D2JSP is a best option for trading

I finally decided to make an account on d2jsp to sell some stuff that I farmed this season.
It was really quick and convenient to trade items that I couldn’t trade using other marketplaces.
Don’t quite get why some people hate this useful site.


I totally agree that 3rd party sites are the best trading options

And everybody taking a crap on their users calling them cheaters and so should instead turn their anger toward blizzard lack of implementation of a ingame trading platform


Because people think it’s a site where you only buy gear for real money and doesn’t know that the majority of players earn Forum Gold simply with selling their stuff and use that FG for buy other stuff, with no Real money involved.

Instead, for what I seen these months in D2R, the people who bought equipment with real money are the ones outside of JSP, that using other sites that selling gear directly for cash.

So in the end, who think JSP it’s the root of all evil and think shutting down the site solve the RMT market, it’s simply naive or dumb.


isnt it cool? now youll have some FG to start the new ladder with!


It’s a plague on this community neck beards don’t want a legit ladder reset nor do they want nerfs to the easy farming routes!!full games opening chests and act bosses! Adding instances loot solves the problem forum gold = useless and adding the top runes and items in actual terror zones and future end game areas is how you deal with this scourge! Should also note it’s where bots come from ban anyone who admits to using the site is also a solid first step


good luck, d2jsp is the only thing that has kept this game alive for the passed 15 years.


RMT issue put aside, it’s easy to understand.

Reset of a ladder season = everybody is supposed to begin with nothing.

But if you use jsp, it’s not the case. Your fgs earned from previous season / other games etc are still available.

Meaning that you can trade the gear you want without farming.


Mods stop lying you and the pvp crowd omfg it’s the mods stop just stop you purist have caused enough damage this is a blatant flat out lie! Project d2 , path of Diablo , thst super hardcore mod 10 years ago hell forged or or something

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with that same logic you should ban people who use cashapp and venmo

If blizzard wants to end this plague they will add instances loot! You only see your loot no one else’s! Stop crying about leeches or adding hard content just because you can’t do it doesn’t mean the rest can’t and we want to play with friends no solo self boring fall asleep mode multi player

Another thread to bring out all the cry babies. Dude just play single player and stream, that is your only option for SSF. Online D2R is a trading game, it is impossible to stop sites like d2jsp.


Blizz should make a ingame trading room with diablo gold ( d2 fg ) like d3 action house, that is the only way to stop using d2jsp.


Yeah. People complaint because they think some guys buy all gears with real money, thats maybe 0.5% of users of jsp

Anyway you don’t need jsp to do that if you really want to buy items, there is real money websites i guess…

Most of the players are just casual players that sell items to make fgs and buy other items with that fgs - a simple marketplace.


Until a better option comes around it’s JSP all day. It’s just too convenient to not use. Traderie was a good attempt, but actually finding someone who is actually online is a pain. Until we get a trade site such as the PD2 one, it’s the easiest and fastest trade option.


I have almost as much fun buying and selling on JSP as I do playing the game… So what if buying gear is how I like to play the game… It’s not all about the race to 99 for everyone… I have only had ONE level 99 ever and I’ve played at least 20 ladders… I’d bet that a streamer with help gets to 99 faster than someone who buys stuff on JSP…


In game trades are wacky for sure.

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It’s simple devalue loot and add areas like terror zones where only bis runes and top items can drop!

Instances loot kills is how you deal with the plague! You now have a massive influx of players who can farm together and enjoy the game and get loot! And because your getting so much d2jsp just dies and when you do terror and future end game it will even out!

Step one instances loot
Step two add additional end game content
Step 3 watch d2jsp burn

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As long as the trade functions in Diablo 2 remain horrible, JSP will stick around.

If Blizzard wants a hint for improving the game…

:point_right: “Implement a decent in-game trading platform.” :point_left:

Until a decent in-game trade platform comes, I guess I’ll keep playing SSF. So I’ll probably be playing SSF forever.


I saw how many people were there and not only in trading topics so if Blizzard would ban jsp users D2R could become an empty game.

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some of us actually know how to share, we don’t need instanced loot.

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