D2R Needs FG Trading

you realise with a fg currency independant from jsp, some people will just buy it for real money anyway? Also people with jsp will just continue to use it. All what you will accomplish is to create a parallel economy, and people will try to play with price difference between both, as they already do between jsp / in game trade / traderie

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Im good with that. A minority should never impact the majority that much. Lazy players will always exist and those will ween themselves out.

Alot probably will just based on FG bank and that they grew up with it. Thats ok too. Let them. There are thousands of players not on JSP or RMT to tap into, and unify as I said.

if blizz did add their own version of fg what would you have named it? blizzbuck, D2RCoin maybe. maybe you could use it to unlock new modifications to the game too. or new avatars, colour name etc. to use on the forum.

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I have an idea but its not all great.

How about you sell to a vendor you unique items graded by rank for some currency.
Then with enough currency over time you could buy other uniques, gems, runes. Im guessing if the game had a currecy system people might not use j2sp.

Anyhow thats my 2 cents thought.

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why dont you just leave jsp then? majority of jsp user dont do rmt you know…

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But the owners get money though…

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Actually all JSP members participate in RMT. Whether they do it directly or not.


Lol. By that logic everyone involved with any trade participate in RMT. Its delusional to say that

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TBH I rather agree with that statement. Why do you think I play with self imposed SSF? Pretty easy to avoid being part of RMT when you find your own stuff. :slight_smile:

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I dunno yet, Diablo Coin, Gheed Bucks, BlizzGold.
Sure why not. Transmog seems to be a big thing in 2022.

I dont think this would work as well as secondary quests 1 per ladder type of deal. Selling items other than uber rares, would just be exploited and may as well stick wish JSP.

That would be the goal. I understand you wont get 100% of population off JSP, RMT, even regular third party sites, but you may get a mass that would make it worth it.

Who said I had an issue with JSP? I even mentioned in a reply that most JSP users have never spent a dime.
This thread is not a JSP attack or any other RMT/Trading site attack, it is a discussion thread to gather ideas and hope to catch the Devs attention to give us an official, in game trade system.

Thats a stretch…


so whats your position ? make item locked on character and not allow any trade ? game will die in one week if you do that and ill be the first one leaving. No trade = no pvp

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i simply assumed you were anti jsp because you said “the demon jsp” but i guess it was sarcastic. My bad then

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Yeah LOL, 100% sarcasm.

No. My position is one of honesty. If you use FG you are part of the RMT issue that promotes botting and other less savory businesses. Frankly I don’t care if you do. It doesn’t effect me. I’m just annoyed when people won’t own up to it. :slight_smile:

I personally play SSF because I enjoy it, and I don’t like feeding into RMT. If I did trade it would be between people I know of a similar mindset. I don’t care what you people do, just don’t try to pretend that using FG isn’t RMT.


if they made trading non ladder only. people could find their own things on ladder. but trade them after season end.

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Its like saying you are responsible for global warming because you buy food at a market. The fact you are an hermit living solitary on his montain doesnt allow you to judge other people. So yes, using fgs isnt rmt. You dont even need fgs to do RMT


Actually bub breathing alone allows me to judge people as much as I want. Deal with it. I don’t mind crooks. I just don’t like liars.


Ok. I hope you will sleep well tonight because you are destroying the planet by using a computer right now. Being “honest” must be hard lmao

Thats interesting… But Ladder would be the prime time to dedicate effort into finding items at their peak value, and making some Coins to trade for those characters, and your legacy ones on NL.

This is how it worked and works for decades via JSP and its a fully fundamental part of alot of players end game.

I don’t care if I destroy the planet. Beats trying to mask selling one product over another under the guise of “saving the planet.”

Like I said. Honesty man.