Cannot connect to server - US - Xbox

I’m trying to reach out Xbox support community experts, but none of them would like to take this case xd looks like they may already had such questions


I’m trying to reach out Xbox support community experts, but none of them would like to take this case xd looks like they may already had such questions lol


Eastern Europe here. Same thing, no connection to the servers, Xbox X. Diablo III works as it should but not D2R. Internet connection is absolutely fine. Created a support ticket, I want to play a game I bought


Did all things to Xbox and router and firewall possible as mentioned. Still same “can not connect…”. Enough to drive me temporarily insane, and no mention of it online recently except right here.


Talked with my ISP, opened a ticket with blizzard, reached out to Microsoft suport and no one can solve the issue. Also, as someone else mentioned here, complete silence about it, except here.


Its very strange firs time over 3 yers on xbox game got specific online issule and we cant yoin to bnet servers on xbox other diablo games on xbox works fine , diablo 2 r on pc work fine but xbox died :frowning:


Same problem here. Blizzard wake up and fix this problem!


Blizzard… you’re complete and utter trash for contonuing to play this off as a simlle connection issue. Theres no point in creating a ticket everyone, theyre going to respond with fix your internet and itll be fine, WRONG!

I’ve utilized multiple sources of internet between hotsopts from verizon and at&t as well as my specturm which i have inside the residence. My pc works just fine and loads instantly, though xbox is and has been offline for over 36 hours.

Blizzard, you’ve ignored every single one of us and tried to pass it off as some bogus connection issue when its clearly a much bigger problem. Tell us what it is and when itll be rectified!


They’ve closed my ticket as “Solved” even though the problem persists! I cannot believe they did that. :rage:


Submited a request for a refund and got denied. I’ve never buying anything else from Blizzard again.

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Oka-a-ay Blizzard not only did you close my ticket with some script bullсrap, it has the information about PC connection problem, not console. BUT THERE’S MORE. The only link relative to the issue leads to freaking 404 page. I’m actually getting angry, are you being serious?



Get an IMMEDIATE “Cannot connect to Server” message on Xbox SX.

Been like this for 6 hours now for me…


Really dropping the ball for xbox users blizz. Unacceptable. Smh :confused:


still not fixed and they marked my trouble ticket as solved…


I just opened another ticket with them though I don’t see it helping I haven’t been on for about 3 days and am coming back to this it’s frustrating to say the least


Same issue here. Let me play once and now 2 days of cannot connect to battlenet. Yet d3 and d4 both connect fine. Every other online game/feature works fine. Tried all the BS internet and isp issues. Even tried logging in from another console and from my kids accounts .
Xbox series x


Xbox servers are down, now I said more than blizzard has. Is there any info about that anywhere where Blizzard acknowledged it has a problem ,not our ISPs?


Also this could be unrelated, but before this happened, I was getting the message that server will go down for maintenance in 15 minutes, I got that message on multiple games a day or two before the server not working for Xbox One. The server did not go down when I was logged on. So is there maintenance going on and how long will it last, easy information to give to paying customers.

all xbox server down? that may be a good sign here

Same =( i wanna play so much Please