Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

Since removeing Magic Arrows (Caster) with adding Immolation Arrows (4p) is technicially one change :crazy_face: bring back the AR on the armor, make it a roll (250-350 or 280-320) and you have my blessing!

With this proposal we do not achieve making a single item standalone viable nor lower piece combos, but the full set will have it´s place. :+1:

Im with Camperdabase here. I think the proposal is decent (although I really like the last proposal with flat DR a lot as well for a sick immortal sorc build). How about changing the current 2p bonus of +50 To Attack Rating (2 Items) with -20 flat DR? So we have both?

I also agree that PMH should be a set bonus. On the gloves with 3p would be good, so you could use a 2p combo without PMH for several niche builds and if you want PMH you add a third item. Since gloves, boots and belt are not terrible, you have enough options here.

I would modifiy the res on the belt to round numbers (30% here) or make it roll in a narrow span (25-30% or so). As well as the life on the boots from 44 to either +40 or make it roll of 40-50 to keep things interesting.

The change of defense on the Soul Cage is - to be clear - a removal of the +400 def and adding +150% def right? Or shall it change the 6p set bonus of +50% ED to 150% ED?

Again I would not change HFD with CBF on the Pillar if we want to make stacking HFD a thing (to make it sure, we´re talking about the 5p set bonus here and not simply add it to the boots permanently right?

Adding sockets to the Stone Crusher and the Pillar is a good way (get your tons of jewels used finally). But again, we need rolls. The Stone Crusher is a very freqent find (so 1-3 would make me pick it up - now I don´t anymore). The Soul Cage is more rare (but not super rare). So 2-3 seems a good choice here?

Lvl 14 Burst of Speed has an uptime of +250 seconds, so we could lower CtC from 5% to 2% as well imho?

So my proposal would look like this:

  • Add +1 To Barbarian Skills (Immortal King’s Will)
  • Add Prevent Monster Heal (Immortal King’s Forge, 3 piece bonus)
  • Add 2-3 Open Sockets (Immortal King’s Soul Cage)
  • Change E. Defense from +50% to 150% (Immortal King’s Soul Cage, full set bonus)
  • Change 5% CtC Lvl 5 Enchant to 2% CtC Lvl 14 Burst of Speed (Immortal King’s Soul Cage)
  • Change Open Sockets from 2 to 1-3 (Immortal King’s Stone Crusher)
  • Change +50 To Attack Rating to Damage Reduced by 20 (2 Items)

Minor Changes:

  • Change +44 To Life to +40-50 Life (Immortal King’s Pillar)
  • Change +37% Gold find to +40% Gold find (Immortal King’s Will)
  • Change +31 Ligthning Resist to +25-30% Ligthning Resist (Immortal King’s Detail)
  • Change +28 Fire Resist to +25-30% Fire Resist (Immortal King’s Detail)
  • Change 12% Chance To Cast Level 4 Charged Bolt When Struck to lvl 15 Charged Bolt (Immortal King’s Forge)

Arcanna’s Tricks Set

I said I would not thouch the normal set since your barely use it longer than 30 minutes to an hour. But here would be an easy one. I think the set is good if you want to play it or find it early (super unlikely). But I think the lvl req. on every item could be reduced from the lvl 15 now to something lower like lvl 10? I think the ammy could use another affix on top, but it´s not worth it really. But if so I would add 25% CtC lvl 4 Charged Bolt When Struck (6 bolts dmg 3-5 each).

