Isn't this illegal to do, post, promote? Real money item selling

You can’t stop RMT without destroying the game.
You can only fight the main source of items so botters.
Don’t worry GG items are not farmed by bots :stuck_out_tongue: they are too stupid for now

He isn’t the one selling anything, he is just reporting on it. No violation committed on his part.


RMT with D2 will never change. They didn’t bother for 20 years with classic d2 and they aren’t going to care now. This is an open trading platform, it is impossible for them to stop it all so they aren’t going to get involved. Their solution resulted first in the RMAH with D3 which is a hilarious hypocrisy and then getting rid of it all along with making virtually everything account bound. Trash solution. And people still can pay other people to log into their account to go find all the BIS items you want so what does getting rid of trading/RMT really do for an ARPG?? D2 is the best trading solution. You can find people to pay $$$ for the insane rares you find. Everyone always cries about the people who pay lots of money to “get ahead” but no one seems to give a rat’s a$$ about the MFers who make bank at the same time from those folks. Sure Blizz could implement a true SSF ladder but I have a hard time believing it will generate much interest, “normal” ladder pop will still trump SSF…

Why? Are you jealous? :wink:
Coooley’s build videos contributes back to the community and helps new players. What have you done?


You are extremely toxic person who always whine with no reason in all topics. Would be nice if Blizzard banned all accounts associated with you.

haha this you?

i understand that i will get 5-6 hate replies by the literal offenders who cheat and ruin the game and sell items on bot websites like the guy above me.

it;s the thousands of players who wont reply that matter, because they literally quit the game because of these parasitic pond scum RMT website scamming botters.


I don’t use d2jsp but I think you’re toxic too…

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Bravata is truly looking out for this community. Bravo.


every true hero eventually has their moments.

“Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.” - Socrates

"The world needs bad men. We keep the other bad men from the door "- Rust

THIS summs up the problem of d2 and d2r, and wow and blizzard games in the last 5 years lol

:rofl: You don’t seem to lack e-confidence. Well not like its hard to type w/e.

There is nothing heroic in you ranting about this we have seen this for more than 20years.

The only thing you will achieve is the increase of your post count.

Cooleys video are like news telling about crime its reporting and telling the rest no violation of anything anywhere.

Honestly who even cares in 20+years game to be honest ? Espec with D4 on its way. Lets be real Blizz will do bare minimum for D2R and that is it. Accept it.

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The one game to get it right is Realm of the Mad God.

I totaly agree with you, time that blizzard shuts down these illegal sites.

Attention seeker, with something not worthy of discussion…

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They would be better off implementing a proper trade in game and leaving jsp to it’s own devices.

Chances are it would take care of itself

How many thread are you going to complain in about Enigma?

great advertisement for cooley

It’s ironic that all of these jsp hate threads are having the opposite intended effect. People see how effective and beneficial jsp is by the people openly claiming jsp is too effective and should be shut down. Maybe that was their goal in the first place, who knows. I just can’t think of a better way of advertising a product than by saying that it’s just too good. :smile:

it’s so funny people complaining about it lol
i have found everything i need just playing alone, why bother with it? rofl play the game and have fun

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lol I guess technically since your technically selling property of blizzard.They actually put in the TOS nobody reads you dont actually own any of the items.