Charms keep disappearing from inventory and storage

charms keep disappearing from inventory and storage.
If you look at the community, it’s not like became rollback.
There are already nearly ten missing types in the warehouse and inventory.
It didn’t disappear while I was away.
If you go around the dungeon, leave the room, and log back in,
Several charms are missing from the storage and inventory.
Some of the missing talismans are of high value.
I’m frustrated because I worked hard to collect these items.
Please check it out and take care of it.
I’m frustrated because I worked hard to collect these items.
Please check it out and take care of it.


same happened to me 3x (!!) today. charms from inventory are gone (and the foliants as well, but who cares). some were valuable, some not - but necessary like str/dex charms. Whenever i join a game with my main char he is basically naked because of all the missing charms and i cant replace them anymore since my backup and 2nd backup set of charms are gone as well. basically senseless to play the game if items disappear. will go for a refund if this isnt fixed

I just lost a 20/17 sorc torch to this charm bug. Previously I had lost a Gheeds as well. The Gheeds was replaceable, the sorc torch is not. I am furious.

Hey, I had exactly the same happening to me today four times! I wrote about it here, some minutes ago:


Sorry to hear about that… Yeah… lots of items can just ‘poof’ for no reason at all… Bugs on their end are causing it.

I lost all of my stuff cause of these issues… I contacted blizzard… they won’t take any responsibility for it…

So you can play knowing some/all your stuff can vanish and it’s just Gone Gone…
Or not.

It’s a bummer seeing so many people lose so many items… Just a soul crushing pain… even more when it’s a whole character that’s been deleted.

I found a 20 life SMC in cow lvl, i joind next game & when i move it to stash was disappeared… rly

Let’s bring that one up, since it’s a real bug in the game that has to be addressed as soon as possible.


Same i have lost 3 gheeds Charms they gone bliz…come one wtf

D2R characters have the same maximum save file size as D2LoD but since we have more stash space in D2R the save file can become full which means items are overwritten or not saved at all. I recommend not saving everything you find, or spreading it across multiple characters. Some items take up more space than others though. It’s not the amount of stuff, but has to do with the complexity of the items. Rare and crafted items for example, are pretty big. You will likely never see your lost items again. Warn your friends.

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Is the lose of payed items better?

I deleted my post. But you are correct, the loss of paid items would be worse.

Ya - BUMP THIS for attention!

This should not be a difficult fix! Increase the file size!
To get legit EG drops and have them just disappear due
to game update oversight is bad!

Horrible if you acknowledge it and do nothing about it!