D2 is Dead, Long Live D3

Please stop whining, so the game changes buuhuuh.d2 is a easy game and everything has been accomplished already by 89percent of the players. So what if it gets easier?


Go play D3, you clown scrub casual


Come to POE. It’s got original D2 devs guiding it. It’s not for everyone. But it definitely beats the living hell out of this garbage by more than 100x. It’s unbelievable how great POE has become and if you just pull yourself up by the bootstraps and have a little bit of patience with the learning curve, and spend some time with the build guides, you won’t regret it. It’s my main jam until D4 comes out, which (shocker) has an endgame paragon tree that is very similar in scope to POE. I’m not here to preach. I simply find myself saying “God, I love this game!” every time I play…every damn time. If you tried it before and it didn’t stick, I encourage you to steel yourself and dive in again. As someone who’s broken four LOD cdroms and played since 2000, it IS THE SPIRITUAL SUCCUSSOR to D2. Hands Down. Nothing else compares. Again it’s not for everyone and I’m not saying it’s bad on you if you don’t like it, but it blows D2 out of the water in every way shape and form…including no bots. It’s a grand time. “Come play with us…”

OMG but PoE doesn’t have hard immunities. It must be a child’s game according to these people…


They could have simply removed immunities for the same affect. I do like the idea of a fire sorc breaking immune fallen, and trav in hell. I got a feeling that fire sorc will be best sorc. Also, vengeance may be useable finally. If you can have one of each charm, a merc with pride would be very good coupled with ebotd ba or eoath. Fanatacism would probably work very well without the need to use conviction. Pure damage!

Devs, consider making Vengeance either AOE or like Zeal or both.

P.S. Sanctuary pal shield will be great 110% all res.

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Don’t like the charms? Don’t use them. Simple


But one must find a sunder before you may tear the game a sunder.


they should focus on fixing loading screens before figuring out how to break immunites


Im not sure which game blizzard is doing better with…warcraft 3 reforged or diablo 2 resurrected.

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You mean Diablo II: Reforged?

Super cringe post and your departure won’t matter. Game isn’t dying as it hasn’t for the last 20 years. The way I see it is now all the little guys that were flocking to D2JSP and trade/real money buy sites for items that take a lifetime to farm are gonna farm TZ to get a charm, spec for that charm, and then farm whatever items they want in the zones they always have wanted to with the characters they always wanted to/their favorite class. The problem never has been immunities or synergies. It’s been the chinese bots that farm or hack items and sell them on websites. Also yes people have lives and would rather take a weekend or a few hours every now and then to farm zones. Not everyone can play this game for hours and hours. This doesn’t make the game easy. It makes the gameplay and farming more acessable. If you don’t like it, go back to modded servers and end up complaining about their patching. Bye felicia.


Never said I was going anywhere.

I also didn’t read the rest of your inane rambling tantrum because you can’t seem to even figure out how the enter key works. >.>

Now if only those charms didn’t stab us in the back with a -75% resist. Hahahaha!
Bring on more of this, if you think it breaks the game. MOAR!!!

My biggest regret was spending money on this game. I wanted to relive the old days on classic battle net but I feel I was delusional thinking things would be the same. Ultimately, I’m back to Project DII and feel daft for falling into the hype trap that D2R created.

The irony of you calling out the post for being cringe and then ending it with "bye Felicia":grimacing:


I dunno who this Felicia is, but she is clearly going places. smirk

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Straight up… my favourite build and it ends after nightmare. I hate all these losers complaining about the changes… I’ve been rocking diablo since diablo 1 hit shelves and I love all these new changes with a story I love. Even the Reddit forum is full of narcissistic losers who just downvote everyone looking for tips and tricks lol.


100% so many morons play this game and it’s second hand embarrassing reading their purist comments.

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PoE has tons of other bloated concepts going on, huge balance changes between leagues, etc. Nobody would care or even really notice if a mechanic or two was removed. Hell, several league mechanics were cut out or put back in at regular intervals. It’s EXPECTED there. It has layers upon layers of moving parts, and more being put in all the time. PoE can get away with it.

Meanwhile, D2 is older. It has a VERY simple skill system, very simple gear, very slow addition of new things, etc. Immunity was a layer of depth it sorely needed to make its limited number of zones, useful skills and mob types stand apart from eachother. Now it’s all basically the same; trash to be mowed down by the spam of your choice, anywhere. What fun. >.>

You can’t just shoehorn random crap from other games in and expect it to pan out smoothly where it doesn’t belong. That’s what the current devs are doing, and it’s snowballing on them. They’ve got so many more moving parts to balance now, and it’s a workload they brought on themselves when they had more than they could handle as it was. >.>

I’m not a purist, this game needs a ton of changes. It needs synergies gone.

What it doesn’t need is randomly thrown in, poorly thought out changes. IE terror zones. IE ripping out immunity. IE godmode charms. Who knows what they’ll throw in or rip out next. I was giving them the benefit of the doubt at first, but they seem to be throwing crap at the walls at this point and hoping something sticks. >.>

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