Is this matchmaking for real? Like how is it this terrible…seriously. What year are we in? Playing Halo 1 on gamespy before XBOX LIVE even existed was 100x better than this matchmaking. I was promised the original diablo 2 experience? If i am lucky enough to actually find another player I cant even communicate with them other than with preset messages? This is the biggest fail for one of the absolute best games ever created. I couldnt even get a refund from the ps4 store. I wish i didnt download this game digitally so i could eject the disc and chuck it like a frisbee. Congrats on the successful cash grab minus the micro transactions blizzard.
I feel you. I cannot even login….
Can’t even play with ppl on friends list right now. Get error this game does not exist anymore when we invite each other
Bro my sorc is filling up with rando CharsiTrash I gotta figure something out!
Lobbies and chat!!!
console is DEAD!!!
Yeah the matchmaking is so bad, and no communication is just as bad. That was a big part of the original. I hope they change this soon!!
The worst part is the chat system does exist. They just have it disabled (before a server crash i saw the chat box pop up and say “connected to world chat.”
If they dont, I’m out.
Please blizzard we need a update for online play it cant be worse than it is now…
Same problem hereeeee
I get that people want to play with friends and some like to play in groups.
However, most of the people who are annoyed that the sort of matchmaking they enjoyed after completing the game multiple times on PC isn’t available immediately on console are just upset that they can’t Power Level their way to End Game in the first 5 days.
The game hasn’t even been out a week.
In time the matchmaking is likely to change and improve.
It was a bad decision, hope we get the old system back asap with chat and mouse and Keyboard support
Why does noone speaking about the fact that the matchmaking do not work AT ALL!! It’s not a matter of lobbies and rooms
Matchmaking is broken. Game party finder is dead, it’s so annoying. It’s multiplayer game for god sake!
yeah for @&@&2 sakes! it’s so disappointing and i’m not exactly sure if this has issue has been even raised at all since everyone’s just talking about the lack of lobbys
They don’t care about consoles…
This was one of my favorite games growing up, but what console players have to deal with the matchmaking/lobbies is just sad. I wish BLIZZARD will let console players create lobbies and have an active chat system. I think I’ve only seen a handful of players since launch. For these reasons it makes me regret buying the game.
You are wrong. Gaming companies have bin on a down ward spiral for years. Releasing games that are unfinnished and full of bugs is not acceptable. If it the first day at launch or the fifth. The game needs to be complete before selling it. I would not buy a car without tires. Why do i want a soley online multiplayer game that does not support online match making.
I feel like you are an employee and trying to cover for them. I want my money back. Im done with blizzard. D3 was garbage and this is even worse. I fell asleep playing D3 and now i prefer to sleep rather then even trying to find a random to game with.
Stop supporting a million dollar company that should have its affairs in order.
FACTS!!! been quiting and rejoining in the lobby now for 2.5 hours and have yet to find another player, even if I could zero communication is such BS total let down of my favorite game of all time.
What a steaming pile of garbage. I’ve got no words to explain how terrible this roll out is.
I’ve played every blizzard game dating back to Warcraft II and Diablo, played literal years in the original D2 and WoW and this is quite frankly beyond embarrassing. To think Blizzard was an industry leader, at the forefront of innovation 20 years ago and now it’s a soulless husk that can’t even get match making correct on a rebooted / reskinned port. How do you take a key component of the game, match making, and bungle it as poorly as they’ve managed. Blizzard has been doing online multiplayer for OVER 20 YEARS!