New big change = In game trading system

What does that have to with anything I wrote?

How about reply to me, or do you not have any good reason why a FG currency would benefit greater than using runes or item for item only?

Because D3 showed that it didn’t work.

The currency I am advocating for, has nothing to do with the D3 Auction House.

I could see it work if it was restricted, no way of buying the currency and it was reset every ladder.

But there is one problem, how should the currency be created?

Discussion is happening here D2R Needs FG Trading

There was one idea on creating it with non quest based objectives every ladder season, make it non farmable/exploitable, everyone gets a set amount to earn each season.

Or Blizzard gifts FG with each ladder just based on we purchased the game.

There are ways.

Im torn on the reset every ladder, but not a deal breaker. If I find a GG item early in ladder like a Ber rune when prices are high, if the currency resets, how am I supposed to sell it for top value?

But why tie it to a ladder and make it non farmable? You want to discriminate nl players? Why not make it account bound and you can use it on whatever game mode you want.

Everything will be expoitable. The only matter is how easy it will be.

My radical (and unreal) idea is to make marketplace listing mandatory (no other way to trade), in there you can make an offer for an item (rune/pgem/other item). When offered, it goes from your stash to „bank” until seller approves some offer (if it’s not yours, your offered item goes back to your stash or „trade stash” to avoid no stash space) or you withdraw yours at any time.

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Yeah valid points, NL should definitely, must be in the game. I feel every account should be gifted an amount, just because you purchased the game.
After that, other than trading items for the currency, you should def have means to earn more in game.

At this point in time, I think a supported trading system would be incredible. However, I think it should still force player to player communications. So I like the way sites like the ones for POE would work, they are indexed, you can set prices in your stash, and people can message you. Not a fan of the auction house, where it’s full on automatic. I really want some way to encourage players communicating while still giving a safe place to trade.

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It’s going to be sad when we find out that the “big change” is a loot filter, something which is really more of an accessibility feature than a quality-of-life thing. Useful if you have poor reading efficiency or if you multi-account and pop superchests all day, not so much needed for the rest of the playerbase.

but I’m all for a marketplace. However, it gets a little complicated when you’re looking for an item with a certain stat roll…

don’t mind me, I wasn’t thinking

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YEah I agree fully, cannot be automatic and restricted. It should only be automatic if you set the trade that way, like a BIN trade. Place item in Sell tab, set price, first player comes along and buys it with either the item you request like a rune, or a set FG value, and the item shows up in the buyers tab.
Other options would include a Bidding and you can take the highest bid at your designated time, or an Auction setting. Lots of options.

Loot filter will be amazing for my horker trav runs :smiley: it takes me more time to „filter out” loot than killing all trav :smiley:


I failed to consider that.

Bidding has problem with setting up common base value. What would have more value perfect griffons vs 3x ber vs 2xber + jah vs low roll griffons and ohm?
Maybe you can pick better comparasions as I’m not too deep into values of things. For me there is no unequivocal decison which is outbidding what offer in my example. That is the issue with economics that does not have common base currency

Console need loot filter badly xD

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Agree, it’s amazing to play with pad, but man… trying to pick something up from this pile of garbage is annoying as heck :smiley:

Yea, uassly it’s smart and highligts what it thinks you want to pick, but when the whole screen is filled it can get messy.

So, filtering on ONLY super pot and Full Rej, selectatlity chose what item types to filter, for example, bolts, arrows, etc.
Which bases to filter, hopefully with full detail so we can filter out any base we want, etheral or no.

My wishfull thinking is that you could define couple of filters, preferably assigned to blizz account so I could use some defined by communtity that would have been quite detailed. :grin: Of course I’ll take any loot filter that blizz will give me, but since they are able to make cross progress between platforms, so maybe also some „settings” can be shared between those?

If it was a trading system like path of exiles on their website I would be okay with that.

They tried it with D3… Didn’t work…