D2R Needs FG Trading

Lol I highly doubt that, and if you did, it was a 1 off and whoever traded anything like a ist or vex for those common runes, was an imbicil…

On a more common scale, thats not a fair trade.

i did it yesterday
22 rals for 1 ist
on peak i sold 45 for a vex
usually 40 sols for ist
hels go easilly to 20 a ist

the list goes on and one
my traderie history wont let me lie

“all rights reserved to blizzard”

including profit

blizz cant go after its users bc its just not worth
but she can go after its owners, if there is more than one

no, i didnt, and you failed to do a simple google search

and im the one who has problems turning on a PC?

Yeah late in a season…

You are not the one to base trading rune value on, you are a one off and an extreme minority who would collect that many low runes to trade at the off chance a few buyers will take them for high runes.

Early in season, never happen unless you get Hanz 2.0 who just wants to cube with them and doesnt care about value.

Majority of traders just want fast trades, build their end game gear, and keep playing, not dabble with micro trading.

its was NL, i dont play ladder

if you farm tkeys or trav, very popular runs, you can easily acumulate them to sell

who gives a damn about season? even early season? market wise

Alot more players than what you are used to…

You are clearly not the demographic this thread is aimed at, please go elsewhere with your fringe minority bias methods.

yeah, i edited my post
i know many like the fresh start/economy to farm and sell for the best price
but 2 weeks into season is already easy to find people buying those

See here you go skipping a step.

JSP makes good money. Why, if they broke a law wouldn’t Blizz go after them.
Because no rights or ToS was violated.
They won’t go after the users because they too did nothing wrong.

Keep making claims and providing zero proof and using zero logic.
Can’t state why Blizz doesn’t go after JSP, but claims they could.
Can’t find patch notes he claims to exist.

so that “99% of d2jsp users dont buy fg” is just a fallacy?

i say this as a lawyer here in Brazil
they dont do it just bc they dont want to

Blizzard’s Ownership

  1. With the sole exception of the Licensors’ Games, Blizzard is the owner or licensee of all right, title, and interest in and to the Platform, including the Games that are produced and developed by Blizzard (“Blizzard Games”), Custom Games derived from a Blizzard Game, Accounts, and all of the features and components thereof. The Platform may contain materials licensed by third-parties to Blizzard, and these third-parties may enforce their ownership rights against you in the event that you violate this Agreement. The following components of the Platform (which do not include content or components of the Licensors’ Games), are owned or licensed by Blizzard:
  2. All virtual content appearing within the Platform, including the Blizzard Games, such as:
    1. Visual Components: Locations, artwork, structural or landscape designs, animations, and audio-visual effects;
    2. Narrations: Themes, concepts, stories, and storylines;
    3. Characters: The names, likenesses, inventories, and catch phrases of Game characters;
    4. Items: Virtual goods, such as digital cards, currency, potions, weapons, armor, wearable items, skins, sprays, pets, mounts, etc.;

if you explore any of the above for profit without express authorization you are infringing blizz rights and are liable to legal prosecution

hiding your deeds behind “donations” is nothing but a sign that something is off

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I wouldn’t say it is anywhere near 99% that don’t spend money. But those that do spend money spend a lot. I’m not sure the ratio. I’ve never spent a dime and have more than most users weather they’re donators or not. But remember not all FG donated for isn’t used for D2.

I say this as someone who doubts you’re even what Brazil would ever consider a lawyer, Blizzard doesn’t go after JSP because they cannot. If they have sued an organization across the world for running a 2000 dollar starcraft 2 tournament surely they would go after a much bigger prize. Please use your brain. If I were to guess perhaps you’re confusing lawyer with paralegal, but my true guess it that you confusing secretary/errandboy/janitor for a law office with being a lawyer.

Thank you for highlighting those rules, but not where the drop rates changed. At least you were able to actually find this one.

Interesting blizzard owns all their own stuff. Good thing JSP doesn’t sell Visual components, Narrations, Characters, or Items. They donate forum gold to those who donate to the website. And EVEN if you straight up bought forum gold AND you could trade FG in for cash. JSP still wouldn’t be the ones breaking the rules the individual would be. JSP does not own nor sell items,character,narrations,visual componets. Crazy how they follow the rules tho.

you dont have to trust me the same way i dont have to prove anything to you, so we’re even

different games, different legal aproach

starcraft has a solid competitive scenario, diablo dont

all the professions mentioned are extremely fair and there is nothing that discredits anyone who works as one of them

however, your attempt to associate them with something bad only serves to say what kind of person you are, the type who see social castes based on profession

im am very, very, very sorry life made you this way

crime of facilitation

Criminal facilitation. 1. A person is guilty of criminal facilitation if he knowingly provides substantial assistance to a person intending to commit a felony and that person, in fact, commits the crime contemplated, or a like or related felony, employing the assistance so provided

Yes, but I do trust you’re great at getting everyone coffee at the office.