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Unfortunately, we don’t have ready-made tables with these changes. However, Nickie and Endugu tested several beefed up versions of Cranium Basher and Grandfather. I’ll find the thread that has videos, fun to watch… :slight_smile:

Sounds good. I combined change Magic Arrows with Immolation Arrows and then added back the AR on armor as you suggested. Hopefully, proposal is good now…

M’avina’s Battle Hymn

  • Add +33% Piercing Attack (Full Set)
  • Add +20% To Fire Skill Damage (Full Set)
  • Add 2-3 Open Sockets (M’avina’s Caster)
  • Change Fires Magic Arrows to Fires Immolation Arrows (M’avina’s Caster)
  • Change 6-18 Cold Damage to Freezes Target +2-4 (M’avina’s Icy Clunch)
  • Add +250-350 To Attack Rating (M’avina’s Embrace)
  • Change Glacial Spike Lvl to 15 (M’avina’s Embrace)

That looks solid to me. We can add a full set bonus of 20 DR that matches the 10 MDR already on set. We can change the 3p bonus on the gloves from +Defense to PMH, which fits better with LL and ML already on gloves. For maul, the OS should roll 2-3 so it cant roll worse than as-is. I would not include the minor changes as it becomes to much. So, how is this for final version?..

Immortal King

  • Add Damage Reduced by 20 (Full Set)
  • Add +1 To Barbarian Skills (Immortal King’s Will)
  • Change E. Defense from +50% to +150% (Immortal King’s Soul Cage)
  • Change CtC Lvl 5 Enchant to Lvl 14 Burst of Speed (Immortal King’s Soul Cage)
  • Change Half Freeze Duration to Cannot Be Frozen (Immortal King’s Pillar)
  • Change +120 Defense to Prevent Monster Heal (Immortal King’s Forge)
  • Change Open Sockets to 2-3 (Immortal King’s Stone Crusher)

If we wanted to improve set, we could add your ammy buff idea (just tone down proc %), then we could add 15% FCR to the armor, and finally 50% ED to weapon (already has DS) and you could play a battle mage early game…

Arcanna’s Tricks

  • Add +15% Faster Cast Rate (Arcanna’s Flesh)
  • Add +50% E. Damage (Arcanna’s Deathwand)
  • Add 15% CtC Lvl 4 Charged Bolt When Struck (Arcanna’s Sign)

Those are solid changes to Griswold’s. In addition to what you proposed, I would add for the armor to change Defensive Auras to roll +2-4 and have a small roll on E. Defense…

Griswold’s Legacy

  • Add +1 To Paladin Skills (Griswold’s Honor)
  • Add +0.25 Fire Absorb Per Clvl (3 Items) (Griswold’s Valor)
  • Add +0.25 Lightning Absorb Per Clvl (Full Set) (Griswold’s Valor)
  • Change Defensive Auras from +2 to +2-4 (Griswald’s Heart)
  • Change +500 Defense to +100-120% E. Defense (Griswald’s Heart)
  • Change 10-20 Damage to +10% Faster Cast Rate (3 Items) (Griswold’s Redemption)
  • Change 10-20 Damage to +10% Faster Cast Rate (Full Set) (Griswold’s Redemption)

Agree now! :slight_smile:

Why would you put that on the full set bonus? One main reason we don´t see a lot of set pieces beeing used is the lack of good partial set bonuses. Replacing +50 AR with +20 DR as a 2p set bonus would not be crazy but opens up a lot of niche builds (immortal sorc would use that maybe) since gloves and boots are decent. So would not add the 6th full set bonus and rather strengthen the 2p set bonus really. With 3p you get PMH and +100 AR. Along with cold resist on the cage (if you wear that) and combat skills on the boots for barbs.

And you would remove HFD? I we still try to replace every HFD with CNF than we can remove the propsal of stacking HFD. Since basicially no items left who would be used with HFD. :man_shrugging:

Since I personally find every 2-3 weeks one, that would not be problem (current version will be in the middle - we have several proposal on uniques who will not get togheter at all). I´m not even picking up current ones anymore but if you have a roll, that might change.

Other than that I´m with you on everthing :slight_smile:

I´m with you that a better use case would be to make it more viable at lvl 15 than reducing the lvl req. So you can play a couple minutes longer with the set than with lvl 9 or 10 and still before you face Andy. But I think we do not need 35% FRC that early on a set? If you go lightning, that would hit the 4th BP already and still only the 2nd with the other elements.
Instead of the still irrelevant 50% ED on the staff I would rather put some IAS on it (even if you still didn´t want to wack things with that). If we stay at lvl 15 I would increase the lvl of charged bolts from 4 to 5 or even 6. But thats a minor twist.

