D2R Needs FG Trading

yeah… you can… but that doesn’t change the fact its a reset.

what? do u people think you can sell off all your gear and then buy a fully made character at ladder start?

supply and demand exists

the price you get for the stuff you sell at the end of ladder is going to net you what that stuff is worth “at the end of ladder”

which is going to be 20-100x less than it is at the start of ladder

you want a random shako now? its going to be 5 fg or free

you want it at the start of ladder? its going to be well over 1000 fg
you are making a big deal out of absolutely nothing.

you want to sell that enigma for 600 fg?
sure go ahead… that enigma is going to cost you well over 30,000 at ladder start

the fact FG doesn’t reset means nothing. items don’t transfer over

and even the best case sneario… you spend 15 years earning 150k FG

you plan on blowing all that to gear up 1 character for 1 ladder start?
get real…

this isn’t an issue.

I don’t think you understand how expensive stuff is at reset. Even people with millions of fg don’t buy enigmas early because the prices are crazy and they drop in value so quickly. Sure you can use your bank to progress a bit quicker, but it isn’t how you think. RMT sites are also cheaper at that point if you were comparing cash value on fg even on the low end.

It does not seem like some people understand the factor that Blizzard is not making profit off of the FG sales and that is why some players in the community have been against its use for years also cause the FG values are related to the actual cash amount that would be needed to purchace a specific amount of FG

An in-game marketplace would be a good way to keep the trading within the game and allow the game devs to make a profit from the sale of the currency that comes with it. This system also allows players to earn the currency by using the marketplace platform in the game as well as purchase it to support the games development and not fill the pockets of the owner of a third-party website that is not supported by Bilzzard and in no way supports the further development of Blizzard’s games

While you make a decent argument Swift, you are neglecting two very critical elements of this mechanic. Many people at the end of a season have more than 1 Enigma, more than 1 Shako, more than 1 Ber sitting around. They don’t need and/or don’t want those items in non-ladder. Therefore they are incentivized to liquidate them for FG to carry them over into the start of the next ladder. The incentive isn’t about a 1-for-1 trade of value (i.e. Enigma for Enigma or Shako for Shako), the incentive is about getting rid of items you don’t want or need at the end of a ladder to have liquid currency on hand to trade for an item you will need in 2-3 weeks. This is a classic currency trade, short items, long FG, until Oct 6th, then short FG, long items.

Secondly, the other element your argument neglects to address is the simple fact that the behavior and mechanic is an exploit, regardless of the amount of value carried over from one ladder to the other. The amount of value that any player is supposed to have at the start of a ladder is entirely 0. Players with FG that can be traded for items have greater than 0 by a means done outside of the game mechanics. Full stop. That is the classical definition of an exploit. Those who do it gain an advantage over those who don’t. What’s worse is that because D2JSP supports games other than D2 and D2R, users of the platform can sell items from those games for FG and then use that FG to buy D2/D2R items to be used in a brand new ladder. What’s even worse is that FG can be bought with real money, making it an avenue for RMT, all of which can be used at the start of a new ladder, again gaining an advantage over those who don’t use FG and outside of the game mechanics.

Just because D2JSP has operated for 20+ years and Blizzard hasn’t done anything about it, doesn’t mean that it is right, that it isn’t a problem, nor does it mean that it isn’t an exploit. Just because a large number of people, even if it might be the majority of the player base participates in it, doesn’t mean it’s good for the game.

you could argue that point IF blizzard didn’t FORCE ladder upon players who didn’t want to with “ladder only” bs.

if they only people playing ladder are the people who WANTED to compete. then yeah having an even playing field would matter.

but that is simplely not the case

we play ladder because we have no choice. we’re forced to because blizzard for some explicable unknown reasons thinks we should have gated content if we don’t play “their ladder”.

if the ladder meant something? sure.
but it doesn’t mean anything

blizzard is forcing people to play ladder and start over when WE DON’T WANT TO.
why should those people also have to start from nothing?

all we want is to enjoy new patch content, were already forced to lose a ton of value. if we decide to try new content.

and sure making a new character is fun but i dot wan to do it “every season” just so i can enjoy new content"

Lol, you know I love you GenZ, entitled, morons, just because they offer you a choice you dont like, does not mean its forced. You have the choice to play ladder and enjoy the same incentives as anyone else, you choose not too and have a tantrum about it… pathetic.

im going to let you check my post history and figure out for yourself why that’s funny.

