D2JSP is a best option for trading

Nothing you say makes any sense. That’s not how it works, that’s not how any of this works.

If you implement instanced loot it will still be traded on platforms like jsp. And those terror zones change nothing about jsp.

Guess your time in poe burned away the last pieces of sanity you had

The trading aspect of JSP is great…

The only problem I have is that people can use their earned Fools Gold from past ladders and other games even as purchasing power in future ladders, where those who don’t use JSP have NOTHING.


Yeah its logical. But I don’t feel that it bothers me much because being on the top of the ladder is not my purpose.

it’s not about being top of the ladder at all.
it’s about having a fresh start all together (without caring about the ranking)
which, jsp effectively ruins yes since they can use their FG (be it earned from real money or trading) to gain advantage even without playing said ladder.

and it also ruins hardcore mode (considering many can take their wealth from softcore to get an unkillable character in hardcore without taking any risk whatsoever)

Hardcore is about taking risk to make a character survive long enough to be greatly geared.
Ladder is about everyone restarting from 0.
Which both philosophy are what the devs had in mind when they made these mods.

both philosophy get ruined by jsp as long as it allows to trade between different modes and that’s maybe why they did the limited / no trade in D3 / D4.

That’s my opinion of course, in some way im happy that d4 won’t be affected by jsp as much as d2 did even if that means limited to no trading (i only play SSF anyway in D2)

Here I am farming things at super value and turning it into funds for my non-ladder duelers.

Not everyone fits into one category, and it takes multiple different mindsets to make the economy work.

You’re right, not everyone fits in the same category. But the fact that it’s possible casts a huge shadow of doubt over everyone that plays the game, which sort of puts us all in the same category.

Just because a jar full of cookies is there doesn’t mean you have to eat them.

the issue with jsp is real money transactions. now maybe the majority of people don’t buy forum gold (though it happens much more frequently than most think), but even using it you’re taking part in psuedo-RMT. once the ladder resets, you are using currency from outside what the game allows to acquire items ingame. it may not be real money, but you are engaging in RMT nonetheless.


which ones out of curiosity?

You still dizzy from hitting your head so hard?

People who think D2JSP is cheating, never mind there are sites like ebay selling actual items for actual cash


(No seriously go and google “d2 lod wire fleece ebay” and you’ll see the best price NA. Only $750? WHAT A STEAL!)

This is exactly my problem with it.

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the well deserved hate comes towards the culture of using acumulated wealth outside the ladder in ladder where you were supposed to start “naked”

and look, others have managed to notice the obvious you guys didnt

every single unity of FG came from rmt
am i wrong?

mods>former bot-seller website

lame excuse, just use the push notifications feature

Me having push isn’t the issue. People keep themselves as “online” and never are

thats what push is meant for, they gonna let you know if theyre online, specially sellers

the only time i missed a trade in traderie was bc i was not at home

JSP does’t bypass the new ladder. All items need to be found and re-acquired. It just facilitates trading of those items.


Yes youre wrong…

Let’s break this down, shall we?

Forum Gold. How is it acquired if you have none? You buy it with real money. Now it’s a currency that translates to real money even if you can’t exchange the Forum Gold for money. You now trade Forum Gold for items in game, therefore making it as if you paid/traded real money for another games items… which IS against the TOS of pretty much every game. It’s no better than using a gold selling site and buying their stuff. It just cuts out the Forum Gold currency.

New Ladder. Everyone is supposed to start with nothing, but Forum Gold carries over, therefore it provides an unfair advantage and technically breaks the rules of ladder. Picture if ladder started and I could already afford everything I wanted or needed to get my character to godlike status. Not very fair, is it?

I understand you may like the convenience of having a trading site vs in-game, but you are basically no better than the gold sellers we despise. You buy gold, you trade that gold for items from other players. Now, let’s take out the Forum Gold part. You spend real money on in-game items, basically. It’s illegal when it comes to gaming and should be bannable and I’d support it 100% if it was.

So, No. Jsp is not the best option. It’s one of the worst, especially when it breaks the rules of gameplay and provides unfair advantages. Another way to look at it is that it’s basically pay to win. So, yeah, I’ll say it. If you use Forum Gold or Jsp, you should have your account banned. Done and done.


Because forum gold spoils the game. We don’t need a 3rd party website to do trades. It’s just a good way to devalue non-ladder gear and sell ladder gear at an overpriced rate. We don’t need anymore of this nonsense inflation on this game. I really want those high runes to keep there value strong, even on non-ladder. A little bit of inflation I do get that but the way d2jsp does it is just unacceptable.


No. Breaking the rules of gaming and the TOS, regardless of how you feel about the in-game trading, does not make the 3rd party site the better option.

oh gosh

njaguar has been doing giveaways? how could i have missed it?

such a good soul :innocent: