D2 is Dead, Long Live D3

There shouldnt be special drop if a champion can drop them, so far there are no known special drops from champions. We only know this from bosses like andariel, baal etc.

yep, and you can simply get grushed til hell completely and do NM baal runs until you reach 72+ and you start doing TZ runs afterwards.

Farm efficiency on a Fohdin is stll slower than a sorceress if you want to access gear faster.

Its not hard to get to lvl 85 doing Countess runs in Hell.

What me problem rofl, your logic is so bad man i feel sorry for you.
I dont give two damns how you play the game, but whoever wants to reach lvl 99 as fast as possible or “be done with their charachter” as fastest as possible will always prefer better efficiency.

Since when was this a problem xD you accussed me i am a JSP user or dont do legit trading.

It was a thing if you wanted to create a character to beat something specific in the game, but now there is no need since sorceress wont struggle at all since they can solo all content and are the fastest and cheapest class to build in the game.
Their only problem was that they are a glasscannon, meaning they dealt a lot of damage and shes a paper regarding HP and defenses.
Immunities were their hurdles, and they just removed them making them just faceroll everyone.
Why create a ele hurricane/tornado druid who can tank better damage than sorceress, just go cold sorceress which is way stronger.
Same about Fire druid to Fire sorceress.
Lite sorc still is better than a trap lite sin.

This makes no sense at all.
You can target specific areas to farm specific items to trade them for gear that you need.
Ofc you will farm Cows, Travincal, Pindle if you want Hrs.
Ofc you will farm Shako doing andariel Hell runs.
Ofc you will farm mid runes doing countess runs.
Ofc you will farm keys repeating countess, summoner and nilathak to trade them after for Ist+.
Target farming existed in this game, and terror zones just removed this except for pandemonium event.

Another ad hominem? What personal dilemma rofl, spiting facts? Cant stop can ya? Your arguments are pretty low-quality to take you seriously. Sounds like you prefer ssf and probably for this reason you are a d3 player.
If you are a ssf player just play single player and mod the game for yourself instead of breaking the meta in battle.net.
Oh wait, its too late for that.
Blizzard decided to listen to you new generation players who never were here to begin with.

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Like I’ve said 200 times, I don’t mind change. D2 needs a lot of changes. But change for the sake of change doesn’t mean it’s good. It’s not my problem if you can’t tell good changes from random, thrown together garbage changes. Terror zones and sunder charms are garbage changes.

“Worse?” It’s going just fine for me, but sure. Good day. o.o

I sure did. And it was 100% true. It’s not my problem if people don’t know what optional means.

If you didn’t like that analogy you can scroll up and find my dead horsefly in the soup remark that I used for the last guy that tried the ItS OpTiOnAl schtick. It may be more your speed. >.>

Really.??? This is what you wrote:

For the average human without oxygen, one will pass out in ~1 minute, suffer irreversible brain damage in 3 minutes, and death in 10 minutes. (Give or take)

The consequences don’t change the fact that it’s still a choice if you want to breathe oxygen or not, aka optional.

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Do you understand that he was making the false equivalency of choosing to equip/not equip a Sunder charm in D2R to the “optional” nature of breathing oxygen?

What I am understanding is that you are telling people what is optional when you clearly don’t know what the word means. Equivalency means nothing here. Nothing.

How long is breathing oxygen “optional” before you die?

Atma just explained it to you better than I can.

Death is literally the only requirement in life. Everything else, whether you realize it or not, is optional.

Yes I can read, and I do understand the comparison he is making. You obviously do not. Sunder charms allow a lot of builds to be possible now yes? So without a sunder charm they are not possible? So how are they optional?

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I wouldn’t argue with Micro. He’s on a post all day advocating for all loot in the game to be personal drops… Really not worth the brain space.


And death is what happens when you do not breathe. It is not optional.

Yes. Sunder charms are optional. You can play a build where a Sunder charm is helpful or a build where a Sunder charm is not. Either way one does not die by making that decision in real life.

Breathing oxygen is not optional unless you want to pass out or worse have irreversible brain damage or die.

In real life, how long have you gone using the option not to breathe oxygen?

I’m fine with going in circles. I’m waiting on a download nothing better to do.

Personally I’ve never tried that option, perhaps you would like to try it for us and see how long you can go?

I really didn’t think my oxygen analogy would get taken this far, it was pretty tongue-in-cheek to be honest. But its been pretty amusing at least. o.o

Whatever. I think we all know what is going on.

The only thing going on here is that you don’t know what optional means, and seem to still be truly struggling with it. :woman_shrugging:

Since you consider breathing oxygen optional, I think we are done here.

No oxygen for 10 minutes = DEAD

Micro has clearly chosen the option to breathe.

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I agree. Your inability to grasp the definition of optional is exhausting. I wish you luck in all your other future choices. o.o

Not to split hairs, you can hold your breath; however, the idea that you actively need to choose to breathe is false, as evidenced by the fact that one continues breathing while asleep. It is an autonomic process mediated by the respiratory group neurons primarily in the medulla and pons.

But I digress with a semi-layperson explanation.

Needless to say, the human body has developed an autonomic system to breathe oxygen since breathing oxygen is not optional just like your heart beating to pump blood throughout your body is not optional if you want to have a life expectancy of note.

In contrast, equipping in D2R a sunder charm which just got the nerf hammer is quite optional.