I tried that and both characters got deleted. I also read somewhere it might be a corrupted shared stash so I emptied them. Can’t be corrupted if they’re empty, right? Well, wrong, still my characters get deleted. I guess there’s nothing to do but wait for a fix. I’ll update here if I come up with something. Deleting existing characters is really out of the question. I have mules full of stuff I want to keep and the rest are 70+.
I tried some more things.
I know about offline characters being deleted when their name is the same as online characters. That is supposedly fixed and as previously stated I have no online characters, but just to be thorough I created a character with a completely button mashed name and it still got deleted.
I had moved D2R to my internal storage, because from my SD card after a while the game started to stutter and supposedly it would load a tiny bit faster. (indeed the stutter disappeared and loading was a fraction of a nanosecond faster) I tried moving it back to SD, I tried deleting and reinstalling the game, maybe some part of the binary got corrupted with the move? Nope, characters still get deleted after I restart.
I have doubts it’s related to shared stashes. As far as I’m aware they are saved separately on a timer or something as can be seen in the many threads discussing gone or duped items via shared stashes. I presume this is to save on disc writes, admirable, though I think unnecessary in this day and age. I created one character and dumped some arrows and bolts in my shared stash (can never have too many of those) and the character was gone, but the ammo was there after restart. Side note: the settings are also saved separately. I changed players X several times between attempts and that was always as I had left it. Same deal with the last played difficulty.
I’ve been scouring the internet for some clues and it does seem this happens on all platforms. I can’t really access the Switch file system to check what exists and what doesn’t without hacking it in some destructive manner. I found some evidence of the problem on PC as well and one person affected stated that there is nothing on their hard drive after this issue happened, so it does indeed look like the save itself does not happen at all. My existing characters do retain their progress made as evidenced by my emptying the shared stashes into existing characters and not losing those, so it’s not quite that simple.
Hopefully someone on PC who’s experiencing this can find their logs and share with Blizzard. (also fingers crossed it’s not a silenced error and it does end up in the logs) I checked if I can fetch some logs on my end, but again without access to the FS I can only rely on the Switch’s logging and it was clean.
Trying a different profile is not possible as the offline mode still requires you to link a battle.net account, so I would either have to go through the painful process of relinking accounts or buy the game again. This in itself is questionable, but a different topic and it probably won’t do anything as the profile will be fresh and presumably won’t have problems. I may be able to find a friend with a Switch and try transferring my profile there, but I would say these options are well beyond what should be expected of an end user.
I think I’ve reached my limits on this, short of actually getting my hands on the codebase and digging through it. Good luck to all of you in the same boat as us and good luck to the dev team on figuring this one out. As a fellow engineer (game dev even) I know the pains with complex systems, I know how every line of code can have multiple unforeseen points of failure and I know how difficult it is to work with closed and outright hostile environments such as these of consoles.
Stay classy and give it your best!