Everthing good imho. The armor droppse a lot and a roll would be fun. On top I would like to shift some of the full set bonuses to the 2p and 3p bonus (only one, or adding something else). To provide an incentive to use that more often. The full set will be ok, partials are not yet imho. Bringing half of the 150 life to the 2p set and maybe half of the 50 @ res to the 3p set. Or something compareable.


Agreed, lets change 2p to DR as you suggested. Sounds good for maul, lets make OS roll 1-3. As for HFD, as this set is 6p overall, I think CBF is justified. Like you said, we just need to use it sparingly going forward…

Immortal King

  • Add +1 To Barbarian Skills (Immortal King’s Will)
  • Change E. Defense from +50% to +150% (Immortal King’s Soul Cage)
  • Change CtC Lvl 5 Enchant to Lvl 14 Burst of Speed (Immortal King’s Soul Cage)
  • Change Half Freeze Duration to Cannot Be Frozen (Immortal King’s Pillar)
  • Change +120 Defense to Prevent Monster Heal (Immortal King’s Forge)
  • Change Open Sockets to 1-3 (Immortal King’s Stone Crusher)
  • Change +50 To Attack Rating to Damage Reduced by 20 (2 Items)

Sounds good, add IAS to staff, buff charged bolts, and for armor, we can add full set bonus of regen mana?..

Arcanna’s Tricks

  • Add +15% Regenerate Mana (Full Set) (Arcanna’s Flesh)
  • Add +20% Increased Attack Speed (Arcanna’s Deathwand)
  • Add 15% CtC Lvl 5 Charged Bolt When Struck (Arcanna’s Sign)

We can have fire/light absorb as 2p and 3p bonus, that should be a really solid change…

Griswold’s Legacy

  • Add +1 To Paladin Skills (Griswold’s Honor)
  • Add +0.25 Fire Absorb Per Clvl (2 Items) (Griswold’s Valor)
  • Add +0.25 Lightning Absorb Per Clvl (3 Items) (Griswold’s Valor)
  • Change +500 Defense to +100-120% E. Defense (Griswald’s Heart)
  • Change Defensive Auras from +2 to +2-4 (Griswald’s Heart)
  • Change 10-20 Damage to +10% Faster Cast Rate (3 Items) (Griswold’s Redemption)
  • Change 10-20 Damage to +10% Faster Cast Rate (Full Set) (Griswold’s Redemption)
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Aight :slight_smile:

Hm, that would be 48% already on the set +15%. Not sure if that is too much. But you would have 5 sources of regen mana then? Could be a little bit “lazy” :slight_smile:
Maybe a good stamina affix? This early it is still relevant?

But on the helmet? Or as a set bonus? That beeing said, we should add the specifics to the proposals (you didn´t for the above :slight_smile: ).
How about changing the first +10% FRC addition from Grisworlds Redemption to a 2 set bonus (along with the current +20 strength)?

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Good idea and fits theme! How about +20 Max Stamina as it would be good for early level?..

Arcanna’s Tricks

  • Add +20 Maximum Stamina (Arcanna’s Flesh)
  • Add +20% Increased Attack Speed (Arcanna’s Deathwand)
  • Add 15% CtC Lvl 5 Charged Bolt When Struck (Arcanna’s Sign)

The 2p set bonus would be on the helmet as shown below, same for 3p bonus on helmet…

Griswold’s Legacy

  • Add +0.25 Fire Absorb Per Clvl (2 Items) (Griswold’s Valor)
  • Add +0.25 Lightning Absorb Per Clvl (3 Items) (Griswold’s Valor)

