D2R Needs FG Trading

Remove the auction idea and just make it set prices generated by AI. With the complexity of affixes, Blizz would program the AI to take that into account. The lowest rolling Spirit sword is one price and a perfect rolling Spirit sword is another higher price. Then sword type and it’s quality is taken into account. Mean while buying and selling such things as gems and runes are always a flat price based on their rarity.

Your post is exactly why they need a neutral, non game item, currency and keep it friggin simple… Auction option, but the whole restrictions you posted, just wouldnt be constructive.

AI? I dont know how that would really work. The community would set the market prices themselves, as its worked this way for 20+ years.

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I don’t know if letting the community set the prices for this game is necessary a good idea with the system we are talking about. But that’s me, as trading is a tiny aspect of the game for me, but it’s not to say I wouldn’t use this system we’re talking about.

I own a few businesses and we make our own products. Our prices are set and we don’t haggle or barter or auction. I think it’s most efficient this way. I get it though that a lot of people enjoy the hustle culture in d2 trading.

Maybe item for item is free market were item for in game gold anonymously at an npc is a good trade off on styles of trade included into the game.

this entire thread is a mess,
first off you said " polls you made"
ok… show the results

2nd… jsp is fine… blizzard is not going to go out of their way to make a duplicate version of jsp and spent all the time money and effort when jsp works just fine.

could they do what POD does? sure… but why do all that work when they have someone else doing it for them for free? it makes no economic sense as a business to do that. blizzard has proven to be more than happy to just sit back and let other people run trading site… which frankly are much safer responsive and useful that anything blizzard has ever added to their games.

there is no reason for them to touch what isnt broken.

POD and even POE do it decently and a system like that would be fine… but those are run by the devs… they take money people and time. blizzard would just be throwing money away changing this. would most of the player base perfer this kind of system?? idk… its fine the way it is… i wolnt be “mad” about it IF it was implemented well, but frankly… blizzard isnt exactly very good at implementing things… unless somthing is absolutely needed with no good workaround, i would rather blizzard not touch it.

like i would be 100% for blizzard adding an item filter or more inventory space charms wont work in… there are no real effective workarounds for those.

but jsp works just fine… there no “need” to change anything

i dont think there is a better way to set the price of things than organic by the market it self

a cred system is “simpler” bc its what we are used to irl
but as i said, one of the objectives of my suggestion is to fight rma and a cred system embraces rma

What about earned over time? You earn this special currency as you play. This would reward especially those that seem to farm a lot but have terrible RNG for a particular season. This would prevent people from turning account buying into a means of RMA. They couldn’t simply buy another account and stack the currency on one character on one account because they have to be actually playing to earn. This would also mean a 10minute logout if not active. Bots would still reap the rewards, but since there is no real money equivalent selling stuff for real money would be fruitless.

Have to find a way to make the currency easy to trade but not be given away from a RMT site. I think an AH would work best. Currency is account bound unless item purchased through some sort of AH. That solves a lot of the ways to exploit the system. You could still have people buy a health potion for 10000 BG, arranged on a money shop before hand, but that is pretty easily stoppable if Blizz takes an interest in the transactions. Cheating the system would stick out like a sore thumb.

The number one utility would be an AH just like in WoW - it is offline, which allows you to post an item for sale and forget about it, no need to be online to trade with someone in a different time zone or when not available. This would beat the current face to face trading system (regardless how the arrangement was made, eg traderie or jsp or ebay or whatever).

I think Gheed ought to open up an AH shop with very large wagons brimming with jewels, swords and armour. From there you would be able to drag items for sale from your inventory into the AH (just like in WoW). As there is no mail system in D2, your sold/unsold items would live on a similar AH tab, which you’d have to visit to retrieve items.

The only issue remaining is that of currency, runes, gems, something else? I think runes would not be a bad idea.

Example: want to sell a 15% ED Archon Plate, OK, so I visit Gheed, open the AH page,
drag the Archon plate on the tab and set the price in runes, say, 2 x Ist.

If someone buys it, next time you open Gheed’s AH page there would be 2 x Ists ready to move into your inventory. If the auction expires I can simply retrieve my Archon Plate from Gheed.

There would also be an AH fee, undoubtedly. Say a few low runes or gems, proportional to asking price maybe, to stop spammers.

Of course you could also open the AH page from anywhere, but it would spoil the immersion. I think Gheed surrounded by 10 wagons filled to the hilt with treasure would be a great implementation.

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Couldnt agree more. Having options is not a bad thing. Letting a trade percolate overnight to garner some offers from different timezones, or having a BIN trade to get some resources quickly.

The reason I do not like runes being currency, is because they are items within the game. If I find a Ber rune early into a ladder season, and I want to cash in, am I going to trade it for 3 ist runes, 2 mal runes, 50 Ral runes… You see what Im saying?
I would rather not be restricted to what players have at the start of a season, vs having a bank of FG ready to go that I can earn from if I am blessed with a GG item early on, when prices are high.

I love the idea of it being Gheed, tied to his wagon perhaps in A1.

Actually… not delusional at all.

I always feel a little guilty trading with people online when I suspect them of botting or RMTing…
Especially when they low-ball sell things to me and I think (I would never accept so low of a rune for that item…)

As to ALL of TanisGunthar’s ideas of locking down in-game trade: yes please. I can always dream of such awesomeness (in-game trade would be lovely) :grinning:. Looking at forum posts or meeting people in person are just the inconveniences of the current system… not something to enjoy or miss when it is gone! And blocking out RMT sounds nice. I’m not sure how you could prevent botting, though… I suspect a lot of people would still be doing that :frowning_face:. Another fight for another day, I guess.

But why do we need another trade system if we have jsp…

Looking at his idea, i fail to see how that would change anything beyond creating more parallel economy

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He suggested things like “trade only working through the in-place market.”

As in: you could not drop items to transfer things (awkward to implement, I think), or open trade windows in town… The only way to RMT sell things would be to sell an entire account, or use the in-game market thingy (both could more easily be traced than currently, etc.)

no one will do this, they already made their currency or bought it on the other forum (jsp) so there is no point in wasting development time on it

Becouse jsp is RMT and some people (including me) want to remove, or at least limit RMT in this amazing game?


Attempting to make blizzard gold wouldn’t change much unless that gold had other value. JSP FG would still be used in priority.

Also their forum is just easier to trade on hands down. It isn’t just about the currency. PM+Posts+Search+FG = winning at trading. So, just use JSP.

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JSP is not RMT, because there is no real money value of forum gold. You’re welcome.

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means you cant give an item to help a friend. Means you have to be super carefull about who pick what item even before you id them. Mean you kill all the trade and negociation aspect that make the charm of the game for a huge part of the base.

A stupid solution rly

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It have real money value, otherwise you won’t be able to buy it for dollars :wink:
There is even price table on the site

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You can buy monopoly money too, for real dollars. Does it have real money value?

Yes, it have value for whatever amount you boutght it. Will it have the same value for someone else? Probably not.

The fact is, that someone bought jsp coins for real money and used it for buying items in the d2r game → RMT. It’s the same principle as in, for example, Diablo Immortal.