This really annoys the crap out of me.
This is not the same experience we had years ago.
I dont understand how on this one, 20 years into the future, we are more technologically inept than we were originally???
This really annoys the crap out of me.
This is not the same experience we had years ago.
I dont understand how on this one, 20 years into the future, we are more technologically inept than we were originally???
I am having the same isssue
I can’t even believe this either… couldn’t connect with a friend other night. And now… it is like no one even exists… I can’t ever link with anyone and may as well be playing offline WTF Blizzard… I don’t understand how this was even that hard? It’s not like they even made significant changes anywhere in the game. Did they just expect to have so much boycott that it wouldn’t matter?
Blizzard has effectively ruined the Diablo 2 experience by removing these things on console. Diablo 2 Resurrected end game is unplayable without Chat, Text Chat, Named Game lobbies, Game lobby lists. Blizzard has bungled the simplest mechanics of this game and alienated any returning D2 veteran playing on console, and will frustrate any new players almost immediately once they find out that these features are present in the PC release. WHY WOULD ANYONE PLAY THIS GAME ON CONSOLE FOR ANY EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME WITHOUT THEM. These things MUST be put into the console version or this Game will die out faster than a lightning strike.
It has nothing to do with power leveling. Ive been playing the game off and on for 20 years. As the game got older the community and public games shrank. The most exciting and anticipated part of d2r was not the graphics. It was the fact that people would be playing this game again. They need to fix matchmaking and chat ASAP. I cant think of another game ever released that has such a substandard multiplayer experience as d2r on consoles.
You echo my sentiments exactly my friend.
Them excluding everything you said, kills this “remaster”…
Truly sad. I didn’t buy the game to only play solo or with friends. I want to be able to reliably and consistently play with strangers if this is to be worth my time and money. I’m over it
Well said, for last few years I wanted to play d2 but havent got pc at the moment, it was nice surprise when see d2r coming out and for console too. But I would rather play with old graphics and have multiplayer than this “single player online”
I feel robbed. They went backwards from beta to the point I refuse to even play untill it’s fixed. I can’t believe they still aren’t even talking about it like as if it’s not actually happening or an issue to the majority of their customers on this launch?
Until then guys drops ur PSN add each other and join on the party Services on your consoul. I’ve had great luck adding people that have put their names on here. If we all do it and continue to do so they will add a fix for it. But until then it’s up to us to make do with what they gave us. It sucks but still worth playing. I already have a small group forming on PlayStation. Add my PSN slamordain
Yeah I told them what they did to console with no chat no lobbies ,only 4 man team is game breaking. This is not D3 you can’t play D2 like that and these “”""* here on the forums banned me for 3 days for it lol. Ez 96% return on consoles only ppl that are going to keep it is the ones from D3 and WoW that never played D2 lod . Fail blizzard fail . Now band me again for making a post.
I feel like its also worth mentioning when you do get randomly matched to a game quests are impossible to complete if the host has already done them. So, good luck with nightmare difficulty and beyond! You will be apparently be soloing all quests on console.
Console players have to pay a monthly fee to play online single player. What a shame. This is ridiculous.
I’ve basically given up. The game just isn’t enjoyable. No good drops when you are forced to play alone online. Can’t even make steady progress. It’s slow and grueling. And honestly? Why bother even making a character if i can NEVER get a PVP match? That’s what i enjoyed about diablo 2. Playing with other people. I am so disappointed in this console release. An 800 dollar machine and a brand new game and this is what we get? No people to trade with. No people to grind with. No people to duel with. This is what we have waited for? Blizzard this has to be addressed like yesterday. Stop ignoring your customers.
I’m lucky my friend got this game with me so I’ve had SOMEONE to play with. Otherwise it’s a completely single player game. Multiplayer was THE best part of this game. To completely ruin multiplayer on the console ports is unbelievable.
I really believe this is lawsuit material. They didn’t sell the game as advertised. That’s criminal business.
I mean let’s face it, it’s not Blizzard North or ggg… you all set yourselves up for this disaster, can’t blame ‘south’ for everything.
It is genuinely worse than the original launch. Not only are all the old bugs still present but there are great new ones too. Like my characters are missing now for some reason. Why the hell are online characters stored on their servers anyway? Ps4 save encryption seems sufficient. For that matter why do I have to pay for PSN if I still have to log through Bnet?
The matchmaking on console is a joke. We need named lobbies. The console version is worse than the pc original.
Yup soloed all normal,nm and hell up too ancients. Now I’m stuck they keep slapping to the ground. Nomatter how I use matchmaking, I’m either alone or they all ready finished what I needed. Lobbies are needed.