D2 is Dead, Long Live D3

They just needa add midlow-tier runewords to class-specific items that give a large amount of +skills to one skill

Then give these runewords a small reduction to fire/cold/light/poison/magic damage based on character level

Alternatively they could just cap skills to lvl ~20 for these new runewords +skills effect

Mid-game diversity is fixed without changing or buffing anything endgame

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What’s sad is I was hoping they would make a D1 Remaster but seeing as how today’s gamers love destroying things like that and need easy mode today, I hope they don’t don’t do a remaster of D1. It will end up being destroyed like how something that was just meant to be a remaster of with a few QoL changes is now getting worse and worse.

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D1 Remaster: movespeed increased 300%
u can run now poggies


I didn’t realize that “abstract thought” was so easily blinded by something you as a person have the ability to ignore. Pretty narrow minded if you ask me.

Your replayability, along with everyone else’s, remains the same, nothing changes for you or them. It’s Simple…don’t use them. I’ve said it for years, I’ll say it again, play the game the way you want to play it.


Ah the old ‘don’t use it, it doesn’t affect you.’ fallacy. Did you know oxygen is completely optional?

Did you read what you wrote?

Acting like choosing to use a sunder charm or not in D2R parallels whether one has oxygen to breathe is a huge false equivalency.

One is a minor preference in a video game while the other is death.


Well you just made my comment even more set in stone with a response like this.

Go ahead and tell me how not using that “optional oxygen” works out for you :wink: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Change is inevitable, and people are afraid of it, it’s ok to be scared.

Good day to you, enjoy trolling on the forums and complaining about changes, I’m leaving before this goes even worse for you.

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He well understood what he wrote.
You both do not understand that the item still can be found even if you dont want to use it people will trade (end tier) items/crafting materials for them.
Thats where they will stop being optional.

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Do you have to trade for a sunder? Are you worried that the trade economy will collspse if there are sunder charms? Please enlighten me.

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So, just because Eddie jumped off the bridge with no parachute are you going to? It’s optional…but wait, don’t put logic into your response, please spare me, I’ll save you the typing.

His death is going to increase the demand for coffins and gravestones, that will surely effect your future and the outcome of life, and the end game. So by your standards, jumping with him is no longer an option?

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Yeah surely I will enlighten you.
Economy will colapse because its a unique lvl 75 charm that can be found in pretty much all terrorized zones after act 1 in hell and even in many zones in act1.
Another buff for players that cant afford an infinity because they always farmed the wrong areas, and guess what? This charm works way better than infinity, and the items to craft infinity will be much harder to find this they dont require MF like a unique charm.

Great comparison mate, the logic behind your post confirms you dont understand that you can once you find these charms trade them for high end items for your build, “even if you dont use these charms”.
It stops being optional once these charms enter the game since trading is free/without restrictions, you are giving everyone a buff, even for people that will not use them, they will just trade them.

Or you really think half or more of the community will just lay them on the ground or store them in their stashes instead of getting better gear?

A single sunder charm affects a single element. Infinity affects multiple elements.

Rune drops are not affected by mf, so it makes no sense that tbe high runes needed to craft infinity will now be harder to find.

In fact, you claim that sunders essentially are better rhan infinity. Using that premise, the high runes to make infinity will be more common on the trade market as an infinity no longers serves as a trade sink.to remove these high runes from the economy.

Holy crap you’re dense with the update.

  • All new features are OPTIONAL

  • You can grind Ball/Diablo/Nihlatak to death if you want to get to lvl 99 the old way

  • You can go farm cows and eldritch/shenk with a Javazon and Ancient Tunnels with a Blizzard Sorceress until you gather the runes for a Infinity and be able to play the other 95% of the game

  • You DON’T need to follow the meta to have fun

  • The charm actually opens up a lot for some builds - I’ll be trying them on a rabies druid , Poison Javazon, a Holy Shock paladin and a Leap Attack or Warcry Barb to be able to farm ghosts in Arcane Sanctuary (coupled with an Azurewrath it could amplify a lot of the damage spectres receive)

  • I also wanted QOL features like a currency tab and more skill buffs for unused builds like in patch 2.4, but let’s hope they bring them in patch 2.6. At least terror zones and Sunder Charms will make my ladder more varied in the early game and in the endgame.

  • Stop thinking people only agree with the changes because they’re noobs or casuals. I’ve been playing this game since 2002, I really liked the changes, and I’m actually looking forward to this season .

  • The game’s not dead. Lighten up and have fun next season. Seriously.

I’m still failing to see how this forces you to use them? So far you’re making it seem like it’s going to kill the game.

The value of a sunder charm is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it, that’s the beauty of our open economy. The value of a sundered charm is moot.

Your arguing that they will ruin the game, the real argument is, are you playing D2 for replayability and enjoyment for yourself, or are you playing D2 to make fg? If it’s for the latter, then your replayability argument is nonsense. Play the game not the forums.

