This can be fixed bro try both of you restarting client worked for me and my friend
Walking into finished boss runs is pretty hilarious…
16 days gone from that post, 21 since the game launched and since I’ve been trying to have some fun in online games with more than 1 (occasinal) random that I can’t even comunicate since we have some great, insightfull, emotes and no other functional way to say what I actually need to say instead of “Die!”… Matchmaking still seems the same to me, btw…
Add me if ur on ps4 immamurdersum1
Bananas. I can’t even fathom how poorly run the entirety of Blizzard has become.
Just hopped in and out of 10 different games for various stages that should have an active player base and match made with 1 person.
I know this post is old. Yet it’s still relevant and it goes to show that this problem is still not fixed after two months. Why do I even bother on PS5 anymore? How long is it going to take to fix this?
I see upcoming updates and patch notes and I hope beyond hope that there’s a fix coming but nothing. If you don’t want to give us lobbies, at least fix the matchmaking! I have a PS4 and a PS5 so I test joining myself and sometimes it works, but most times it doesn’t.
Console D2R might as well be only a single player game. Can we at least hear SOMETHING from Blizzard about this? Diablo 3 sucked but even its matchmaking wasn’t this bad.
It still barely (!) works on ps4 (matchmaking). Anyone would like to say something?
Blizzard successfully ignored console players’ least wish for implementing better matchmaking. I’ll move to ELDEN RING soon and will not buy Blizzard game agaln.
Blizzard people should had stopped thinking console version is 2nd tier.
So simply out of curiosity then… what is actually so difficult about making the matchmaking to work? The game does not even feature a crossplay…? It worked 20 or so years ago (even with dial up)