I like DarkHelmet’s idea for changing 3p and full set bonus on weapon from damage to FCR. This is a clean way to do it. I think this set would be good after all these changes…

Griswold’s Legacy

  • Change 10-20 Damage to +10% Faster Cast Rate (3 Items) (Griswold’s Redemption)
  • Change 10-20 Damage to +10% Faster Cast Rate (Full Set) (Griswold’s Redemption)
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You realize the Partial Set Bonuses on IK are as follows:

2p: +50 Attack Rating
3p: +75 Attack Rating
4p: +125 Attack Rating
5p: +200 Attack Rating

Those bonuses stack, hence yielding 450 Attack Rating combined. Then when the final piece is added you gain an additional 450 Attack Rating from the Complete Set bonus, effectively doubling it to 900. The set indeed can use Damage mitigation and I did so by adding it via the Helm. Yet on reflection I took it off because in total it’d yield 75(which admittedly is a lot). As a compromise to myself, I gave 4 Sockets to IK Armor. This would permit players the option to add Damage mitigation if they so desire but also the option to forego it for even more Offense. Basically, I limited IK changes to the following:

Add +1 Barb Skills to Helm
Buff Sockets on IK Maul to 4(2-4 would be fine but ideally a fixed amount is best given Crushing Blow varies)
Change Enchant Proc on IK Armor to Burst of Speed(level 14) ← this alone would make IK Armor quite popular for melee characters… whether it’ll overtake Treachery… eh doubtful. Fade is quite strong.
Buff Complete Set bonus on IK Armor from 50% to 150%
Add Sockets(4) to IK Armor
Buff 5-pc bonus on IK Boots to CBF ← due to WW being affected by chill effects
Buff 5-pc bonus on IK Belt to 25% ← Damage mitigation

As for M’avina, these changes needs to be organized better(hard to follow). I recommend the following:

Add 33% Pierce to Helm as Complete Set Bonus(4-piece Partial works I suppose…)
Add +131-252 Fire Damage(3 items) to Belt ← would be 4 items like on Gloves but… Belt has 25 All Resistance
Add +20% Fire Skill to Belt as Complete Set Bonus(same as Cold on Gloves)
Add 3 Sockets to Bow(I prefer 4 but I’ll compromise here)
Replace Magic Arrow on Bow with Slows Target 33% ← extremely effective CC attribute. I had -%Target Defense but Slow on a Bow is really, really strong. Riphook is a notable Unique example so I figure a Set version is warranted
Add 20% Physical Resistance to Armor as Complete Set Bonus(Damage mitigation anyone?)
Buff Half Freeze Duration on Gloves to CBF

Freezing the target isn’t really needed and on Hell Difficulty, Freeze/Chill is extremely ineffective. Slow would be far better given that it can stack with any chill/freezing effects, although that’d kind of step on Cleglaw as I think about it but being it’s on the Bow… eh… w/e.


Those are solid changes. Agree on increasing OS on maul to 2-4 and buffing DR on belt to 25%. For the armor, buffing full set bonus ED from 50% to 150% and changing enchant to burst of speed really should be enough…

Immortal King

  • Add +1 To Barbarian Skills (Immortal King’s Will)
  • Change CtC Lvl 5 Enchant to Lvl 14 Burst of Speed (Immortal King’s Soul Cage)
  • Change E. Defense from +50% to +150% (Full Set) (Immortal King’s Soul Cage)
  • Change +120 Defense to Prevent Monster Heal (3 Items) (Immortal King’s Forge)
  • Change Half Freeze Duration to Cannot Be Frozen (5 Items) (Immortal King’s Pillar)
  • Change Damage Reduced from 20% to 25% (5 Items) (Immortal King’s Detail)
  • Change Open Sockets to 2-4 (Immortal King’s Stone Crusher)

Necromant and Camperdabase proposed flat DR as partial set bonus, but simply buffing DR on the belt seems like another viable option.

