D2 is Dead, Long Live D3

Latest changes will bring me back in the action… and you say this is bad? Common, you sound like a crying kid. Everyone deserves to play, casual or not. These changes will open the posibility for diversity… if you don’t like it, don’t use it. Send my regards for devs and streamers! I am really greatfull for this new endgame. Keep up the good work!

I wanted a change for immunities yes but results of those charms are opposite of my idea. Lazy solution making Blizz Sorc/Hammerdin meta better while nothing for melee/bow/weaker builds.

My idea is to remove immunities from normal mobs (without any use of items) but keep them on elite/uniques. Along side this we need nerfs of top builds damage that would make hell more difficult and weaker builds more valuable.

Blizzard Sorc with Cold charm can’t stay like this so they should just remove the whole charm idea for now as it needs a lot more rebalancing. If they nerf Blizzard damage it will be total crap and still struggling with Cold Immunes until Charm is acquired so that makes it a build enabling item which is another thing to worry about.

Blablabla. Speaking of rhetoric. Look at your own “wrong people” and putting everything in qoutes like you are some kind of overhuman that knows better then everyone else :laughing:

Long live D2R!!! Your right D2 is dead…

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Unfortunately Sunders don’t enable any new builds and the endgame remains the same except now there’s one more OP item to grind for because GAME TOO HARD.

And casuals aren’t finding anything homie. They’ll be joining free games to get a nokozan relic as nature designed

you compromise a dual element build in order to go full build

thats player choice of - do i want to kill everything not immune super fast, or do i want to kill everything at a slower pace

so that argument is pretty invalid

You mean the entire world doesn’t use the imperial system?!? Mind blown for most Americans here. Haha.

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If so many people complain about the game is dead. why not just create a game, throw out whatever charms and items you have and quit then others who wish to play have a chance to get more free items. Don’t waste those charms and items you have if you are quitting. Charity helps.

This is also us.forums.blizzard not eu.forums.blizzard.

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Or here’s a novel idea: don’t enable terror zones and don’t use the charms and literally nothing will change for you. This is an objectively good move


What an absolutely idiotic take

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There is more diversity now, clown. Literally every fire build right now NEEDS a merc with infinity. Now they won’t HAVE to have that. It’s literally building more diversity for builds. Thank god blizzard isn’t listening to you “no changes” loons


Sir, we’ve added dead horseflies to the soup even though it makes no sense and wasn’t asked for. Just eat around them, they won’t affect you.

As someone with a terrible fear of clowns, I couldn’t read the rest of this post. =(

nvm him just a angry :sheep:


Hammerdin main here. I don’t see Hammerdin as a problem. I like the way Hammerdins are, I don’t want them to be nerfed, and I’ve been playing Hammerdins since 1.09.


lmao how is the game too hard when you have a bunch of hdins, light sorcs, zons clearing stuff out in a couple of seconds? they simply want to add diversity and introduce some “off-meta” builds.

I’d slap a cold sunder onto my holy freeze zeal pally in an instant

i dont think ive ever joined a hell chaos run that lasted more than 5 minutes, so how is the game too hard?

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Right lol. Based changes off a streamer who literally hero edits items they can’t find, so that they can play builds and get views. These charms remind of something my 12 year old self would add to the game through hero editor, to make my char op.


Destroy immunities, max resist up to 99% for creatures AND players.

On monsters add absorbs. Lowering res skills dont affect absorbs. Lowering res only drops enemy res to 0.

No phys immunes. But max 99% phys res. AD still adds 100% ED but doesnt do it by reducing phys res.

Blunt weapons ignore first 25% of phys res on undead.

Rebalance skills and synergies accordingly.

Your welcome.

Oh and as for charms, create charm slots between the normal item slots. 2 grand size - 1 in between weapon and armor and 1 between armor and shield. 2 small charm slots - 1 next to each ring. Make charms work only when equipped. 2 medium somewhere else in there.

No other gear adds bonuses just sitting in your inv. This seems like an issue to me.

Okay mister jsp botter.