Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

Arreats is already the BIS option of all… why buff it? The affix is intersting, but then put that on one of the others?

I guess we did this kind of right? Not sure if the “old” version have been super balanced though. :man_shrugging:

Problem with that, as intensively discussed over the past two years :crazy_face: is, that this would make it an kind of mandatory merc item and enigma would be still BIS due to teleport. So since removing TP from nigma would dissapoint a lot of people (myself included) we decided to offer TP on TM and Wizzy and Najs-set to create alternatives. I still think that is the way to go…

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Shadow Killer may be Ethereal and Indestructible but thats because it always spawns that way. Immortal King Maul always spawns Indestructible and while I did have the idea of replacing that with Repairs 1 Durability Every 4 Seconds, Set Items cannot have the Ethereal Flag roll on them. If memory serves, the reason why is because it apparently conflicts/interferes with how the game counts equipped items and for Sets that’s a particularly important thing. Meaning if Set items could roll Ethereal, the game wouldn’t count you as having the Complete Set despite you having all necessary items equipped. I don’t know how or why it’s that way or if I’m even correct on the reason but that’s just how it is. It’s a shame if you think about it and why having Sockets on Set Weapons is more than justified.


These are the changes below if we wanted to bring back 1.08 Arkaine’s Valor…

Arkaine’s Valor
Defense: 1295-1450
Req Level: 85
Req Strength: 165
+150-180% Enhanced Defense
+1-2 To All Skills
+0-49 To Vitality (+0.50 Per Clvl)
+30% Faster Hit Recovery
Damage Reduced By 10-15

  • Buffs:
    • Add Indestructible
    • Add +50% Fire Resist
    • Add +2-198 To Life (2.0 Per Clvl)
    • Remove Damage Reduced By 10-15
    • Change Vitality to +2-247 (2.5 Per Clvl)
    • Change E. Defense to +200%
    • Change All Skills to +2

I’m ok with the most iconic items, such as Arkaine’s Valor, getting “super-buffed.” With the massive life bonus, Arkaine’s Valor would compete with Enigma. Heck, we could even do the same for Windforce with the +35 DEX is a nice damage boost for bowzons, but is still a relatively mild upgrade compared to AV…

2H Damage: 35-547
Req Strength: 134
Req Dexterity: 167
Req level: 73
+250% Enhanced Damage
+3-309 To Max Damage (3.125 Per Clvl)
20% Increased Attack Speed
6-8% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Heal Stamina Plus 30%
+10 To Strength
+5 To Dexterity

  • Buffs:
    • Change Dexterity to +35

One more honorable mention…

Vampire Gaze
Defense: 252
Req Strength: 58
Req level: 41
+100% Enhanced Defense
Adds 6-22 Cold Damage, 4 Second Duration
15% Slower Stamina Drain
6-8% Life Stolen Per Hit
6-8% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Damage Reduced By 15-20%
Magic Damage Reduced By 10-15

  • Buffs:
    • Add 1 Open Socket
    • Change Life Stolen Per Hit to 8%
    • Change Mana Stolen Per Hit to 8%
    • Change Damage Reduced to 25%
    • Change Magic Damage Reduced to 15

Adding just 1 Socket to Vamp Gaze is kind of a waste if you think about it. We already get that via Larzuk so all we’d really be saving is that valuable Socket Quest that people go out of their way to get by rushing a new character through Normal. Given that you’re proposing buffing the Physical Resistance to 25%(double Ber CoA’s range from 26-31… so insanely strong for Helm slot) and removing variation on Life/Mana Leech + MDR is quite substantial in its own right. If you were to add Sockets, I’d argue 1-2(varies) since 2 Sockets is something we can’t already obtain.

Even so, with the Physical Resistance buff, we can hit 33%… that’s higher than a double Ber CoA ffs.

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nice inside knowledge there, makes sense from a coding view, i dont really care if its indestructable or self repair as long as it works tho.

i just think that the set items overall could use some hard buffs, the bul kathos set is a joke if you think about how rare it is and how it gets outperformed by a runeword as soon as you get your hands on a ZOD or a LO.

as i said the items in this game are so good because of the gambling, the worth of a gaze grows exponentionally as soon as it rolls perfect, eth and perfect when upped. and thats what makes the grinding worth, ive found one eth perfect gaze and i got more JAH runes out of it than the last 2 JAH 2 BER and CHAM ive found, let them roll its way more satisfying that way.

DMG reduced from 10% - 25% would be cool tho.

