Custom Runewords :)

Looks… like a really cool runeword! Love it. I think the Summoner necro might build one in a necro head - maybe the 30 thors on an army would matter?

Imagine that in a godly white druid pelt/barbarian helm…

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LUL - you’re trolling this one Nephalem. Basically “make assassins godly”!

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Would help sorcs and din and zon too

This would make a kicksin god-tier… would be insanely strong with dragon claw.

Post recentered further below


3 Socket Body Armor Shael + Dol + Io (Ladder Only)

+100-120% Enhanced Defense (varies)
+20% Faster Hit Recovery
+15% Faster Cast Rate
Replenish Life +7
Damage Reduced By 14
All Resistance +35
Repairs 1 Durability In 10 Seconds
+15 To Vitality
20% Damage Taken Goes To Mana

Worked well for caster classes, and nice to use in etheral armors =)

Serpents Tale

3 Socket Claws Zod + Tal + Cham

2 To Assassin Skill Levels
+320-370% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Freeze Target +3
Hit Blinds Target
+402 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds
+25% Increased Attack Speed
-(30-50)% To Enemy Posion Resistance (varies)
+1 to Werewolf

Could be intressting to run around like Werewolf like Assissins =)

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4 Socket Weapons Amn + Eld + Shael + Eld (Ladder Only)

+100% Enhanced Damage
35% Increased Attack Speed
Level 4 Solar Creeper (60 Charges)
+12% Life Stolen Per Hit
+150% Damage To Undead
+100 Attack Rating Against Undead
Repairs 1 Durability in 5 Seconds
+20% Deadly Strike

It calls hunger becase "Solar creeper who helping eat bodies =) low level runewords for all kind of 4 sockets weapons, good on merc or other classes. I think Repairs 1 Durabillity could be useful in etheral items =))

4-socket shields

Grants Level 15 Vigor Aura when equipped
+1-2 All skills (roll)
Magic damage reduced by 35%
Magic damage reduced by 7 (Mal)
+50 Energy
+100 Max mana (SurSur)
30% Faster hit recovery
50-75% Better chance to find magic items (roll)
50-75% Extra gold from monsters (roll)
Indestructible (Zod)

No cast rate, not block to chance, no resistances,? And Zod rune and other high runes, i think we need something more attribut to make this runeword to be honest.

Hammer of Witches

Mal-Mal-Um (MAL leus MAL ificar UM)

Prevent Monster Heal (2x Mal yeah sorry had to fit the theme)
25% Chance for Open Wounds (Um)

Assassin skills affect Back in Black as if it were a Claw. (Claw mastery affects it, Claw Skill work with it, does NOT allow 1-H hammers to be dual wielded, dex doesn’t add to damage etc).

+66% Increased Attack Speed
+222% to +333% enhanced damage
+6 to Shadow Skills (can’t roll skills like claws can) (Assassin Only)
+6 to Dragon Claw (Assassin Only)
+6 to Dragon Tail (Assassin Only)
+6 to Dragon Flight (Assassin Only)
0-66% Deadly Strike (2/3 character level)
Slain Monsters Rest in Peace (merc and minions also gain this trait, yes not another DS build :wink: )


5 Socket Bows

5% Chance To Cast Level 1 Decrepify On Striking
15% Chance To Cast Level 15 Corpse Explosion On Striking
Level 6-8 Sanctuary Aura When Equipped
60% Increased Attack Speed
+285-350% Enhanced Damage (ohm)
Ignore Target’s Defense
7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+20% Chance Of Crushing Blow
+20% Chance Of Deadly Strike

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It’s to counter hammerdin and necro in PVP. It’s a specialised rw not a general use one

Nice to see this in action, i muste fix i can show all my creations =))

Armor/Shield - Light Feeder(4 sockets) Sur Jah Ist Ist
Armor Version
for each Aura buffing this char gain +15 all Resists and +90% damage(cap of 4)
+130-150% Enhanced Defense
+1 Teleport
+1 All Skills
+1-2 Fire Skills
+1-5% increase resist cap to all(Fire,Cold,Light,Poison)
+20% Faster Run Walk
+35% IAS
+20% FCR
+200 Attack Rating
+15% Open Wound
+10% Crushing Blow
+100% MF(Ist Runes + runeword effect)
+5% Mana(Sur Rune effect)
+5% Life(Jah Rune effect)
Self-Upgrade : every 30000 kills count add +1 to a variable unless its already at its best roll outcome(92% chance to land on enhanced defense over any other variable)
Set Effect: lvl 10 Defiance Aura(passive) or +5 Holy Fire aura(active)(aura rolled randomly, shield piece decide the roll)