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I think you’re misunderstanding the level requirement of the Sunder charm. 75 is the character level you must have to use the charm, not the area/monster level required to drop the charm. Blizzard has stated it will only from Champs/Named mobs in TZs. This could mean it’s a special drop or it’s qlvl 97 or higher, such that a 96 regular mob (the highest possible) can’t drop it. If the latter, you’d have to be level 92 just find have a chance to find one. Furthermore, Sunder charms being Champ/Named only means the number of ‘rolls’ you get to find one in a TZ will be very small compared to all other items. That may make a Sunder charm the rarest item in the game, depending on its drop chance.

Also, TZs have raised area and monster levels, so Blood Moor TZ can drop things like Dweb even though that area and its mobs normally could not.

I mean, no one knows what the drop chance of a Sunder charm is. For all we know, it could be as rare as Tyrael’s might or as common as a Dol rune. I think it’s rather difficult to draw a sensible comparison of what the rarity of this charm is to other rare items.

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Affects multiple elements which mostly benefit to lightning and fire since using conviction on cold alone immunities alone mostly does nothing.

Dude, reading comprehention?
I wrote that the items in this case Base and Runes are harder to find than the charms.

Yeah, a sunder charm is way better for mostly cold and fire builds than infinity, since cold monsters have the most immunity of all mobs in hell in the game and cold mastery works way more efficiently with sunder charm than infinity, combine those two and wonder how much of a damage buff you get?
For fire builds you will get new metas like using Phoenix and Flickering Flame and eschutas, additionally using infinity for your merc, Fire damage will just skyrocket.

The damage scale of sorc was never balanced and these charms just make them EVEN MORE op than before.

For cold sorceress by any means. Everybody will start as a sorceress again since its the most optimal class to play in the meta to farm items and people will forget about the hammerdin since a cold sorceress is pretty cheap to play because of free teleport.

This will be the case for fire and sunder charm for sure, since I believe that finding 2 Ber, one Mal and one Ist is harder than finding one of these single charms.

So you will just get an infinity for your cold sorc instead of a sunder charm, for sure?

Yeah, and a bit of foresight of how they break balance of the game does not hurt right?
Why is cold getting a massive buff when its one of the strongest elements already when you slow down AS and MS of mobs when they are frozen?
Why give sorceress EVEN MORE buffs when other classes are the ones that really need them?

You are a funny one, been playing legit since D2 Lod and traded items just through battle.net or discord trade channels, items for items, no more and no less.
Never used FG and never will.
I played the game, where is the replayability when every character can clear every area then?
Where is the loot hunt now?
Whats the point of the game now? Just create one character and be done with it? When loot is easier to find now with TZs?
You for sure are in favor of destroying the replayability of the game.
I can do both, play the forums and play the game and still have a better insight than you that the charms, how they are being implemented, keep on breaking the balance of the game even further.

If a Terror Zone is already level 75, the item should still drop from champs or Bosses who are level 75 or above since ilvl 75.

I hope you are right and I am wrong that they are harder to find than a Ber or multiple Ber’s

Something thats even more concerning than the Sunder charms by themselves.
You are basically giving anyone who starts in Hell with basically no much harder difficulty than a regular mob from a normal zone the chance for end game gear much quickly as before.
Why farm Ancient Tunnels with a cold Sorc anymore if there are TZs?

Where are you getting the ilvl 75 from? Sunder charms are uniques, so their ilvl isn’t really important. It’s their qlvl that determines who can drop them or in this case what the minimum TZ level is for them to appear (again, presuming Sunders aren’t special drops). I am not aware of any reliable source that has uncovered what the qlvl of a Sunder charm is. It may be the case that Sunder charms have a high qlvl (like Griffon’s) and only appear in TZs of level 86+ or something like that.

Well, you have to kill Baal in order to have access to TZs in that difficulty. From that point on, a TZ is just your level +2, so you’ll have to reach about level 80 before you start seeing the really nice stuff. Functionally, this just increases the number of farming locations, assuming you can quickly kill the stuff that’s there.

I sort of understand where you’re coming from about early TZ farming, but you do need to have leveled up first to get anything decent from a TZ. Additionally, you could actually start farming much earlier than that by just running a Fohdin in Pits (an 85 area) as soon as you can first access it. Fohdin can run vigor/meditation until they get enigma and it can max out its skills very early (around 60 even). Plus, everything in the Pits is vulnerable to Holy Bolt. You’d be able to farm an 85 area, which can drop everything minus Torch, Anni, and Sunders, as soon as you can step foot in Hell Outer Cloister. Crypt and Mausoleum could work, too, since everything is also vulnerable to Holy Bolt and is accessible right out of Cold Plains.

The real benefit of TZs is that more mobs can drop those TC87 items… but you have to be level 85 first.

Again this sounds like a you problem, they don’t effect me one bit, because I choose to play the game the way I want it to be played. I find my gear, I use what I find, with or without sunder charms, that doesn’t change.

This is your problem, not the charms.

If you’re so against the sunder charms, then this shouldn’t be an issue for you at all. Your replayability is right where it was last season, or even before D2R was a thing.

The loot hunt remains, especially if you stop trading. Don’t use sunder charms and your TZ options fall drastically. Don’t like the idea of the TZ, don’t do them and carry on with your Pit, AT, Chaos, etc runs.

Your whole point of view so far sounds like a personal dilemma, not a game problem.

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Its poor game design if someone’s only option is to ignore the strongest game mechanics.