D2 is Dead, Long Live D3

You’re missing the forest for the trees here. Just because you’re choosing to allow your breathing and heartbeats to continue uninterrupted doesn’t mean they’re being forced on you. This is called being optional. I just don’t have the vocabulary skills required to illustrate this very simple concept in a way that you can comprehend, apparently.

I guess I should’ve listened to Castlevania. >.>

While sleeping, do you choose to breathe?

While sleeping, do you choose to have your heart beat?

Sleeping is also optional.

No sunder charm vs immunes for 10 minutes and your character = DEAD

I can’t believe how hung up you are on this halfassed analogy I threw out on a whim. lol

Anyway, are you implying that sleep isn’t optional now? That’s rhetorical; of course you are. Because you obviously equate automatic biological functions with force for some reason. Unless you are some immortal organism that is simply unable to stop breathing, sleeping or being alive, you are choosing to allow it to go on on some level.

The Guinness World Record is 11 days without sleep and then they stopped keeping the record due to how dangerous that was. After awhile, your body will sleep irrespective of your willpower.

I believe in addition to not knowing what optional means, there is also some lack of knowledge on what a comparison is. At this point there is no new information that hasn’t been said multiple times. Reminds me of that part in Idiocracy where he is trying to explain why water is better for plants than brawndo lol.


Yeah I’m about to give up on him. I really wanted to teach him the definition of optional, but now he’s just stating irrelevant factoids that are completely beside the point. It’s like talking to a bot or something. >.>


P.S. Both D2R and D3 are alive.

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Wish i had never bought D3 as it looks and plays like a Crappy android ported game.

You mean path of exile right ??

What the hell is d3?

Seriously, don’t play monoelemental builds.
All but a very few builds have means do deal with monsters, that are immun to their main damage skill. Including equipping the mercenary with a big pike.

In Battle.net it is even more easy to deal with immunities: play together with another play whos character covers another element.

After I was allowed to try this out on the last PTR once with and once without Sunder Charm, my conviction is: leave the immunities in and the Sunder Charms out. Except for the mono-elemental sorceresses, you don’t need them at all. You also don’t need infinity and plague.

I never had any of these runewords and do just fine.

The problem is not immunities. It’s builds that deal insane amounts of damage. Some Items are not just powerful, they are ridiculously overpowered. And if you collect not just one of them, but several on a hero, then he becomes absurdly powerful.

The way I see it, there is only one thing anyone can do to enjoy Diablo in the future - backup original Diablo and Diablo 2 installers, preferably on a few different storage types.