D2R Needs FG Trading

We will never get both. RMT will always exist. JSP will always exist. I do not even remotely think that this Blizz equivalent will get 100% of the other trade sites users… But if it gets a big % and unifies that trade game within the D2R, then I call that a win.

FG on JSP is not the same thing we are suggesting here, so this whole tirade about FG having RMT value, ect, is irrelevant other than to your feelings, which dont matter, you need to accept reality or accept that we have accepted it.

I’m not alone in this thinking. There is also a large group of people that love jsp since it’s very convinient to use. And I agree in the convinient part. Just don’t like incorporating RMT parts into it.

Yes, RMT is also against the rules of D2R, but it’s hard to catch rmt players when they use external sites, usernames thata are not the same as in game and obfuscating transactions using some „virtual currnecies”.

Why are you arguing with us when we are all on the same page, based on this single statement…
Do you think their are not members of this thread, that use JSP for the same reason you do? That want all of the efficient parts of it, including the FG currency mechanic, WITHOUT THE RMT.

This is 100% the whole point of this thread.

Me too. I never said that Blizz can remove rmt from game completly.

Maybe. But It would be nice to not go the road where it seems to be going. I can dream of the world where you buy a game, play the game, and the only way that someone can be better at it is when they use more creativity and/or time.
Video games for me are escape from reality, not extending wealth status from real life into this virtual world.

But yeah, that’s me and my nostalgia :slight_smile:

I’m arguing the statement that „using jsp is not direct or indirect support of RMT” :slight_smile:

Yeah but based on that logic, just playing D2R is direct or indirect support of RMT…

No, playing Diablo Immortal is direct or indirect support of RMT.

You can’t use money anywhere inside d2r to gain advantage.

Only that you confuse RMT with a trading platform.

There are plenty of those games. They just don’t have loot and gear progression.

You can buy more than 1 game license.

I’m just ommiting obfuscating currency. If there would not be any possibility to „donate” money and then „good guy jsp” would give me some more FG (using your own words), than yes it would be pure „trading post” and I would have no grounds to use RMT term in the context of jsp

Is multiboxing allowed in d2r? I was under impression that you can’t multibox here, but didn’t check that

There will always be an option to throw dollars somewhere and get an advantage. But you don’t have to with jsp and removing jsp wouldn’t change it. It would just hurt players that want to trade efficiently.

You can start the game multiple times, but you are not allowed to send 1 command to multiple games simultaneously. You have to control each manually.

Yes, but that does not mean that everyone should accept it, be happy about that and Blizz should allow them to continue doing that freely

And also give a big blow to botting and rmt players. If blizz would give some in game alternative, then it would limit some damage. On the other hand, there is open question if Blizz should give a lot of thoughts to players that are using „gray” solutions

So usually it’s used to bump players count to get px drops? Unless there is any other advantage that I’m not seeing.
It’s interesting, one one hand you get advantage because you have higher chance for drops and noone takes it. On the other hand you are still not sure if you will drop anything also monsters are tougher :thinking:

Self-Rushing other characters as well…

Muling, but with the shared stash that is less needed except in transferring items between accounts.

Honestly, why don’t just make in-game real money auction house ?
Forum gold is nothing else than masked real money anyway. Or where do you think most of the circulating FG got from ? It does not matter if you buy an item straight for cash from some website, or buy forum gold on JSP and then use it to buy the item. You can argue that you can earn the FG by selling items, but the person who buys your item and gives you FG had to get the FG from somewhere first, either for real money, or by trading with someone else, who also had to get the FG from somewhere… and if you track it to the beginning, you will realize ‘wait, it’s all real money ?’ … always has been.

^So making RMAH similar to the one that was in D3 in the begining is the easiest way to eliminate the need to use external sites. Why use some artifical currency ? Real money is the best for this purpose, as it has value for everyone, thus it will be always in demand, which may not be true for some freshly annouced artifical currency. FG is in demand because it became widely accepted and this process could take a long time. Some freshly created artifical currency from Blizz may not succeed like this, if it had no other purpose/use than a commodity for D2:R.

Also RMAH could bring Blizzard money that can be used to improve their games, instead of this money going to JSP and other site owners, who will use it on crack and hookers.
Blizzard would maybe use at least a small part of it to actually improve D2:R.

No thanks to a RMAH, or a FG version of it. D2/LOD/R have been the way they are since launch, I do not see it changing now, and imho it should not change. So more of the same is better than those options, to me at least.

I do think the Ladder resets should be SSF, for the first month or two. That would shake things up on the ladder runners.

D3 tried the RMAH and it failed miserably.

Fixed it! :smiley: Now bring the flame (:

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Nope. They make their money with their online shops. They don’t care about jsp.

Self rushing, self bo and killing with 1 char and horking with the other is common

If they wouldn’t care, then they wouldn’t buy FG :wink:

Why would botter care to buy fg?

Please stop talking about stuff you know nothing about.

I would love to have SSF mode (or not solo, but with non tradeable items).
But I don’t believe that’s happening for D2:R. We can hope we get that in D4 maybe.

I have learned a long time ago that once you have free trading in a game, every effort in the game translates straight into real money. And after some time, the amount of money compared to the time you spend in the game will be very small. Now you can get Ber rune for around 4 dollars, or spend around a month of farming (and still may not get it if unlucky).

As a result, in D2:R, it is almost meaningless to farm something on non ladder to compete with others. Most wealthy players actually get their wealth by selling items early-ladder for ridiculous amounts of forum gold (rich people who can afford throwing a lot of real money will gladly buy the items to get advantage in ladder, killing the last bits of fair competition) and then use the form gold on non-ladder items to bypass months/years of farming.
So non-ladder players, or players that don’t use JSP (or direct RMT sites) cannot compete.

This is all completely messed up and bringing RMAH could only make it better, more fair for everyone as you would not be forced to use external sites to be able to compete.