Same company different legal approach? That’s weird. Big company going after small potatoes when JSP is sitting right there? That’s weird. Competitive aspect has nothing to do with a lawsuit to protect right. There is no financial gain to be had by messing with a 2,000 dollar tournament. JSP according to you could be big bucks. It seems almost foolish to not go after them. You should write a letter to their investors!!!

Nobody claimed those professions are bad? Where did I say that? You’re confusing things again!!! :slight_smile: You’re simply not a lawyer. You’d never prove it, that’s okay. Just like you’d never prove the drop rates changed. I am actually the second coming of Godzilla, I will provide as much evidence as you have to back my claim. (note how I will now proceeded to provide zero evidence).

A criminal offense cannot be associated with a ToS violation. One is a criminal matter and the other is civil. Breaking a ToS (which they’re not) is not a felony. Did you get you law degree at the same coffee shop you do your morning runs for the office to?

you are in plain denial

and now cowardly hiding behind semathincs,


and personal offenses

the ToS is just a contract that has, not excluding any other, the objective to let the user know of blizz rights
the diablo franchise is a IP blizzard owns and therefore is protected by IP rights/laws
selling others IP without express authorization is a violation of those rights

Consequences of intellectual property infringement

“Depending on the nature of the violations, penalties may include civil damages in the dollar amount of damages and lost profits, an injunction to stop the infringement, payment of the attorneys’ fees by the infringer, and felony charges with prison time .”

US Department of Justice

Although individuals or companies can pursue civil remedies to address
violations of their intellectual property rights, criminal sanctions are often warranted to ensure sufficient punishment and deterrence of wrongful activity

now i ask
im “not” a lawyer, right?
and yet im able to trash every single one of your arguments
would i be a genious if i “was” one?

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Why couldn’t JSP bring in big bucks? You think everyone just pays for fg all day every day. It is basically RMT with extra steps. So, why couldn’t they sue them for their rightful money? Probably because it doesn’t break ToS.

Those are not “personal offenses” I’m stating that you clearly aren’t a lawyer. Even if Brazil had a lower standard to practice law, there is no way it could ever be low enough for you to become a lawyer. But I do think they would trust you to mess up the coffee order.

The ToS contract has nothing to do with JSP. JSP doesn’t play diablo, it’s userbase does. They have not agreed to a ToS because they don’t play the game. There is no IP at stake because JSP doesn’t play diablo 2, it is a website. You can highlight texts online from law documents all you want. You’re insinuating that they apply, but that they wouldn’t go after JSP for what reason. D2JSP is not selling anything diablo related. They sell JSP fg not Diablo fg. Why list the consequence rather than post which portion of an IP right they infringed on?

All of the consequences you listed are in response to ignoring an order from the court. Of which no orders from the court have be issued against JSP. No dollar amount, lost profit, injunction ignored, payment of attorney neglected, or future deterrent because of neglect of those charges.

Maybe you should stick to Brazilian Law?

Money and Currency for D2R trading is not the point here fellas…

what is the point then you want a jsp but dont want to use jsp?
what is wrong with you people

The point is. People who are bad at D2 are mad at the best trading platform and most useful currency for in game trading. They believe (foolishly) that all the players ahead of them spent money for the items either through RMT or JSP. Meanwhile most users on JSP haven’t spent a dime, and just wanted easy trading because Blizzard didn’t think about that when they were creating diablo. They had no platform to easily trade, nor a currency that could easily be used for trading. OP seems to want blizz to make it’s own fg, but that simply won’t be a thing. They will never make a platform or a blizzard coin. They could make an auction house sure, but it wouldn’t have a currency to use in it. They could make a currency, but there would be absolutely nothing to back that currency so that idea would always fail.

But at least people get to come onto some forums and whine about JSP being against ToS or IP or that people who use it are all RMT players because there is absolutely no way they spent 20 years sucking at a video games (which is exactly what they’ve done). Making threads like “drop rates too low never found a rune above mal” like that clearly isn’t a sign that you are either terrible or don’t actually play the game at all.

Read the whole thread please.

Back onto your topic.

How could the implement a currency into the game. Blizzard coins vs time spent playing? If there are too few BC, then they won’t be easily used, if there are too many of them, what backs them or makes them more useful than FG?

Right now in game even if I could transfer all my FG into BC, I wouldn’t do it. Nobody would. Because D2JSP is still a better platform to trade on than any other created. Trading in game is straight trash, chat channels suck and making a game and hoping someone is able to see it and needs your item and has what you need is also trash. Traderie and Discords are only slightly better. JSP forums dominate all of those trading platforms combined.

Well one idea was 1 time side quest completion, once per ladder type deal, non exploitable…
This way the market gets some Coins, earned via in game play, and off we go.
Rest you earn from trading.

Yeah its likely the reason it never has happened and wont, FG has tons of power, and your item will likely be better valued with that vs a new currency or even in game runes.

A static amount of coins will leave smart players with 90% of the coins removed from circulation. That would be if you were to force all trades to take place in game.