D2 is Dead, Long Live D3

I can’t believe a bunch of scrubs put the nails in the coffin of D2. This is terrible news.

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Dont try and ruin a classic because you are uncomfortable having to use more than 2 brain cells at a time.

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Its not really D3. More like D2: Reforged.

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Even a dead D2 is better than this failed d3

D3 doesnt exist, it never did.

Yes grand charm change is very stupid way of going about it.

Oh God, we can clear all of a zone and not Teleport away/run from 1/3 of the mobs… And only if you happen across this absurd charm and happen to roll the right resistance. The game is now broken!

You mean dumping all of your skill points into a single tree to boost a single skill isn’t fun? Has Blizzard been lying to us?

d3 sucks
that is all

I’m glad you agree. o.o

I doubt they’ve been lying to us, it’s probably just a combination of incompetence and complacency.

Anyway, whether you (or your sarcasm) are aware or not, synergies are still a far bigger problem than immunities ever were. People are too focused on the leak in the basement to notice that the house is burning down, as usual. >.>

Gg. Cry less. Uninstall. Get good. U mad?

Not crying, not uninstalling, good enough, not mad. Thanks for checking in though, ma’am.

Here’s my question. How are these charms any different from infinity?

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Oh you have a question instead of one-liners? I don’t like infinity either.

Oh God I found a bot. At first I thought you were trash. Now I just realized you’re stupid

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Yes, so now you and your 3 posts can go back to TikTok or whatever you do. Carry on, son.


Been complaining about em since 1.10 release, welcome to the club. It pigeonholes each class into a couple of viable builds only and completely stiffens creativity.

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It sure does, which just makes immunities more annoying than they’re supposed to be. Blizzard is trying to treat the symptoms with these charms, not the disease. =/

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Stay mad. The game just got better for a lot of players by not forcing them to play singular class and spec. Your terrible opinion is obviously influenced by zero knowledge based on what I can only assume is like 100 hours of game time or too many YouTube videos.


I’m not the mad one here. >.>

You came in here spouting 10 year old burns like a girl on fortnite or maybe a bot, then proceeeded to call me the bot, clearly got tilted about nothing and now you’re ranting. Lol.

You’re a good bumper though so keep it up, friend. o.o

Lol, listen to all of these salty sorceress and hammerdins.

Oh noes, the games balanced better!

This is great, since frankly it has always been my preference to do things alone, without whiny babies like the OP.

There’s nothing ‘hardcore’ about being forced to pick specific op builds.

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I agree with this post.

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