Custom Runewords :)

Here is the custom runeword I made, feel free to submit yours!

‘HelChamFal’ in 3 socket helms and shiels

10% Chance to cast level 15 decrepify when struck
Level 30 thorns aura
+1 All skills
30% Enhanced Damage (Helmet Only)
+10 All resistances (Shield Only)
+10 Strength (Fal)
Cannot be Frozen (Cham)
-15% Requirements (Hel)
5% Experience
8% Damage reduction
+15 All resistances

(I tested this runeword in both helm and shield in singleplayer using hero editor and the thorns aura was almost useless, but the decrepify felt nice. I think if this was a real runeword it would be used on helm for act 2/5 merc)


Salty Armor of the Wahh

25% Chance to stop dclone from spawning
+20% bonus trading points when completing a trade
+100 to the economy
Allows Teleport in town
Cannot be hostiled or hostile other players
+50 to server stability
Provides ability to stack runes and gems


lol, that whould be kinda weak tho

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Decrepify when struk is indeed a nice idea. Adding another +exp item that isn’t very strong is interesting too. I applaude you making something actually balanced.

this is kinda odd though. The differences between bonuses are usually due to the runes giving different effects. The effects are rather small, don’t see why not just have both of them.

Let’s me give it a try:

For the people the gripe about Sorc starters on Ladder, or those wanting a budget Teleport option, I present:

Hell Soul (Hel+Sol)
2 socketed Barb Helms, Assassin Claws, Amazon Spears, Necromancer Shrunken Heads, Paladin Shields, Druid Pelts

+1 to Teleport
+applicable rune stats

Gives love to class restricted equipment for no other benefit besides an equalizer to play what you love at Ladder start, restricts dual spirit in most cases (especially a big buff Pally Spirit), restricts overall build itemization for the benefit of the Tele (no Arreats, Shako, HoZ, Zon FCR/CtA weapon swap, No Homonculous, No Jalals, etc).

To give something for the Sorc, since she doesn’t need a Teleport item:

Solemn Prayer (Sol+Lum)
2 Socketed Sorceress Orb

Level 6-10 Redemption Aura when equipped.
+applicable rune bonuses

For the alternative to Insight Merc, promotes mana regen by killing foes rather than just tele boss farming.


This was the one I shared on the Diablo Twitter when they were asking about people’s custom runewords.

2 Socket Wands

+1 All Skills
+20% Faster Cast Rate
+275-300% Enhanced Damage
Adds 25-50 Damage
+40% Increased Attack Speed
+350 to Attack Rating
Ignore Target’s Defense (Jah rune)
+20% Deadly Strike (Lo rune)
+1 Amplify Damage (oskill)
All Resistances +15

Amp Damage oskill would be very powerful and thus it’s very expensive to compensate. As for the other stats, it seems like it would be cool to have a melee wand even though most would only use it for the Amp, but I figured it could be cool on a WW Barb or Zealot or something. :stuck_out_tongue:


I think this is a really cool idea, it’s not overpowered, it’s just a BiS option for those fire druids and fire sorcs, really like it, cool idea, all of them runewords are sick, ill make Malediction in singleplayer and tell you what i think :slight_smile:

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Monk’s Will
Body Armors

  • Cannot use anything in main hand or offhand
  • Abilities that normally have any item-specific requirements have those requirements removed
  • 15% chance to cast amplify damage on attack
  • 15% chance to raise slain enemy as a randomly selected level 10 Heart of Wolverine, Oak sage, or Spirit of Barbs (Max 1)
  • Adds +750 physical damage
  • 50% increase attack speed
  • 12% life leech
  • 12% mana leech
  • 35% crushing blow
  • +30 resist all

Hah, i was actually thinking for a necromancer. 2 socketed shield RW so you can make it in a +3 CE shrunken head. +Fire skills gives bonus to corpse explosion. I just want more stuff to pick up and look at (i.e. look white\grey shrunken heads)

Fire druid and sorc would probably still prefer Phoenix for the -resist.

Could also be good for fighting ubers due to the procs - between attract and psychic hammer it is a very good retaliation system

I didn’t see the hammer at first, lol. But hammer whould be sick for ubers :smiley:

I’ve always kind of wanted a super tanky GG shield. I think this would be fun.

Wall of Jericho
4 socket shield

25% Chance to cast level 10 Fade When Struck
Damage Reduced by 8%
+15-20 to Max Fire Resist
+15-20 to Max. Resist Cold
+15-20 to Max. Resist Lightning
+50-75 all resist
+100-200% Enhanced Defense
+25% Increased Chance of Blocking
+30% Faster Block Rate
Reduce Poison Duration by 50-75%
+8-10 Magic Absorb
+5-10 Fire Absorb
+5-10 Cold Absorb
+5-10 Lightning Absorb

I think this is super cool! also maybe the damage reduction could be increased to 25%?
i know 8% comes from the ber rune but damage reduction is always sick, stormshield has 35% dmg reduction and it makes my kicksin super tanky

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35% damage reduction would be nice. The flavor I was going with was massive tanky stats, with little to no offensive power. For such expensive runes, I would want it to provide near invincibility. I think it achieves that for elemental damage. The Fade and 35% could accomplish that rather nicely.

“Rip Tide”
Sol Shael Lum
3 Socket Helm

All Skills +[1-2]
20% Faster Hit Recovery 
Energy +10 
+[50-75] Mana
+12 to Attack Rating (Per Character Level)
Damage Reduced by 7 
Repair Costs reduced by 40%
Level [5-10] Teleport Charges (35/35)

This is an item I’d love to see for mid to early game farming. While you’re still trying to get some wealth together. The Teleport Charges combined with lowered repair costs would make certain runs more accessible for classes other than Sorc. Specifically doing countess, meph, andy or getting past river to do chaos runs. And it frees up your weapon swap by replacing a tele-staff.

