D2R Needs FG Trading

the same way a low gear sorce wont take that much time to dispatch a p5-8 meph

i dont care about MP it self, i care about the balance betwen mp and sp
i think its cool when devs try to make any kind of player, solo or multi, not feel like missing something by not playing x or y mode

bc imo they arent legal?
the reasons i already explained, no need to repeat ourselves here

Have you farmed P8 mephisto with bad gear? It takes forever. Also even if you finish quickly, you’d be looking for a new P8 game which will cost you time OR you’d have to wait till the baal run was over for the next game. Either way you’re not doing 1 minute P8 meph runs period.

The modes are simply different, but I’m cool with both modes having their own perks. SP gets P8 command, static maps, faster loads. MP gets trading, team work, PvP.

You’re right there is no reason to repeat the concluded perfectly legal actions of JSP.

the fight is just one part of farming meph

listen, all we have to do is some math
so just show your math and i will be happy to analyse it the same way you did with mine

I agree even in P1 I think finding meph and securing the kill with weak gear in 1:30 is probably your best/fastest time with a lucky spawn for lvl3. I don’t think 1:30 is average. P8 killing meph alone with bad gear can take longer than that.

You cannot “do the math” on keeping pace on P8 baal runs or finding a brand new P8 game to farm meph in which if you don’t hit durance lvl 3 by the time people have left the game you’re not getting a P8 spawn of meph.

Now with really good gear I could definintly see killing meph in 1 minute with a good durance lvl 3 spawn.

I concur, an improved trading system would help. I suggest checking out how Path of Diablo has a website connected to the character inventory to allow for trade offers while out of game.

of course you can

just do a sample of 100 runs including lobby time for cows and meph
add a margin of error of 3% and youre done
ofc it needs to be at early ladder bc there will be plenty of baal runs early on

all you need is p5, 4 more players
even “walk act 4 or 5” with 4 players are enough

That’s why it’s best that the Devs consider making their own in game fg. Call whatever you wish, an auction house, an official trading platform etc. An improved game trading system that allows for an exchangeable medium to trade is needed.

Ohhhh I get what you’re saying sort of. I just meant that you cannot tell how long it takes for you to find a brand new baal run to join if you’re leaving your current one early. That is random. You of course could average out 100runs though for sure.

I just think that the runs are a lot more equal than you think. Though HONESTLY I found way more HR @ mephisto this ladder than I did shakos. So weird I know, but mephisto gave me the luck in the P8 games. I was doing LK and meph in a single baal run and LK was a bust for me. Meph on the other hand had the goodies.

As a possible solution, to begin with, Blizzard could issue an initial exchange rate of x number of Blizzardcoin per high rune converted. Consult with high rune conversion rate. e.g. Sur being 1hr, Ber being 3hr, hypothetically on an exchange market, 100 Blizzardcoin per high rune would enable people to trade in low runes. As time would go on, whether daily, hourly, per season, the exchange rates could be updated to reflect demand and supply.

I strongly agree. I’m going to keep posting about this issue until the devs read it.

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i cant even get close to LK without feeling sick
i have like…20k runs over all those years playing d2 offline… im really done with LK

You have no idea. I ran it OVER AND OVER and about 2 weeks later I got one sur rune.
Meanwhile meph gave me 10HR in the same time period. Just crazy bad LK luck.

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killing council?
yeah, those guys are for real

i have about 1500 trav runs and im already sitting on:

  • 1 Jah
  • 2 Sur
  • 1 Lo
  • 1 Ohm
  • 1 Vex
  • 2 Gul
  • 1 Ist
  • some charms, facets worth ohm+ each and a soj

Bro it wasn’t even the council. Actual meph.
Btw i was attempting to sort of mimic offline running LK at the same time because it does have the best chance for HR. So my runs were priority LK, then after that I would run quest bugged mephisto. Probably 1000’s of runs. LK really didn’t give me good odds, but meph was a goldmine even though running meph was slow AF early ladder.

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I have posted many ideas about a trading currency. Most of them were pretty viable. The ideas are fairly simple, but I don’t know how simple they would be to code, and to make work properly. I don’t really know anything about coding.

