Character missing after exiting game

Same issue. Made it to lvl 5, saved and quit, came back to no characters listed. Any blues gunna post what’s going on?

Character disappeared as well. 2h playing gone. Online character. Time costs money Blizzard , this is not acceptable

Same deal, played until almost Andariel, saved before server restarted and then poof, character is gone. Waiting a couple hours for the character restoration otherwise I’ll refund this joke. How the mighty have fallen.

is this an out of season April fools joke?

can anyone at least create a new char ?? i gotting a message that it cant connect to the servers???

It’s been over 5hrs since launch … and things are no better it would seem :frowning:

Got my Assassin to act two viper temple, got “connection interrupted” come back and have no character and cannot create a new one… RIP 3 hours of my life.


My character isn’t showing up after I closed the game, at least it was only lvl 6.

Lost my characters as well!

Created two, sorc and amazon. Was leveling sorc and at level 10. Now logging back in characters are gone.

Was previously in a game earlier where I got to level 4, was able to log into a new game and continue playing to my level 10. Now character is removed from my selection screen.

I finished the first 5 quests in Act 1, had all the WPs up to Outer Cloister. Got up to piss, came back and it was all gone.


how is this bs still happening when it was a known bug?

now, ive lost my chARACTER

Same here! Pala 16 in act 2. The server kick me and then… no char.

Same here, big sadge, refund thoughts.

guess what guys, tomorrow we’ll have plenty lvl 10 chars back on the rooster lmfao

now it’s gone… what a shame hey blizzard

NO esperaba nada, solo mejores graficos y servidor estable… aun así me decepcionaron. al salir se borraron todos los personajes.

Falta foro en espanol para los jugadores de latam.

Same happened to me…

Same thing happened here.

Same here. game crashed after we killed Izzy. lost a lvl 24 sorc

Has there been any official word whats so ever on the characters going missing? (Edit) Character just showed back up. Going to test