share of loot in games that have opted into PLOOT is not ‘cheating’ the game.

There is no utopian environment on the internet where cheaters don’t exist. Banning people who are botting loot in Hell CS games isn’t going to stop people from botting loot in those games and to the people who are playing legitimately, they’ll continue to just suffer the consequences rather than have any defense of their own.

If the loot tables aren’t inflated and there aren’t more items coming into the economy as a means of changing the system AND it’s optional, it’s not a problem.

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Tell more about your country.

You need some medicine that is sure. Wants optinal communism and also forgeting the history of your country.
I know its easy for you.