Good changes and tried to organize better. I like fire damage on belt and fire skill damage as full set bonus to belt (same as cold on gloves), still think 2-3 OS on bow is reasonable, also like your idea of replacing magic arrows with slows target, and for armor adding DR as full set bonus…

M’avina’s Battle Hymn

  • Add 2-3 Open Sockets (M’avina’s Caster)
  • Change Fires Magic Arrows to Slows Target 33% (M’avina’s Caster)
  • Add +33% Piercing Attack (Full Set) (M’avina’s True Sight)
  • Add +24-72 Fire Damage (M’avina’s Tenet)
  • Add +20% To Fire Skill Damage (Full Set) (M’avina’s Tenet)
  • Add Damage Reduced By 15% (Full Set) (M’avina’s Embrace)
  • Change Glacial Spike Lvl to 15 (M’avina’s Embrace)

I agree with Necromant on M’avina’s Caster is not a super frequent find, but would like to see a roll on the OS.

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Or mana regen, but both would be good!

Both ok, but do you have any idea to boost the 2p or 3p set bonuses a little bit (even by changing only full to partial set bonuses)? Would love to see sets pieces more just. Now only the really good standalone set pieces are used (except 3p Tals or?).

Could live with that. But item not specific 2p and 3p set bonuses would be welcomed for me tbh. Any ideas? :man_shrugging:

Hm, not sure if DR (15% and not flat) is really bringing the set a lot forward. Still would preferre AR here. And I like slows on the set really, but also liked the idea to swap fire wie immolation arrows a lot. Since we have no mentionable partial (especially 2-3p) bonuses here. Why not add slows as a two set bonus and keep immolation arrow on the caster? Or put it on the icy clutch as a 2p set bonus? I really like the set to be viable, but not making any of the items standalone viable is a bummer kind of…

Could potentially opens up so many builds. Now it would only support one specific build tbh! :man_shrugging:

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Amazons have Inner Sight that cuts enemy Defense. People often overlook that “curse” despite it being a very powerful level 1 skill if you put enough points into it. Cast it once and you’ll all but remove the Enemy Defense, making Attack Rating all but irrelevant. Meaning it’s not a must-have on M’avina.

Before the changes to Impale, I made an Impalezon years ago with the intention to maximize Inner Sight as much as possible. I got it up to level 37… or high enough to remove Defense on every Monster in the game pretty much. Now Impale ignores the hit-check so Inner Sight is pointless but in a group of Physical characters, she was a blast because chance to hit was maximized.


Instead of changing Defensive Auras from +2 to +2-4 on armor, we could instead add a new 2p bonus (Visionary affix) as follows…

  • Add +1% Attack Ratting Per Clvl (2 Items) (Griswald’s Heart)

In summary, here are the proposed changes…

Griswold’s Legacy

  • Add +1 To Paladin Skills (Griswold’s Honor)
  • Add +0.25 Fire Absorb Per Clvl (2 Items) (Griswold’s Valor)
  • Add +0.25 Lightning Absorb Per Clvl (3 Items) (Griswold’s Valor)
  • Add +1% Attack Ratting Per Clvl (2 Items) (Griswald’s Heart)
  • Change +500 Defense to +100-120% E. Defense (Griswald’s Heart)
  • Change 10-20 Damage to +10% Faster Cast Rate (3 Items) (Griswold’s Redemption)
  • Change 10-20 Damage to +10% Faster Cast Rate (Full Set) (Griswold’s Redemption)

Sounds good to me to make it 2p set bonus…

  • Add Slows Target 33% (2 Items) (M’avina’s Caster)
  • Change Fires Magic Arrows to Fires Immolation Arrows (M’avina’s Caster)

In summary, here are the proposed changes…

M’avina’s Battle Hymn

  • Add 2-3 Open Sockets (M’avina’s Caster)
  • Add Slows Target 33% (2 Items) (M’avina’s Caster)
  • Change Fires Magic Arrows to Fires Immolation Arrows (M’avina’s Caster)
  • Add +24-72 Fire Damage (M’avina’s Tenet)
  • Add +20% To Fire Skill Damage (Full Set) (M’avina’s Tenet)
  • Add +33% Piercing Attack (Full Set) (M’avina’s True Sight)
  • Change Glacial Spike Lvl to 15 (M’avina’s Embrace)
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True, never really tried it, but true. But then you make it kind a mandatory putting precious skill points into it. And therewith narrow the build diversity a bit. But I guess thats ok. :+1:

Thats not exactly what I meant! Obviously an alternativ choice you offer here. But I have several “problems” with that.