Shield Version
for each Aura buffing this char gain +15 all Resists and +90% damage(cap of 3)
+150-180% enhanced defense
+1 All Skills
+2 Fire Skills
+7 to Zeal
+15-20% Fire Damage
+20% IAS
+30% FCR
+25% FHR
+20% faster Block Rate
+10% Increased Chance to block
+15 Magic Absorbtion
+15 Physical dmg negation
+50 Mana(Sur Rune)
+50 Life(Jah Rune)
+75% MF(Ist Runes + runeword effect)
self-upgrade : every 30000 kills count add +1 to a variable unless its already at its best roll outcome(92% chance to land on enhanced defense over any other variable)
Set Effect: lvl 10 Defiance Aura(passive) or +5 Holy Fire aura(active)(aura rolled randomly, shield piece decide the roll)

Auras that counts(All Pally Auras, Druid Oaks Aura, Battle Order,Command&Shout)

edit: fixed some rushed choices…had to hop off in a hurry so i didn’t get time to full review see if something needed adjustment or if a mod was forgotten(% enhanced def added and defiance aura changed to passive)…add the self-upgrade mod(new affixe)
Self-Upgrade require an additional 2500 kills everytime it trigger(30000,32500,35000,37500 etc)

EDIT 2: decided to make 1 more

5 sockets 2H Swords & 1H Axes(lvl 29 requirement)…Name: Eye of the Abyss
Shael Amn Shael Hel Sol
+1 All Skills
40% increased attack speed
-20% requirement
+18 minimum damage
7% LifeSteal
120% Enhanced damage
+50 Cold Damage
10% Deadly Strike
10% Crushing Blow
+20% additionnal Enhanced dmg for each jewels in your Helm,Armor and Shield, if dual wielding instead receive 30% for each jewels
+80 Attack Rating
+15% Faster Run Walk
50% chance to cast lvl 1 Frozen Orb on striking
Self-Repair every 5 sec
every 500 kills unleash a lvl 60 Frozen orb
Evolution: Mind of the Abyss(kill 500,000,000 enemies in HELL difficulty while wielding this)

Mind of the Abyss(Eye of the Abyss evolved)
+3 all Skills
550% Enhanced damage
70% Increased Attack Speed
-50% Requirement
+50 Min damages
12% Lifesteal
+3000 Cold Damage
+500 Attack Rating
35% Deadly Strike
25% Crushing Blow
25% faster Run Walk
Cold resistance +100
Increased cold resist cap by 24%(99%)
Holy Freeze Aura lvl 20
Boost Jewels in your gear effects by twice as high as they normally give
75% chance to cast lvl 30 Frozen orb
every 1500 kills unleash a wave of frozen destruction wiping out any enemies within 80 Yards


4 Socket Body Armor Pul + Shael + Amn + Hel (ladder only)

+160-180% Enhanced Defense (varies)
1 to All Skills
Level 10 Hydra (60 charges)
+20% Faster Hit Recovery
+20% Faster Cast Rate
All Resistance +40%
Attacker Takes Damage of 20
Requirements -50%
+50 To Life

ok i understand =) i will try your runeword in heroeditor =)

As posted in Runeword Idea for 2.5

Blistering Cold
Vex + Ber + Ohm + Jah
Level 13 Holy Freeze Aura when equipped
30% chance to cast level 15 lower resist when struck
30% chance to cast level 15 lower resist when striking
15% chance to cast level 21 blizzard when struck
15% chance to cast level 21 blizzard when striking
5% to maximum cold resist
5% to maximum fire resist
8% reduced damage
Increase Maximum Life 5%
-15% enemy cold resistance
+3 Cold Skills
+1 Frozen Armor (All classes)
50% Better Chance at Finding Magic Items
20% Faster Cast Rate
15% Increased Attack Speed
Adds 200-400 Cold Damage


3 Socket helm Ohm + Shael + Zod

+150% Enhanced Defense
20% Chance of Crushing Blow
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+30% Faster Hit Recovery
+15% To Maximum Fire Resist
+(0.5 per Character Level) 0.5-49.5% Deadly Strike (Based on Character Level)
+20 To Strength
-20% To Enemy Fire Resistance

Good for all classes end gaming for uber runs =) I know that blizzard watching this thread and maybe testing all ouer creations =)

here is how you fix paladin in pvp

5 OS Paladin Scepters
*FOH Cannot be Absorbed, or FOH gets + magic damage from holybolt (similar outcome)
+More stats, maybe FCR

Current meta:
VT FOH Damage vs Tgods: 47 (not useable)
VT FOH Damage vs 80% Light res no sorb: 133 (useable supplemental damage)

Full FOHdin Damage vs Tgods: 160 (not useable, you cant foh someone 25x)
Full FOHdin Damage vs 80% Light res no sorb: 266 (useable, 15 hits to pk)