Also +12 Attacking Rating per level is the same amount you get from Angelic Ring + Neck (Angelic Ring + Neck has gotten me over that melee hump more than once).

PvP Item, Tyreal’s something something

Paladin shields
Magic damage becomes blockable OR 35% Reduce magic damage

Also a non enigma teleport item would open up a lot of new creative builds and buff melee chars that need it (allowing barbs / paladins to use fort). Maybe a shield so that spirit isn’t always best in slot

[Unstoppable Force]
4 Socket Melee Weapons
Hel Lum Hel Fal

50% Crushing Blow
50% Deadly Strike
100% Chance of Open Wounds
5% Chance to cast level 2 Corpse Explosion on Striking.
Ignore Enemy Defenses

Here are some of mine… enjoy :slight_smile:


Permafrost(3 Socket Helm): Sol + Ohm + Pul

Level 4-8 Resist Cold aura when equipped(varies)
+3 To Cold Skills
-10-15% to Enemy Cold Resistance(varies)
Damage Reduced By 7
+30% Enhanced Defense
Attacker Takes Damage of 15
Can Not Be Frozen
+5% To Maximum Cold Resist
Poison Length Reduced by 50%

Capricious(3 Socket Helm): Pul + Lum + Lo
Level 4-8 Resist Lightning aura when equipped(varies)
+3 To Lightning Skills
-10-15% to Enemy Lightning Resistance(varies)
+30% Enhanced Defense
+10 to Energy
Regenerate Mana 15%
Magic Damage Reduced by 5
+5% To Maximum Lightning Resist
Poison Length Reduced by 50%

First two are basically contemporaries to Flickering Flame, only that each one grants their respective element. This ought to even the playing field that Act 3 Fire variants currently have an advantage in. Also would bolster Act 1 Cold Arrow with Permafrost.

Devotion(4 Socket Shield): Jah + Ber + Hel + Dol

10% chance to cast level 20 Fade when struck
Level 16-20 Prayer aura when equipped(varies)
+100-150% Enhanced Defense(varies)
+1 To All Skills
20% Faster Cast Rate
+50 To Life
+30% Faster Hit Recovery
Damage Reduced by 8%
Replenish Life +7
Requirements -15%
+3 to Light Radius

Devotion is a new Shield runeword I devised that fills two particular roles. 1) It grants Prayer aura, the first runeword to do so, that could potentially see use on not only Paladins but perhaps other casters provided they’re able to cover the constant mana cost Prayer has. 2) It covers up a huge hole Act 3 Mercenaries have in recovery. Since Act 3 can’t rely on Life Leech and Life Tap, we’ve basically resorted to using Phoenix(which isn’t cheap) or pumping them full of potions. By placing Prayer on an Act 3 Merc, they can replenish their life over time while being significantly easier to equip thanks to that Hel rune.

Tabernacle(5 Socket Missile Weapons): Eth + Ohm + Mal + Sur + Nef
33% Chance to cast level 15 Amplify Damage on striking
Level 16-20 Sanctuary aura when equipped(varies)
40% Increased Attack Speed
+80-100% Enhanced Damage(varies)
+40% Piercing Attack
-25% Target Defense
Slows Target by 33%
Hit Blinds Target
Prevent Monster Heal

This runeword would require a change to Sanctuary aura to apply to Ranged attacks but people underestimate this aura’s power. Sanctuary aura has always been the realm of Melee characters until now. Tabernacle will give Bowzons or anyone crazy enough to wield a Bow to send the Undead back to the Burning Hells. Attacks pierce enemies(with Pierce Skill at level 7 or above. Is 99% at level 6), allowing you to hit multiple foes. Surviving foes are blinded, slowed, and knocked back. Sanctuary aura provides further knockback protection if they’re Undead while slapping a massive %Undead multiplier.

The Amplify Damage proc does not benefit the weapon holder for enemies that Sanctuary aura affects since the aura treats the affected enemies as if it has 0 Resistance at all times. This includes Physical Immunes but any debuffs that would normally send Physical Resistance into negative territory are ignored if Sanctuary aura applies. Against everything else, however, that curse is a golden ticket and perfect Act 1 Merc weapon.

Veracity(5 Socket Weapons): Mal + Shael + Sur + Shael + Cham

15% Chance To Cast Level 15 Lower Resist on striking
Level 20 Blessed Aim aura when equipped
40% Increased Attack Speed
+270-330% Enhanced Damage(varies)
Prevent Monster Heal
Hit Blinds Target
Freezes Target +3
All Resistance +30-40(varies)

A new runeword that grants Blessed Aim which admittedly could be stacked on a Frenzy Barb for some sweet level 40 Blessed Aim action. Suitable for physical and elemental builds thanks to its Lower Resist proc.

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You should call this Brain Freeze.


ill join in here. Knockoff insight sword sothat it doesnt ruin all the other sword alternatives in that level range, and sorcs can finally use a5 mercs:

level 31
4 sockets Swords
Shael ith eld Dol
adds Level 15-17 Meditation Aura when equipped
adds 100-125% enhanced damage
adds 100-150% to AR
20 ias (Shael)
9 Max damage (ith)
adds 75% Damage to Undead, 50 AR to Undead (eld)
Hit causes monster to flee 25% (Dol)

For safety/purity theme:
5% chance to cast lvl 5 Chilling Armor when struck
15% chance to cast lvl 8 Frost Nova when struck
+10-20 all res
25-50 to Mana
+10 to life regeneration
Damage reduced by 12
Poisen duration reduced by 75%

lmao… well Hell hasn’t frozen over yet has it?