The best system would involve a marketplace or, like the stock market, a market maker. You offer your item for trade, or bid for an item you want. You select what you want for it, or are willing to pay. This could be for another item, or an in game currency if they could come up with one (that is admitadly more difficult to balance). If there is a match between bid and ask, the trade happens. This should happen on the side, automatically. You could be offline, playing, afk, whatever. You would place your items into another tab on the stash and those would be available to the marketplace, and if a match happens, the item goes, and you get paid. The vendors could also have a marketplace tab where you could browse items which other players have put up in their trade tab.

On the whole, if the system was smooth, fast and easy, people would use it instead of jsp. However, since the currency would reset each ladder, there would still be a lot of jsp use.
I was trying to figure out a way that this could be adjusted to eliminate bots, RMT, or using jsp. The only way I could think of was to eliminate the trade window so that everything had to be traded through the marketplace. The way around that is that people would drop items on the ground. The only way to stop THAT would be to make it so items cant be dropped. They have to be sold to vendors, or eliminated. Basically once an item is picked up, it’s yours until it’s destroyed or traded in the marketplace for currency, or another item. But I don’t like that idea because it hurts the team playing aspect of the game. Perhaps only low value items can get dropped? Maybe someone can think of a better solution.

The first part however, is still a good idea and would probably stop a lot of jsp use. The only way to stop it all is to destroy the entire purpose of the game by having some form of personal loot, which I don’t see as a good idea, or welcomed by the community.

I mean, the game already has FG trading.

I post EL rune, You offer shako. I accept. Meanwhile you just sent me fg on JSP.

I post X item, I desire shako, you have eth shako. Game auto accepts now I’m stuck with eth shako.

I post 5 ber runes, I want a 100% charged bolt ormus. Are we programming every mod possible in game?

The game needed a currency and a way to trade. JSP filled that. Everyone should simply just use JSP. It would be cool if AH’s ever seemed to work, but D2 can’t make a turnaround. Mainly because there isn’t a currency in game, but also because most games really mess up their market. D3 was a massive failure and new world too. I haven’t heard about any WoW scandal with their market, so maybe some markets get it right. Not only that, but market manipulation specifically in D2 would be crazy.

Firstly, I see what you are saying about posting an item for trade with a weirdly specific ask. Of course that could happen and JSP is still used. But at the same time, if there is someone, somewhere that happens to already have a weird offer for that item, they could end up with a Shako for an El rune, or whatever else and your trade just went down the crapper. With the above being said, that is where the currency idea would work better. If items are traded for currency, then you could never end up with something for super cheap. It will always end up being for the market value. If a high item comes in with a low ask, then the person with the highest bid ends up with it.

To answer your second question, yes, I would have proposed that we program all items, and mods. I don’t think it would be that hard. Or at least not very hard to do all the uniques, sets, runes and runewords. There could be drop down menus for each item. If you want something with specific values, you would select them. ie: Vmagi 250+ def, 30+ res 15 MDR. Or you could leave it blank and accept anything.

I didn’t say the idea was perfect, I said it was viable, and would need some adjustment and real thought put into it. With that said, it will likely never happen. If PD2 can improve the graphics I’d probably switch. I don’t think this game will last very long unless they do something to improve trading, and some type of marketplace and currency seems like the best way to go.

also just becuase i want to

it does have fg it… its called jsp.

funny how you know the currency of jsp and even talk about jsp in your post and somehow still think its something that “isn’t already here”.

what is this thread even about?? its talking about how helpful habing a fg system is and why jsp is so useful.

it allows anybody to trade for anything using a trade currency medium.
you just said it works great… whats the freaking issue here?

oh you want an in-game system? easy… simply open your browers and you can play the game while u browse jsp… you dont need to make a trade game… wait for people to join… you dont need to leave your game… youc an do your baal runs… you can farm meph andy and trav… and when somsone pokes you… you send them your game name and u make a trade

But if you use FG, theres no point in a reset. FG from one season can be used in the next…ruins it completely.

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