D2 is Dead, Long Live D3

This is the way.

Build diversity should be king.


Just abandoned my bow Amazon and started a sorc yesterday. Thanks for the tip :wink:

I think this is a good idea. I hate immunities. D2re devs listened to the right community. The vocal minorities in this forum is far inferior to those who really want immunities gone. Losing a few self proclaimed “classic” players is a good trade in terms of making the game more succesful by catering to the majority of the population


I hate the brain dead D3 mentality - Blizzard made the game so easy it’s just boring - it seems that most people refuse to use their brain these days and are happy with one click kill everything.

In terms of D2 - rather than moving forward I would take a small step back.

Redesign Enigma and Teleport spell - add 2s Teleport delay

Redesign or remove Infinity and Grief.
Grief because 90% of the time it’s BiS and makes other choices (much more expensive ones) just not worth the effort.
Infinity - reduce conviction level to 1.

Immunities - they are fine . They were in D1 and they just added extra difficulty to the game. I would rather have a bit more difficult game than too easy one.

Hammerdiner issue - you can fix it a by adding 4th resistance type - Magic.

I don’t know yet how to fix cold sorc (yet) but nerfing teleport could help. You could add also longer cast delays to FO and Blizz maybe or reduce number of ice bolts ?

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true, we now play rifts where everyone is a winner and its easy mode. all we are missing is bop items and quests for stets and we got d3

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Ughh, I hate the Diablo/ ARPG community. I loved D2 but one one my main complaints with the game as I got older was that the game was designed for people who are able to play for 8 hours a day. I get 8 hours a week if I’m lucky. Now you’re all crying that the game has finally been made accessible to those of us (the majority mind you) who aren’t capable of throwing away our lives for the game.
Why should I have to level 5 different characters in order to enjoy different parts of the game?
Thats one of the reasons why I hate the rigid skill system of games like D2 and PoE. I dont wanna have to follow a build or spend hours on a planner setting up a build that is actually capable of getting through the game. It’s unnecessary and takes the fun away.
You talk about how you no longer have a reason to play the game but whats the point of playing the game if you have to follow a guide and can’t experiment without dumping hours into it if I have to restart. My incentive to return is a bit more than a ridiculously massive time commitment. If I’m going to put hours into a game make it feel worthwhile not these garbage systems where I have to put hours into the damn game leveling a new sorceress because I want to try blizzard this time.
I can’t believe I’m saying this but I actually applaud Blizzard for making to game more accessible to those of us with lives. I agree that the D3 is too casual as I can beat a season in less than a weekend. But D2 and PoE require way too much time and alienate a ridiculous amount of their potential audiences with such disrespect for my time.


No immunuties are not gone,not unill you find end game item. Even then its 95% for most builds untill you get expensive equip on most builds.

Please explain why is bad that i can play in places i could not before, why is that worse than farm ancient tunnels only and stony tomb.

No they didnt and you didnt explain why. You arejust rating that characters can actualy play in vsrious places. Their solution is different than i would do but its still better thsn current situation with immune everywhere.

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So being able to clear zone is playing rift? In that sense you already were playing rifts. In fact you kept going same rift over and over again, now you can pick from many different rifts.

Good job,you just nerfed bone necro to groud.

Then simply increase bone necro synergy a bit o compensate for this.

If you do this, pvp players will lose their marbles.

Everything needs slight changes and to be looked at but being a pessimist won’t help anything. For necro you could only increase synergy for bone spear and not Bone spirit and Magic resistance could also apply to players and not only mobs. Adding magic Res to items would require a bit of work but it not a crazy ask is it?

Idk if its crazy but devs are reluctant to do any significant balancing. They are probably afraid of it without deep understanding of game as people who play it for a long time.

These charm are not great, but they will still help.

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Looking at this thread and many others like it all i can say is wow. Did you guys even try it? Its a smart change to not nerf pallys but to bring other builds up to par.

Not only does it increase build diversity it makes elemental items better like cresent phase blade for tesladin.

Also nothing about the change makes it a one shot meta. You also still need to position yourself and use skills correctly or you can die.

Another thing is this only changes above 75 and you still need to get one in order to use it.


That sounds fun to me.

Goodbye immunities!

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so what are the right people? and why is it right?

The right ones are the ones that know synergy is the actual problem with immunity, instead of just blaming immunity itself. As for why it’s right, it’s basic logic…

Immunities promote using various skills.
Synergies promote putting all points into 1 skill.

It’s pretty simple stuff, really. >.>


Blizzard games are dead. Fixed it for you.

simple the dev find the way too lost around 10% to 15 % of they player base every patch
expect after 1 or 2 year too have no more player for d2re

Right? This is like one of those situations where Grandpa still uses dialup for the principle alone.