Oh I have seen enough of your posts to be pretty bang on with that assessment… You have been typing in rant and whine since these charms were launched, dude just shut up and realize how ridiculous you are being.
You can hate them, you can not like the choice to put them in, but blabbing about them removing your choice and all that other nonsense, just shut up.

gets out popcorn

The Pink coat suits you

are you seriously still trying to provoke a reaction?
your post has OVER 250 REPLIES and FOUR upvotes

Wrong. The definition of a term is irrelevant to the presence of choice. Exploit has a definition, and the behavior and mechanic of FG carrying over to a new ladder fits it, and that has nothing to do with your argument about the presence of choice of participating in ladder, even if I accepted your argument, which I do not.

There are a vast number of D2 and D2R players who are non-ladder only. There is nothing in the D2 or D2R rules or mechanics that force everyone who plays to participate in ladder. Participating in ladder is, by definition, a choice. On the character creation screen, you have to actively select (that means choose) to create a character as a ladder character. That means that the only way to participate in ladder is by choice. There is no active penalty levied or applied against those accounts which do not create a ladder character. Therefore, participating in ladder is incentivized by offering ladder-only features. Offering incentives to those willing to participate is not forcing anything on anyone and it is not a penalty to those who don’t participate. If you don’t want to play ladder, you have 100% freedom to do so.

Force is something much different. When you say that you are “forced” to do something, that has an actual meaning. Force is a term that means “coercion or compulsion, especially with the use or threat of violence”. So tell me, where exactly is the use or threat of violence on behalf of the software company towards you that is making you play ladder?

You are not being compelled by anything other than your own desires to participate in ladder. If you really don’t want to do it, then don’t. You can wait for 6 months to get your hands on the new content. If you must have the new content as soon as possible, that incentive is reserved for those who freely choose to participate in ladder.

No virtual currency spoils the game. We don’t need any other currency asides of the pixels people self find within the game. It’s not hard to find items. Just keep grinding 100’s and 100’s of runs. You will find an hr here and there. If you are very lucky, you may even find a gg rare circlet or whatever else is within the like.

Item trading works perfectly fine. The game just need more people to mf like crazy to keep the economy going. We have many options. You can do solo mf runs repetitively. Or engage in group mf games with your friends and grind, clear, and hunt like crazy. It will come.

and u don’t think purposely gating back content is a form of coercion.

you dont think the creep trying to lure kids into thier cars with puppies and kittens is coercion?

they don’t need to hold back content.
they don’t need to make ANYTHING “ladder only” or “multiplayer only”.

the “incentive” is to start over from nothing, to be able to play form nothing.
and in some extremely rare circumstances… there are morons who think the leader-boards" mean more than “who doesn’t have a job”.

im not asking for “more” im asking to be treated the exact same way ladder players are.

but at this point, its a moot point.

i wont be playing in season 2 if these “sundering charms” go live.
which is sad because i was quite looking forward to terror zones… and i have always wanted immunites to be removed.

but not when they are going to totally to remove them in a to destroy balance in an idea worse than even sekskaliber can come up with.

That is incentivizing people to participate in a part of the services they offer. This is widely done across multiple industries in a variety of forums. Some industries charge money for it, for example fan clubs with exclusive merchandise, or airlines with members only lounges at airports. Ladder-only content is free, all you have to do is make a ladder character and play in the ladder. All of this is perfectly legal and not considered coercion. Unlike…

This, on the other hand, is illegal. This, as a matter of fact, violates several laws! Being considered coercive is one of them.

The key element that you are missing here lies in the definition of “coercion”. For something to be considered “coercion” it has to either actually or attempt to control another’s behavior through force, violence, threat of force, or manipulation; one way to describe this is that freedom to choose has to be removed, or the ability to understand what is being chosen has to be removed. The kidnapping/attempted kidnapping example does exactly that. The ladder example does not, nor do other examples of businesses providing exclusive content to certain members who participate in certain parts of their business and not others.

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