D2R Needs FG Trading

Don’t mess with the game, we don’t want in-game trading. Just hurry up and reset the ladder please.

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LOL there already is in game trading… Why dont you want a better and more efficient version of it?
If it doesnt apply for you, thats ok, play how you want, but dont saw WE when you mean you dont want trading.
Alot of us do.

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so you answered it yourself. It does not have value for anybody else. You can’t buy stuff with it on a regular base beside donating it for services on that platform.

You will always find somebody that will pay real money for things that have no worth for anybody else. Sure you will find somebody that will buy monopoly money from you second hand, because he lost some of it for his own game, but it doesn’t change monopoly money to real money.

We didn’t even get started on the technical terms, that jsp is talking about FG as currency for their own game Ladder slasher, nor are we talking about “donating”. But you already lost your real currency argument.

Are you saying that jsp coin have no value for anyone? So why are people buying it, or selling items for it? :wink:

I don’t know how I lost the argument, as you cannot deny that people are buying ber’s using obfuscated currency that is bought by „real money”. Same principle as in Lost Ark or DI, and I don’t think anyone will deny that this is RMT or „RMT with extra steps”.

If you want to talk about that „technicalities” then I’m out. We both know that people are buying items for real dollars using this middle man and „middle currency”.

Yes, there will always be people that will do this, but I won’t call it something that it’s not. Somoene paid couple dollars to get item in game.

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Please go to your nearest bakery and buy your bread with FG.

No, people go and buy ber runes on all those RMT sites that sell you a Ber for 8$ and less. People are trading on JSP items/services vs FG.

Why? I can go to the nearest post on jsp and buy some bers for the 20$ I spend on the site :slight_smile:

So they are trading items/services for FG that they bought for some $

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This whole stupid argument is exactly why when blizz has no power in shutting down d2jsp. So fight on nerds, blizz will never do anything. They are too busy working on d4, ow2 and raking in the moolah from immortal.

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You don’t need to buy FG to trade.

Nope, you can donate to jsp 20$ to get some FG. Then you can trade for 1 or maybe 2 ber with your FG.

So takeing your analogy :slight_smile:
I have 5$, bakary and bread.
I assume that if I spend 5$ on bread in this bakery, it’s RMT? I guess yes.

If I spend 5$ to buy 10 „bakery tokens” and then buy bread for 5 bakery tokens, is this RMT?

But you can’t be sure if any FG you have, was not bought by someone using us dollars?

For me it sound like transaction. I give them 20$ and in return get some FG.

So you can’t trade at all. Because you can’t be sure that any item you trade was not found with “illegal” tools or traded before with people that broke the ToS. Even worse, you can’t join or create a public game ever, because you don’t know who might join and use something ToS breaking or items traded from somebody who found them with ToS breaking tools.

The site is not bound to give you FG. But Paul is a nice guy who will give you FG if you donate.

Can you go to your bakery and sell your bread for those “bakery tokens”?

Yes, that’s why I’m ssf here :slight_smile:

Sounds like some legal wording to avoid getting in trouble :slight_smile:

I can sell my bakery tokens and receive dollars, or whatever currency is in the country I’m selling it in.

So why are you even talking about jsp?

It sure is.

That’s not how JSP works. It would be a ban-able offense for the seller and buyer.

Thats fine, but please stop commenting on a topic about trading if it has nothing to do with you and has no effect on your play.4

Because I would like to trade with people to get stuff earlier, but the only effective way is using jsp. Doing that would make me support indirectly RMT, which I don’t like, so I’m avoiding it

Finally we agree on something

Tell that to all the people that are selling FG on ebay. I’m sure everyone who ever sold FG for dollars got banned

It is affecting the way I’m playing the game. I don’t want to SSF, but I can’t efficiently trade without using jsp :slight_smile:

Which is why I and others are suggesting the non RMT Blizzard equivalent? So that you can actually trade more efficiently all in one place.
You just admitted to being SSF but also want to trade, you cannot be both.

I’m sure everyone that ever committed a crime got jailed…

It is against the rules of JSP and if you get caught, seller and buyer get banned. I’m pretty sure you won’t find any JSP usernames directly on those ebay posts. So I guess it’s hard to track who sells FG on those sites.

It’s much easier for blizzard to go against real RMT sites, that make money with their IP and assets than to do something against JSP that is a platform for multiple games and services and trading.

That’s a YOU problem.

Strongly disagree, this game needs improvement on the in game trading.

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You uderstood it incorrectly. I want to trade items to progress faster. But the only way to do this efficently is to use jsp, which in my eyes is directly or indirectly RMT. So I was left with only one path of playing.

If I had option to trade efficiently in game, while also have some assurance that items have very limited chance to be „rmt” (you can’t eliminate it 100%), then I would not SSF