D2R Needs FG Trading

You conviniently skipped the rest of the sentence you’ve quoted. The one starting with R and ending with T. With a M in the middle :slight_smile:

I know that people exchange money for FG and then use it to trade it for items. Or myabe it’s just my imagination? I’m wondering if you really belive in what you are saying or at this point you are trying to insult avarage gamer intelligence

Because reducing the need for RMT sites or third party trading sites is the point here… I dont know how many use RMT actually, but I would bet its not the majority. They want a RMT free trade platform within Blizzard/bnet.

All FG was not bought. Early on it was gifted. I get that its impossible to track and you never know if the FG you trade an item for was bought or not, doesnt matter to most, but bottom line, more players than not, have never purchased FG.
I couldnt care less… But there are alot of players who dislike JSP because the FG can be bought, earned from other games (not jus D2) and carries over Ladder after Ladder…

That was a massive mess and there is a reason its gone. RMT gives deep pockets a massive leg up, and it doesnt fix anything. The idea is to make it fair for all players, as many as possible.

Rmt player buy their stuff on the shops. They are way cheaper than buying fg. You on the other hand skipped my question completely.

The times where people spend a lot on fg are long gone. Most fg was generated long time ago.

I know that a lot of players did not purchase FG, but my point is that such artifical currency needs a lot of time to become widely accepted by players and it may still not succeed at all.

What will make players demand some new blizzard currency, if that currency has no real use besides Blizzard telling you that you should use it to trade for items in D2:R ? Who will be willing to give you some rare items for such newly created, useless currency ? And if, for how much ? How will the currency be generated ? It needs to be buyable with real money anyway. And it will immediately be buyable for real money on 3rd party websites.

The only reliable way to defeat the 3rd party sites is an easier to use platform than these sites (= in-game auction house), with a currency that is surely to become accepted (= real money). In D3, that currency was also gold, but it was accepted because it had it’s own uses in the game. In D2, gold is not nearly as useful and there is no other currency that could be easily divided and widely accepted. Except maybe for runes, but that’s again item vs item trade and some very rare items are worth far more than 40 Bers/Jahs and unless infinite rune stacking become a thing, runes can’t fulfill the place of such currency.

Edit - and the thing that RMAH in D3 was hated… it is more of the concept of free trading itself IMO, which will always relate to real money.
I am myself not a fan of this free trading and would always prefer BoA items. As with BoA, the item actually has a value for you as you know someone can’t just easily buy it with money and it accurately reflects the efforts you put in the game, giving you something to show off.

Yes, I’ve learned it from you :slight_smile:

Do you have proof of that? Also what you are just saying is not relevant for the points I’m making and you just confirmed that at some point people spent „a lot” of real money on fg. I’ve stated that jsp is using ultimately rtm.

Please write to me, in straight face, that when I „donate” 20$ to jsp, get some fg for it and trade it (or part of it) for item that was listed on the forum, I DID NOT just use real money to ultimately trade it for item.

Tell me if the user you trade your fg to is now a rmt seller in your scenario

Indirectly and involuntary partialy yes. Not „RMT seller”, but more of „RMT supporter” Now your turn to aswear my question.

Nope it needs instances loot to nullify d2jsp! Getting end game is a great step but to stop the plague that is d2jsp we need instances loot to devalue loot causing the site to serve 0 value to the game

As opposed to? Everything is an item within the game at the end of the day (real money and substitutes excluded).

No, sorry :slight_smile: We cannot have FG or real money in an official system implemented in-game by Blizzard, like WoW’s AH. If you want real money/FG then no one is stopping you selling your Ber on d2jsp or on ebay.

Especially when some people have 100s of trades, and remembering that an item may have changed hands many, many times, and the origins (real player or bot or even perhaps dupe) are lost.

Because we need an OFFLINE trading system with automatic crossing of orders. Just like WoW’s AH. You post an item for sale, and it may sell while you are offline. You log on the next day and you magically have your “payment” in your inventory.

Having to be online to complete a trade is the number one use case against the current, primitive in-game trading.

And you do not need to trade on d2jp. I like traderie.

Of course, ebay comes to mind.

But this is not what we are after. We are after enabling offline trading for the benefit of all players who want to trade easier.

So is traderie, multiple discord channels, d2io, ebay etc

Promoting jsp means you got FG, that is how I take it.

Why do we care what jsp does (or does not)? We want an official, offline AH like in WoW.

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Traderie is pretty dead xD Have fun trading there.

I think it’s a lot of work for something that won’t end up achieving what you want it to achieve, and will cause more headaches more than it solves problems.

It won’t do that. There will still be people to use jsp because they purely don’t want to farm endgame items and just want to buy it. Do you think that player that was grushed to 75-80 will bother to run 8k times area85 to get something meaningful?

I guess you don’t want to admit that in my scenario jsp is rmt :slight_smile:

How in the hell you come up with the idea that I’m promoting jsp xD I want it dead, as every other site who is allowing people to use real money to buy items in game.

the RMT in your scenario is trading your REAL MONEY vs FG. The trade item vs fg is no longer RMT.
Your mindset in this scenario is: I want to RMT. That’s why you should go to an item shop to RMT because it is faster and cheaper.

P.S.: PTR was a lot more important than this topic here. Missed your response.

Thank you for your answer. Right now I know what I wanted. Assigning your logic to other blizz game, it seems like in Diablo Immortal you can’t buy power for money, since for money you buy ingame currency which is rmt, but spending that in game currency on gems/keys or whatever is not rmt anymore (:

i usually like trading in games

But good god ! This kind of silly topic makes me really think that it’s a good thing trading the rarest items won’t be possible on diablo 4 and that it have to be found by ourself like a true game should.
what the point of buying with money the stuff from others players …in a farming game…

i so wish D2R had a “Self found loot server”

They do it is called offline mode. Have fun.

There is no prices on JSP.
You can choose to donate to Paul.
Paul can choose to donate you forum coins.

Forum gold has no “RM” portion of it, so it cannot be associated with RMT. You’re welcome.

RMT means real money.
How did most people got their “forum coins” ?
That’s right , real money.

It’s simply real money being passed around, true some might get “forum coins” by simply trading, but in the end ALL the “forum coins” were given to their first users by them using real money.

so…yeah still RMT in most people mind , any way you twist it , “forum coins” or “FG” were birthed in exchange of money.
The money is simply named “FG” after being used, that’s all.