D2R Needs FG Trading

Find me a government entity that accepts forum gold and I will accept that it is real money.

But you can’t because there is nothing real about it.

Forum gold is not purchased by the way. Forum gold is only donated to individuals who have previously donated to the website. There is no purchase involved, sorry.

FG trading is the easy mode for the plebs .

Ok GenZ, thanks for coming out.

No, fg holds no inherent value. The value is in the item itself and that is what should be traded. Fg is completely imaginary and backed by nothing.

Your statement is wrong. It holds value on the entity it is banked on. As long as there are users who have it and are willing to spend it, it has value.

It is backed by nothing, it’s literally valueless.

FG is antiquated and is completely outshined by discord community trading. Discord is the future.

:rofl: no its not, its survived the test of time and outlived every other third party item for item trade site out there.
Its model is proven and if D2R devs were ever to host a trading platform, its a mechanic they must have.

There is no way a forum website layout from the early 2000’s is better than what discord provides it’s users today. Sorry, it’s outdated.

It provides a mechanic that your discord cannot. End of story.
Discord has plenty of uses, but its utilizing a lazy and very inefficient way of trading. Doesnt matter how new the platform is to chat with and share info with, its still using the same, bad trading mechanic.
If it works for you, great, but there is a reason thousands have used, and still use JSP for the last 20 years.

Maybe I’m not understanding the FG mechanics. Explain it to me like I’ve never heard of it before. Where does the item go? Do players still need to meet up in game? If so then I fail to see dealing with an imaginary out of game currency more than just an extra step compared to discord’s communication and meet up.

Quite possibly you arent…
Yes you still need to meet up, D2 items cannot leave the server lol…

FG is a currency within JSP that you barter for items with. Essentially its a promise to log onto bnet, go into a game, and donate the item to you, for an amount of FG.
JSP has an economy, it has value based on item pricing at any given time during a ladder season or what the item is worth.

You can get FG with RMT yes, but not required. My suggestion is a FG within BNET that is never RMT purchased, and must be earned in some fashion.

FG Replaces item for item trading as a more efficient means of trading. You can still to item for item, but its rare on JSP as FG is far more simple.

Instead of waiting for someone to have the exact item or rune combo you want, you take FG and then use that to buy what you want with other traders.

You need to have a trade currency for that type of system to work as the game code says that runes are items not currecy. Making an in-game trade currency is not RMT as the currency would only be earnable via gameplay and trading. For Ladder characters all the currency they have at ladder reset would be removed from ladder at the end of a ladder season with the character files this currency would also not be tradable unless you are using it in the in-game trading system

And auctions do normally have the BIN (Buy It Now) option

Runes cannot be used as a currency as they are items that people can trade for the actual currency
you have to have the option to canel the auction or the system would not get used

So you want me to give a stranger my item for nothing in return except for a promise of the fg given at a later time? Sounds like a scammers wet dream and looking at their scammed section of their website it looks like it is. Unless this fg would be implemented and reflected within the game immediately i would never do it.

What you’re describing is exactly what we use runes for.

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Nope, FG first unless its a trusted trader. You use a mediator for high value items.
They have efficient anti cheat, anti scam protection.

Which is inefficient and its item for item. If it works for you, great, do it, for a vast majority, a currency is best.

An in-game trade currency is not FG as it can only be earned in the game and used in the trade system

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Definition of FG in this thread would be a non-item currency. I think that was pretty evident.

runes can easily be used as currency and what the game code says about them doesnt matter at all

earnable currency via gameplay, unlike runes that are spent in-game in crafting rws, whould only leads to inflation over time

runes already and can do that too

with a buyout option people can make deals outside the AH to close them within the AH very easily
without a BIN option you ensure that the item will at least have a chance to be disputed and, consequently, make the pre-agreed deal difficult, which consequently creates insecurity for deals made outside the AH

any new currency would work just like a middle man that overcomplicate

cancel only if there are no bids

JSP literally kicks discords butt.

Not only is forum gold the best currency diablo 2 has ever seen.
But the organization/trade list/search feature/PM feature/guides/and groups are all better on JSP. The only exception is the one MF group discord does a pretty decent job with group ups for MF games.

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The issue with runes is they scale in value… Would you trade a Ber rune for its equivalent in Lem runes? Ral runes? No…
With a set currency, its value is always 1.

this goes both ways

there is no problem with someone buying a ber for a hundred lems if the seller will be able to do the same with those same lems

now we have a static value for runes