My objective with sets would be 4 overall:

  1. Making the full set viable. I guess we achieved that more or less with all the sets (:+1:).
  2. And most important to me, making a lot of those now not even remotely used items viable standalone for niche case (like we did with the “Rite of Passage” Boots and the increased FRW to 50% but with mediocre other stats (so that those are not clearly better and new BIS but I you want high FRW making them an option - now they are not). Like with Trangs belt and gloves, Gface, LoH etc. All with specific uses cases but not universal BIS in most cases (LOH might just to strong, but ok).
  3. Boosting partial set bonus and especially 2p and 3p bonuses to make two mediocre items usable by combining. But not OP to replace every other option. Like “The DIsciple” set now offering only +150 Def as a 2p bonus. With our proposal and +25% FHR a 2p set with gloves and boots now will be interesting.
  4. Would like to have rolls on most items to make it interesting to pick them up to check. I now rarely pick of Gfaces, since I have 5 in stash (more than I could use).

So I do not see the need to tie so many partial set bonuses so specific items and would not like to do so. With M’avina’s we did so and in the result build variants will be very limited imho. :man_shrugging:

That beeing said.

Removing the USP of +4 to Defensive Auras from Griswald’s Heart removes also the standalone use case for the armor. Connecting the 2p bonus to the armor forces you to use it and thus limits the build variants and use cases… :man_shrugging:

For the absorb on the helmet this is thematic and therwith okay I would say. But why not add the AR per lvl to the 2p set bonus (unbound). The +20 strength we have to today will not be crazy. And have the option to use the armor with the helmet or the shield or the helmet with the armor or the amor with the shields opens up so many more options than the bound to a specific item will offer. Same with the 3p bonus of +10% FRC on the weapon. If you could use that with the armor, shield and helmet as a 3p set bonus, that would not be super crazy in combination with the +30 dex we have now as the 3p set bonus.

Same here, why on the Caster and not standalone?

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True, how about make Slows Target and Piercing Attack as 2p and 3p partial set bonuses not tied to any items?..

M’avina’s Battle Hymn

  • Add Slows Target 33% (2 Items)
  • Add +33% Piercing Attack (3 Items)
  • Add +24-72 Fire Damage (M’avina’s Tenet)
  • Add +20% To Fire Skill Damage (Full Set) (M’avina’s Tenet)
  • Add 2-3 Open Sockets (M’avina’s Caster)
  • Change Fires Magic Arrows to Fires Immolation Arrows (M’avina’s Caster)
  • Change Glacial Spike Lvl to 15 (M’avina’s Embrace)

As you said, we could make AR per lvl to 2p set bonus (unbound) and then have 20% FCR as 3p set bonus (unbound), keep fire/light absorb on helm, and bring back changing Defensive Auras to +2-4 on armor as follows…

Griswold’s Legacy

  • Add +1% Attack Ratting Per Clvl (2 Items)
  • Add +20% Faster Cast Rate (3 Items)
  • Add +1 To Paladin Skills (Griswold’s Honor)
  • Add +0.25 Fire Absorb Per Clvl (2 Items) (Griswold’s Valor)
  • Add +0.25 Lightning Absorb Per Clvl (3 Items) (Griswold’s Valor)
  • Change +500 Defense to +100-120% E. Defense (Griswald’s Heart)
  • Change Defensive Auras from +2 to +2-4 (Griswald’s Heart)
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Really solid and balanced! Would like to test both sets on a ptr. I think the full sets will be good/viable. Still not BIS but really good. And that’s the spot both sets should be imho. :+1:

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I updated OP based on previous discussion.


