D2R Needs FG Trading

A lot less people would play ladder if it was liek that. Heck almost everyone would stay in no lad.
I guess maybe they could disable trade during first week ? dno

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sounds good to me. i don’t wanna play ladder either. but if blizz do add some cool new things to ladder. then i’m sure plenty of people would join ladder to get them first.

With the “big” announcement, lets hope it is a D2R Trading Platform with a currency not modeled after Auction House!

We can dream, right? :smiley:

With that logic, everybody trading is participating in RMT

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Those who use fg but have never purchased it are an accessory to rmt. Without jsp’s rmt, fg would get gobbled up by the botters (Njag’s friends) in a few short years and the site would die out.

If you have ever traded for an item on bnet where you dont know the providence, you are an accessory to RMT as well.
This is how stupid you sound with the whole guilty by 6 degrees of separation crap.

Not all FG was purchased, early on it was gifted by Njag to get things rolling. So you cant prove without a doubt, that the FG an item was promised on, was ever actually exchanged for money.

Fixed it for you. JSP offers a lot more community and events than the official forums here or any other platform d2 related

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I understand your attachment to fg, you are part of the majority of the player base. I’m also well aware of both your arguments. I stopped in game trading on ladder about 5-6 years ago and only play with gear I know was dropped in my game. Not so much because it might have been a item bought and sold on jsp, but it might have been a item obtained by botting or someone usinh mh.

As for your second argument, I’ve seen others use it as a justification to defend fg, but the truth is that on the grand scale of jsp fg sales and the number of players who have and still purchase it on the regular, that early fg is long gone lost sitting on inactive and botter accounts. If you put your emotion attachment to fg aside for a minute and look at what I said objectively, you’ll find that my statement isn’t a stupid as you think it is.

That said, switching over to ssf on ladder I personally personally no longer care about the problems jsp creates in this game. My game and my principles are no longer impacted by fg trading and botting. I originally commented to post my opinion on jsp’s rmt.

You didn’t fix it, you provided a solid counter argument. It doesn’t make me wrong though. If there was no forum gold the site would either become an item for item site or die and those who love the game for the game and not fg, would still play the game and be a part of item for item trading communities that also have events. Yes the player base would get smaller, but the game wouldn’t die.

you’re right, diablo does need FG trading, and it already has it… you people sure waste a lot of time discussing things that WILL NEVER HAPPEN.

give you heads a shake… discuss things that actually have potential… this is actually mind boggling.

My only attachment to it is the effectiveness of it. I am advocating for the FG system, MINUS, RMT. No Money. Earn FG and use it to trade vs the current, very ineffective and enjoyable, Item barter that is the only real, 100% legit, alternative.

“runes are currency” no they arent, they are an item within the game, and you are at the mercy of the player if they want the runes you happen to have, or not.

With a FG currency, you ALWAYS have an item the other person will want.

That would be perfect if the gold was in game gold that you had to grind for and prices for both gold use and item for item were set by in game AI.

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Yeah 100% agree, of all the ideas that have been floated around on how to give out or earn the gold, thats probably the best. In game objectives to earn to get things started, but are not farmable.

Does it? Link me to the official Blizzard FG… Oh wait, you are just here to troll an talk smack on every thread no matter what its about.

because everything i read i’m facepalming hard going “how are these numb skulls stil discussing things like this” i really should just delete the bookmark for this forum, nothing good comes from coming here…

Discussing proactive and beneficial things to the game we play? WOW the nerve of us lol… Youre pathetic, go back to your Saturday cartoons.

Not knocking BadHabits, but he has been a staunch fg advocate on the D2 Blizz forums for almost a decade. I doubt you’ll reach him to discuss new ways of trading. I assume he has a lot invested in jsp - fg, time and or money.

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He has a point. Blizzard won’t invest the resources to implement this idea into D2R.

But it doesn’t hurt to discuss it

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We all know this is likely the answer, but if you never ask, the answer will always be no.

I use to be in staunch opposition to his opinions, now, I don’t care. I also think you’re correct about Blizzard and that they won’t invest the resources into d2r. I would think that the last thing they want is for d2r to be a better game than D4.

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i already said it
its very possible to create a trade system where there will be no rmt envolved

  • you post an item for auction and anyone can bid as much as they have in runes
  • you are bound to accept only the highest bid
  • there is no buyout option
  • you cant cancel your auction
  • you are limited to listing 10 items for auction
  • traded items goes to an mail system and stay there for a week before being deleted
  • auction ads last multiples of 24h (24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144, 168 max)
  • bids can only be given in runes
  • items can only be exchanged via auction
  • there will be an auction stash tab, only items in this tab can be auctioned
  • multiple items can be traded in multiples of 10 with a maximum of 40, except keys, organs and essences, these can be auctioned one by one

there is only one thing this system cant prevent, account selling, but no system can prevent that, not without big compromises