D2R Needs FG Trading

This is a major consideration for Patch 2.6. Polls that I made up show that the vast majority wants an in-game, Official Blizzard trading system to replace the “demon JSP” and all of the other RMT sites.
There are many thousand who use some of the various third party trading sites, but all of these fail to measure up because of one variable. FG Currency.

A currency is not needed, however it is greatly beneficial to make trading 99% more efficient to reduce the headache of item for item trading which relies heavily on both parties having the exact item(s) the other desires. With an FG Currency, this guarantees that almost all of the trades can complete, because each player would/should have what the other wants, a currency that can be traded for whatever item(s) they want in future trades.

If both parties have item for item each desires, make the trade! No one is saying you cannot trade item for item anymore and must use the currency.

An in game trade system unifies all of the players currently forced to use other trade sites, bringing the player base together like never before!

Blizzard, this is a must. This will improve the game experience and bring D2R to the next level.


We already have runes

Make them stack everywhere and you now have a liquid currency rather than a solid one

That’s the best D2 could wish for to improve trading


And how do you expect that player get your Blizzardcoins? Do they all need to heavily invest money into the currency to start trading?

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Runes are an in game item, not a currency.

Wrong, thats your best wish for inventory management, and it would be a good one, in the form of a currency tab.

We already did when we bought the game…

Just give everyone a set amount to start out, and go from there.
Give everyone the chance to earn them with side quests each ladder. Not farmable because then it would be exploitable, but a single or a few side quests each ladder to give some currency to work with…

Otherwise, you trade item for item, or farm items to trade for those with currency to build your bank up/back.

Could also be a good way to involve the Standard of Heroes, trade it in for some BlizzGold…

I don’t think that a set amount that is equal on every player will work. The side quest idea might work, but you should have more ways to “earn” currency, that must be freshly generated.

Next challenge would be to solve how to handle BG at the end of the ladder. Is it like FG global tradeable? Many dislike this feature and why would we need BG instead of FG then? Or is NL and Ladder SC and HC Classic and LOD separated?

Just a few thoughts.

How come you dont think everyone starting with an equal amount would work, or be fair? We all paid our game fee for D2R, some may have paid less with pre-order, some full price, some less with the last sale… Hmm because rich credit card kids or deep pockets would just buy game copies for BG?

Makes the side quest idea and more ways to earn it, that arent exploitable, more viable, I agree…

See this is a big topic… I beleive the currency should transfer over, but I wouldnt be opposed to the other side of the coin, it resets with each ladder season, NL gold stays in a bank, Ladder bank starts over, and at the end of a ladder, your ladder bank transfers to the NL bank just like characters and items.

I wouldnt separate SC and HC, LOD and Classic, make it the same bank because each economy is different, you may have more chances to earn if you put in the effort on the less popular game plays like Classic or Hardcore.

Keep em coming, open for discussion and hopefully Blizz takes notice if we, strike, gold :sunglasses:

Because the value of items and rarity of items is stretched too much to find a good common ground.

That rare eth fools weapon that costs 150000 FG vs a BER rune vs 380 FG vs a Shako that costs 5-10 FG.

I think it’s hard to determine a starting value that does work for both ends. Also I’m not a fan of providing a full endgame characters worth for each ladder just because somebody bought the game.

Yep it is. If you don’t allow people to take the currency to the new ladder, then there is no reason to change from FG to BG. But if you can use it in every new ladder, you ruin your “fresh” start.

Really, to be honest…I highly figure we are getting a currency tab. Tie trading to a market board which utilizes that tab. Players can post items to the market board in game, setting prices by what is in the currency tab. Then, if Blizzard decided to do something with the multiplayer looting system, they could remove open trading and use the market board to keep a player driven economy active. Solves rmt, solves FG being abused during reset. Won’t happen though, doubt they’d go that far.


Yup, catch 2-2… I think it should transfer over so that you have that, earned advantage, which is different from JSP because you can purchase FG anytime. Atleast with BG it would be 100% earned (provided its not given to you at the start of ladder).

You bring up a very good point, if it doesnt xfer over, alot would stick to FG… But then, you still would gain the mass player base who never use FG and would stick to BG…

This works in favor of a FG too though, not that many players have 15 BER runes to trade for a GG rare or perfect roll COA as 2 examples, but with alot of hours of farming and trading, they may have the FG bank to purchase it.

Yeah its a good point. Findin the “start” is a good question for debate. Probably tips the scale toward earning it in game, more and more.

More than likely, but that really doesnt have much to do with trading. I dont know if I would like it tied in TBH. Keep them separate. Trading tab, and Currency tab.

We can all discuss, and dream! I dont think they have the persons with enough talent and imagination to pull it off properly unless the community builds it for them.
I dont think they will ever dedicate the resources to it either, but again, dream.

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I’m actually very surprised to get a positive reception to tying trade to market board only.


Its needed. Its been requested for a long, long time… Other trade sites have come and gone, but JSP has always been the constant. Take what works, leave the rest.
Integrate it into the shared stash model so that you keep it simple, want to post an item? drag it to the Trade Stash Tab, set a price, set a trade mode Auction or BIN(Buy It Now) price, and off you go.


They should just remove all trading for 1 ladder and that’ll separate the boys from the men, so to speak. We would all drown from the millions of jsp tears shed on this forum. :rofl:

Funny part is, in one season the player bases’ skill level would rise exponentially. /fact

LOL call it what it is, SSF ladder, which there have been many requests for. You are right though, it would be a helluva challenge.

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Not for a currency tab myself… but tbh it would go a long way to making a simple “set a price in runes for a posted item, accept trade → removes those runes from currency tab and put into a trade tab”

Just have a trade tab, and a currency tab, and a way to accept the items for trade. You could even for example set 3 prices. This rune, these runes, or these runes.

Would accomplish the same thing as trade games without the pointless hours of sitting in trade games.

This will never be done though. They have basically no one working on D2.


Ahh this is good, I suppose its also what Tanis was saying as well. Automatic payment from Currency Tab. I like it.
Create an ISO trade for example, ISO COA with x stat range, Paying Ber+, and someone comes along and accepts that deal, places the COA in the trade window, runes/items/currency are withdrawn, COA placed in ISO’s Trade Tab, all automatically or set to alert the user in game to accept the offer with 1 simple click.

Sad sad truth.

Somewhat. Mostly I was meaning you post your item, say Occy on the market board. Then you set your price, say like 1 Pul Rune and 2 perfect amythysts. Someone accepts trade, the cost gets deducted from currency tab, and along they go. Maybe someone is wanting to trade a unid torch, they could set the price at 4 of each key. If they remove open trades and only have the market, it might make trading less social, but has the benefit of ease and drastically limiting what can be rmt-ed.


shame that gold is so easy to get. if it was much harder to get gold you might have used that for trading.


Blizz should have stepped in 20 years ago. It is too late now to implement FG in this remaster that doesn’t even cost as much as a true triple a game @ $60 - it is not worth blizzard’s time. They are fine with d2jsp and nothing will ever change. Waste of time and energy complaining about this. Instead plead with the developers to not screw up D4’s trading system. I would LOVE if blizzard brought back the RMAH to D4.


bet if they added fg. rmt people could just bot for that and sell blizzards version of fg if blizzard didn’t sell it.