Bul-Kathos’ Wedding Band
Required Level: 58
+1 To All Skills
0-49 To Life (Based On Character Level)
3-5% Life Stolen Per Hit
+50 Maximum Stamina

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +20-30 Damage
    • Remove +50 Maximum Stamina

Lava Gout
Defense: 120-144
Req Level: 42
Req Strength: 88
+150-200% Enhanced Defense
2% CtC Lvl 10 Enchant On Striking
Half Freeze Duration
Adds 13-46 Fire Damage
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Fire Resist +24%

  • Buffs:
    • Add Cannot Be Slowed
    • Change Enchant Lvl to 15
    • Change Fire Damage to 26-92


Aldur’s Watchtower

  • Add +30% Faster Cast Rate (Aldur’s Rhythm)
  • Change 40-62 Damage to +180-220% E. Damage (Aldur’s Rhythm)
  • Add +2 To Summoning Skills (Druid Only) (Aldur’s Stony Gaze)
  • Add +50% To Poison Resist (Aldur’s Deception)
  • Change 300 Defense to +150% E. Defense (Aldur’s Deception)
  • Change Elemental/Shapeshifting Skills to +2 (Aldur’s Deception)
  • Change Bonus AR to 300% (2 Items)

Arcanna’s Tricks

  • Add +20 Maximum Stamina (Arcanna’s Flesh)
  • Add +20% Increased Attack Speed (Arcanna’s Deathwand)
  • Add 15% CtC Lvl 5 Charged Bolt When Struck (Arcanna’s Sign)

Griswold’s Legacy

  • Add +1% Attack Ratting Per Clvl (2 Items)
  • Add +20% Faster Cast Rate (3 Items)
  • Add +1 To Paladin Skills (Griswold’s Honor)
  • Add +0.25 Fire Absorb Per Clvl (2 Items) (Griswold’s Valor)
  • Add +0.25 Lightning Absorb Per Clvl (3 Items) (Griswold’s Valor)
  • Change +500 Defense to +100-120% E. Defense (Griswald’s Heart)
  • Change Defensive Auras from +2 to +2-4 (Griswald’s Heart)

Immortal King

  • Add +1 To Barbarian Skills (Immortal King’s Will)
  • Change CtC Lvl 5 Enchant to Lvl 14 Burst of Speed (Immortal King’s Soul Cage)
  • Change E. Defense from +50% to +150% (Full Set) (Immortal King’s Soul Cage)
  • Change +120 Defense to Prevent Monster Heal (3 Items) (Immortal King’s Forge)
  • Change Half Freeze Duration to Cannot Be Frozen (5 Items) (Immortal King’s Pillar)
  • Change Damage Reduced from 20% to 25% (5 Items) (Immortal King’s Detail)
  • Change Open Sockets to 2-4 (Immortal King’s Stone Crusher)

M’avina’s Battle Hymn

  • Add Slows Target 33% (2 Items)
  • Add +33% Piercing Attack (3 Items)
  • Add +24-72 Fire Damage (M’avina’s Tenet)
  • Add +20% To Fire Skill Damage (Full Set) (M’avina’s Tenet)
  • Add 2-3 Open Sockets (M’avina’s Caster)
  • Change Fires Magic Arrows to Fires Immolation Arrows (M’avina’s Caster)
  • Change Glacial Spike Lvl to 15 (M’avina’s Embrace)

Orphan’s Call

  • Add +30% Faster Run/Walk (2 Items)
  • Add +150% Enhanced Damage (3 Items)
  • Add +1 To All Skills (Full Set)
  • Change AR to +200-300 (Magnus’ Skin)
  • Change Cold Resist to +20-30% (Wilhelm’s Pride)

