Character missing after exiting game

got my sorc to level 14, was about to kill andariel, Got disconnected from lobby, character gone… lmao.


just lost my character in act 2?? where did he disappear to??

Same here. Server crashed and my lvl 11 necro just disappeared from character list.

Same problem the game just crash and my level 19 sorc is gone.

Same happened to me. Server connection got lost. After reconnecting the sorc is gone. Please recover the char.

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Same on this end. Got kicked from active game. went to character select. Character is now gone.

[EDIT] - 1:29pm PST - Character back after exit and re-load game…however, attempts to load a new game show following error:

“Failed to enter game. This character is already in another game on the server. Please try again.”

[EDIT] - 1:42pm PST - I can create a game. All appears to be the same as it was prior to being kicked.

[EDIT] - 1:51pm PST - Appears follower lost equipment. No big deal on this end…just reporting

Same here. Just before Andariel.

First got to level 10, after exiting game I was level 6 again.
Then I leveled to lvl 15 and just finished my countess runs for the early-game runewords.

Exited game and now character is completely gone…

Yep, my character has just been deleted too.

lost my lvl 10 necro and i cant even create a new char now
online mode the offline mode is normal WTF blizzard

I made it up to Cains quest to rescue him then said server was to shut down in 10 minutes… I saved and quit and when I logged back on my character is completely gone(Necro) this is very frustrating since I don’t have alot of time to play…

Lol, got to level 12. Blizzard you boot us off the servers. Poof guys gone. What a joke

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Same. My character gone for no reason.

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first time logged out at lv6, character missing. restarted the game, character showed up. second time logged out at lv 11. character missing again, restarted the game didn’t help this time.

I also see server close notifications.

Same, was level 9 or 10 I think and was in the graveyard. Got booted and now my character is gone.

is this an april fools joke?

Same here…its clear that blizz released the game long before it was ready…again

I made sure to save and exit and then close the game before server shutdown to avoid any issues this time around, but now it seems that my character too has been deleted… :confused:

Got the same dumb message about server going down Just got a legendary so was pumped so at lvl 9 i log out after rescuing Cane and no more character. Relogged many times and tried to create new characters but nothing brings it back.

Here is my +1

Made several Online characters at launch. Played a few of them to around level 10.
Now my entire roster of characters have gone missing.