Death to Immunities, Long Live Super resistant monsters!

How would cold sorc be too strong?

Without immunities it would be the exact same as cold sorc were on D2R launch with the bug allow cold to “hit” cold immune allowing the cold penetration to apply

The Reduction still gets the 1/5th penalty while over 100

But even that… why prevent a system making the game better for 99% of the skills based on 1% of the skills that would be broken, just tweak this 1% then

No, you are incorrect here.
The bug you speak of was against Cold Immune monsters and yes, that worked at 1/5th effectiveness.
If immunities were removed Cold Mastery would function at full effectiveness thereby making it way too strong. By the way, an immune monster is defined by a monster that has 100%+ in that resistance type. Removing immunities would mean reducing all monster’s resistance to a cap of 99%, in that case the 1/5th penalty would never be applied.




piss off crybabies

No it wouldn’t lol

Learn to read maybe?

Why do you think i called it “super resistant monsters” rather than just say there’s a cap on max resist

Because the concept of the penalty remains

Seriously? I Read just fine. Maybe you just don’t like the facts? Do not insult me though, be civil or GTFO.

Capping resistance between 95 and 99 means no immunity, therefore 1/5th effectiveness does not apply.

There are monsters in the game that have 95% Resistances to say… Lightning, guess what, infinity’s conviction aura works at 100% effectiveness against them.
I’ll say it again BECAUSE THIS IS A FACT! 1/5th effectiveness of elemental resistance reduction only applies if the monster was previously IMMUNE to the damage. 99% resistance monster WOULD NOT, be immune therefore, the way the game currently works, Infinity and Cold Mastery would work at 100% effectiveness.
75% is NOT the cap for that mechanic.

In your example the now 95% resistance monster (under the effects of Infinity) would have 10% Fire resistance (Lvl 12 conviction aura reduces resistances by 85%) .
It would not be reduced to 1/5th effectiveness because an immunity was never broken.

This aura, when breaking an immunity, will only function at 1/5 effectiveness
This is taken straight from Arreat Summit in regards to Conviction Aura.
Please understand the mechanics of immunities before you suggest changes.

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Lol no where I said that those examples use the values of existing items in game… I just used values to use values

You read like crap and you are now mad it got pointed out to you and you are now doubling down acting like there are hidden stuff in my post lol

Imagine being so stubborn that somebody explain changes to a mechanic and you counter argument him on his own concept using example that doesn’t even work with the very mechanics he changes in his concept

Do you read Harry Potter and whine like “ffs humans can’t do magic!”

Explain where in your post you suggested changing the way that resistance reduction works?
You only suggested changing immunities.
You didn’t do so, therefore your suggestion still assumes that the current system for resistance reduction stands.
I cannot read minds, nor can I read what is not written. If you mean something else, say it.
Learn how the game works. Learn how to talk to people.

Insult me again and you’ll be reported, simple as that.

You’ve been reported,
I’m trying to help you understand the mechanics of immunities, breaking said immunities, and the 1/5th penalty.
You refuse to hear it so, I’m not wasting my time anymore. Grow up.

Dude use you damn brain please, I quoted to you the exact part where I say that the “resistance reduction” penalty remains even tho the concept of immunity doesn’t exists anymore

You are being challenging and counter argumentative all that while not being able to grasp easy elements of proposed changes

See, you are proving immunity is bad, you have 150% reasoning resistance, therefor reason cannot affect you

Without immunity, we could at least make you understand at least 5%

Ps: get off your easily offended high horses please, somebody pointing out that you failed to understand something isn’t an insult lol

I have changed my mind I am completely for any and all changes to the game. Your ideas are amazing keep them coming Seks :slight_smile:

Welcome on the right side of history

so currently you can break immunities with certain stuff. at first u can’t kill them but later u can. this is kindda like at first you can dig iron block with a wooden pick in minecraft but later u can with a stone pick (or dig diamond with iron pick later on). or you can cut the birch trees in valheim at first but can with copper axe later on. i like how immunity is atm so i won’t complain if this never gets changed ;D

I am split on this. I like being able to break immunities and think it adds a bit of challenge. I dislike how evenly spread it is though. Some monsters cannot be broken, and some elements like Magic Immune are more rare, not to mention hammers doing ridiculous damage on top of that.

I’d just prefer the game to adjust all monsters to be breakable, and make it harder in harder areas.

You didnt really explained why tho.

Is being stuck in a queue bad? Do I need to explain why?

Immunity is like a queue… both prevent you from playing and enjoying the game

The game is about killing monster, immunity prevents you to kill monsters

Please explain to me where are immunities stopping you from playing or finishing game.

But nobody is saying you have to kill all of them.

Sooo, 19 days into this thread. How’s your ask to change the core gameplay of Diablo 2 going? Getting there? Betcha!

How’s core gameplay? Play 1.00,1.01….1.09 where is it?

Paladin as he enters blood moor “I will cleanse this wilderness.”

Necro : “All who oppose me… beware.”

What kind of logic is this lol? It was core game change that time just like it would be now. Nobody is saying they didnt do core game changes before. Its quite common when game is new.

Can you answer first part of my post?

Diablo II resurrected
Initial release date
September 23, 2021