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Agreed, look over our proposed buffs to sets and feel free to provide feedback. I wanted to revisit Bul-Kathos’ Children. I think for a full set bonus, adding +200 magic damage would be helpful for dealing with PI and pairs nicely with +200 fire damage. In addition, buff ED on 2hander and poison damage on 1hander…

Bul-Kathos’ Children

  • Add +200 Magic Damage (Full Set)
  • Change E. Damage to +200-300% (Bul-Kathos’ Sacred Charge)
  • Change Poison Damage to +200 Over 2 Seconds (Bul-Kathos’ Tribal Guardian)

Feel free to look up my Set Overhaul topic. I overhaul/buff each of the 7 Class Sets, although some way more than others(Tal Rasha + Trang-Oul don’t really need much). What I propose may be different than what Charles is proposing here in this topic. As for BK Set, I haven’t touched it but I suppose I should at some point.

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I looked over your sets and thought your ideas for Natalya’s Odium is better than our current proposal. On the claw, swapping ITD for -100% target defense and adding martial arts skills as 3p bonus is solid. For helm, adding trap skills as 3p bonus is good as the set no longer ignores Trap tree. For armor, swapping defense for flat 100% E. defense and locking sockets to 3 would go a long way to improve item. For boots, I like 3p bonus for fire resist, but would make it roll the same range as cold/light for Tri-Resist, but getting a godly roll is hard. Lastly, I would add minus enemy poison resist as 2p partial set bonus…

Natalya’s Odium

  • Add -15% Enemy Poison Resist (2 Items)
  • Add +15-25% Fire Resist (3 Items) (Natalya’s Soul)
  • Add +2 To Trap Skills (Assassin Only) (3 Items) (Natalya’s Totem)
  • Add +2 To Martial Arts Skills (Assassin Only) (3 Items) (Natalya’s Mark)
  • Change Ignore Target Defense to -100% Target Defense (Natalya’s Mark)
  • Change 150-225 Defense to +100% E. Defense (Natalya’s Shadow)
  • Change Open Sockets to 3 (Natalya’s Shadow)

The only reason I made the ITD change on the Claw is because of how the game treats ITD. If ITD truly meant Ignore Target Defense in all situations, a Jah rune or ITD would be superior than -%Target Defense from an Eth rune. Sadly that’s not the case, hence why I made the change and with it, MA Assassins will now have, at minimum -50% Target Defense against Bosses/Super Uniques. It’s only made worse by the fact that against Bosses, Cloak of Shadows is completely ineffective, hence why -%Target Defense is so important.

As for other changes on Natalya, I added +1 Assassin and +2 MA(3 items) on the Claw for +6 Skills overall, +2 Traps(3 items) on the Helm since the Set doesn’t even touch Traps(ditto MA), +15-25 Fire Resist(3 items) on Boots(well aware this makes them godly tri-resist Boots but requires two other Set items), and strengthening Natalya Armor with the Enhanced Defense + Socket change.

I didn’t add -Enemy Poison Resistance because I also added 3 Sockets to the Claw. While that may be a radical change, it makes up for the fact that Set Weapons cannot roll Ethereal and permits players the option to specialize in w/e element they prefer(Fire/Cold/Light/Poison) or amplify Physical(bringing Enhanced Damage to at most 350%). If you combine the 3 Sockets on Claw with the 4 on Chest + Helm, a MA Assassin can plop 7 Rainbow Facets for 35% Skill/-35 Resistance. That’s pretty strong.

Also 2-piece bonus is MDR 15


Completely agree. :+1:

Yeah, instead of -poison resist, I think you idea of adding 3 sockets to claw to allow option to specialize in a element is better…

Natalya’s Odium

  • Add 3 Open Sockets (Natalya’s Mark)
  • Add +2 To Martial Arts Skills (Assassin Only) (3 Items) (Natalya’s Mark)
  • Change Ignore Target Defense to -100% Target Defense (Natalya’s Mark)
  • Add +15-25% Fire Resist (3 Items) (Natalya’s Soul)
  • Add +2 To Trap Skills (Assassin Only) (3 Items) (Natalya’s Totem)
  • Change 150-225 Defense to +100% E. Defense (Natalya’s Shadow)
  • Change Open Sockets to 3 (Natalya’s Shadow)

I should mention one thing and its a reason I opted to do +25 Fire Resist(3 items) on Natalya Boots is because any Partial Set bonus on an item(listed in green) is static(aka it doesn’t vary). Meaning if you have 13 Natalya Boots, they may vary on Defense, Cold Resist and Lightning Resist but any time you have them equipped with two other pieces, they’ll always yield 25 Fire Resistance. There’s only one exception to this and that’s Civerb’s Set and the variance is literally one point(hardly much). Given we’re dealing with a variance of 10, I’d recommend settling on a specific value. I settled on 25 because with a perfect rolled Boots, you’d have +25 All Resistance with Chest. Helm adds another 10-20, hence you’re looking at a range of 75-95 Resistance depending on your rolls.