The Disciple

  • Add +25% Faster Hit Recovery (2 Items)
  • Add +75% Damage to Undead (3 Items)
  • Add +150% Damage to Demons (4 Items)
  • Add Replenish Life +25 (Credendum)
  • Change Defense to +350-450 (Credendum)
  • Add 15% CtC Lvl 5 Inner Sight When Struck (Rite of Passage)
  • Change FRW to +50% (Rite of Passage)

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M’avina Caster(Bow) has following partial set bonuses:

Adds 114-377 Magic Damage (2 Items)
10% Chance To Cast Level 15 Nova On Striking (3 Items)
+2 To Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only) (4 Items)

You either add Slows Target 33% as a Complete Set bonus to the Bow(which I have in my Set Overhaul thread), or you replace an existing attribute with it(I opted to put -25% Target Defense in place of Fires Magic Arrows [Level 1] attribute). You alternatively could add it as a Set Partial Set Bonus because it currently has the following:

+20 To Strength (2 Items)
+30 To Dexterity (3 Items)

Hence there’s an open 4 item slot if you so desire.

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the IK Weapon should be able to roll eth

Tyraels might with teleport? nah, just add “level 15-20 Fana aura when equipped” and +3 to all skills

Arreats: add +0.5 to max dmg per character level

im against removing the pointless rolls on items, the gambling makes this item system so good.

they also should finish ACT4, since it was rushed back in the day they couldnt finish the act, thats why there are so few areas and only 3 quests.
one of those quests could be:
“do X and as a reward you could reroll ANY pre/suffix from any item except runewords the new rolled affix/suffix could be ANYTHING this can only be done once per item”
just imagine how cool that would be: you could reroll the “25% to cast teleport on hit” on you occulus and reroll with 20% fcr and you would have the most awesome item ever, or it could be +1 to light radius.

for some other unique item boosts look at the arcaines 1.08 or the 1.08 shako, valkyries etc. it would be cool if some of those are brought back partially.

for the barb i have some ideas:
-remove the whole “click to one point for WW” mechanic. instead make it free to roll around like crazy and add a mana cost per second.
-remove the howl synergy for frenzy
-add WW as frenzy synergy
-give WW a synergy, and make this synergy frenzy.
-let frenzy ias apply to WW (but done right it kinda feels off)
-increase frenzy duration by 3 seconds
-bind leap or leap attack speed to runspeed

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Unfortunately, the ethereal mod cannot exist on set items, crafted items, and items that are indestructible. So Immortal King’s Stone Crusher has a double whammy. :slightly_frowning_face:

I had a similar thought for Tyrael’s Might, but thought adding salvation or even redemption aura was more thematic for an angel… trust in glory of the light, for its authority supercedes all power in the mortal world.

Hmm, interesting idea. Definitely can discuss this one. I’m curious what other people think?

Yeah, we can definitely look at this. I know for Arkaine’s Valor we buffed the Vitality Per Clvl.

ethereal edge and shadowkillerare Eth and indestructable, so it is possible.

well it might be “nice” but its an armor that needs to compete with enigma, fortitude and is the rarest item in the game. fitting theme nice and good but when in the end no one uses it its still crap and the goal of making it competitive is missed.

look up “1.08 arreats face” it already had that mod back in the original game, but other good mods were missing.

yes, but the 1.08 arcaines gave you like 240vitality and 200 life on lvl 99 but it had the most cursed skill rolls ive ever seen. you always have to think about this: the armor has to compete with easy to obtain enigma, fortitude, CoH

what do you think about my synergy buffs for the barb? and the WW change?
i think its mostly a QoL Update that is due. Especially if you look at Melee fighters.

whats also missing is like a melee ring, we have SoJ for caster, and any rare with 10%fcr we need a unique ring that gives melee chars somethink like the SoJ i like the idea of the Bul-Kathos ring.

add some AR onto it and its perfect
the 20-30 DMG work like +MAXDMG right?

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