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Sounds good to me, here you go…

Natalya’s Odium

  • Add 3 Open Sockets (Natalya’s Mark)
  • Add +2 To Martial Arts Skills (Assassin Only) (3 Items) (Natalya’s Mark)
  • Change Ignore Target Defense to -100% Target Defense (Natalya’s Mark)
  • Add +2 To Trap Skills (Assassin Only) (3 Items) (Natalya’s Totem)
  • Add +25% Fire Resist (3 Items) (Natalya’s Soul)
  • Change Open Sockets to 3 (Natalya’s Shadow)
  • Change 150-225 Defense to +100% E. Defense (Natalya’s Shadow)

Speaking of Civerb’s Set, I noticed we don’t have it listed in OP and could use a few buffs. First, set needs a staff mod on the weapon and the high base defense would support Defiance aura (maybe o-skill)? Next, the shield is lacking and could use FBR in addition to ICB. Lastly, on ammy, change mana regen with IAS, much more important for melee paladin…

Civerb’s Vestments

  • Add +3 To Defiance (Civerb’s Cudgel)
  • Add +15% Faster Block Rate (Civerb’s Ward)
  • Change Regenerate Mana 40% to +15% Increased Attack Speed (Civerb’s Icon)

Just remember that Civerb Set is a Classic Set. Namely it spawns on Classic where things are much different. Block is treated differently(Block value on Shield = Block chance you have, regardless of level or Dexterity), Hell Resist penalty is half(-50), and +Skills are few and far between(don’t go wild adding them). Therefore, changes you make to Classic Sets have to be treated very carefully. Your change of replacing Regenerate Mana might not be an ideal change given that Insight doesn’t exist. Meaning the only way to replenish mana quickly outside of Pots is to roll with a Paladin with the aura, play as a Sorceress with Warmth or find items such as the Amulet with Regenerate Mana on it. I’m not entirely sure how I would buff Civerb’s but I think the Regenerate Mana attribute on the Amulet is one of its strongest properties.

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Agree we have to be careful with classic sets. For Civerb’s, how about keep things simple and double ICB on shield and add IAS as a 2p partial set bonus to the weapon in addition to the Defiance aura as a staff mod…

Civerb’s Vestments

  • Add +3 To Defiance (Civerb’s Cudgel)
  • Add +15% Increased Attack Speed (2 Items) (Civerb’s Cudgel)
  • Change Increased Chance of Blocking to 30% (Civerb’s Ward)

I wanted to revisit another classic set Berserker’s Arsenal and think we could do a better job at improving set. Replacing poison damage with magic damage is more thematic. And changing mana steal with life steal on weapon helps a little bit. Lastly, changing defense with strength will help with requirements…

Berserker’s Arsenal

  • Change +15 Defense to +10 Strength (Berserker’s Headgear)
  • Change 5% Mana Stolen Per Hit to 5% Life Stolen Per Hit (Berserker’s Hatchet)
  • Change +5-9 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds to +5-9 Magic Damage (Full Set)
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I thought playing classic was just a strategy for those who don’t want to do the rite of passage quests. Changes that I have no idea whether or not they would help anyone who plays outside of the expansion.

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Changes to Classic Sets honestly are a waste of time since anyone who plays Classic uses Exceptional Rares if they can help it. If one must use a Set, Iratha is pretty much it given its Resistance perks. The rest all stink because they generally involve a Weapon that simply can’t cut it because they’re Normal tier and consequently won’t do enough damage to warrant using, don’t yield enough Defensive attributes(Resistance in particular) or don’t yield enough +Skills since Magic or Rares match or exceed what they provide. Is that a bad thing? No it’s not.

Furthermore, those who play Classic do so because its a solid way to earn 3rd party credit to use on Expansion(Crushing is a valuable service since you don’t need Bumpers). Granted to get crushed means the original 5 classes. Druids and Assassins have to do the Act 5 slog and if you have the patience, you could roll through Diablo on Classic to 98 before popping to Expansion and doing Ancients for a fat XP bump on your way to 99. Yet that was the old way of doing things. With Terror Zones bumping the XP on your way to 99, that old tactic has largely been forgotten.

As I’ve said before though, I wouldn’t know how to bump Classic Sets, although I would say Iratha is a strong starting point.


I would like to have people’s opinion on the conditions of those who for whatever reason still play the classic on such sets, why if not we will return to the problem that basic runewords are much more powerful than such sets, and the consequent remodeling of such sets.


We can always simplify and remove the Classic Sets listed in the OP if deemed unnecessary.


I think it’s the best solution in these discussions to skip all the classic sets. Comparing with RW will lead us to the problems already discussed earlier such as the need to nerf some runewords, I believe that here the majority play the expansion and we don’t have enough experience to discuss issues.