Cannot connect to server - US - Xbox

Cannot connect to server on Xbox… No status information found online? No server status page?

Any assistance?


Same issue here. Just bought the came and cannot even play :confused:


Me as well. Was working fine earlier this morning. Tried playing again around 9pm and now I can’t connect to online at all. I did everything from clearing the cache and resetting, to uninstalling and reinstalling the game.

My friend on Xbox Series S is able to play just fine though. I don’t know why I can’t and I’m just getting “Cannot connect to server.”

Edit: It works now. I can play the game.


same here! played hours ago, and now i cannot!


Same here. Tried restarting my router, and my xbox. Even reinstalled the game. Same issue. It’s a server problem

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no joy with a PC either

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I can’t connect either


Same here. Cannot connect to server. Same issue for EU region.


Was finally able to get connected last night, hip back on this morning aaannnddddd same error.

This page has some tips that I followed last night and got on, but my buddy was also able to get on without following these steps, so I’m assuming server side issues…

Is there a server status page or anything, similar to the Warcraft realms status page? Diablo 4 works fine, but this is getting extremely frustrating… As nostalgic as this game is and as much as I want to play it, I’m about 3 seconds away from refunding it. Put in an official support ticket too and they didn’t even read it (try doing this PC thing, and that PC thing, and a third PC thing, when it was CLEARLY referencing an Xbox issue)


Same here been trying for hours clearing cache, resetting Xbox, rebooting router and modem, still nothing. Has to be server issue but can’t find any information on blizzard it battlenet sites. Hope it’s fixed soon.


Selbiges hier Verbindung zum Server kann nicht hergestellt werden, gestern Abend lief noch alles.

Das beste ist das es nirgends eine Info gibt.

Traurig das man die Leute nicht einfach Mal informieren kann.

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I’m also having the “Cannot Connect to Server” issue.
Worked fine last night around 9pm CST before I went to bed, and haven’t had ANY issues for months on end. Get home at around Noon, “Cannot Connect to Server”.
With the sudden influx of recent complaints about the exact same issue, its definitely not a “Consumer-End Issue”.


Ja auf Netz status sind etliche Meldungen. Das schlimmste ist dass keine Sau sich Mal dazu äußert. Kundenservice wie immer 0

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my friend and i cant connect either . 24 hours so far

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24 hours me and my boys still cant play… CPU players have no issue … Blizzard hello? Yall there?? Time to wake up and fix the xbox servers thanks


Same in EU! I’m not able to connect at all, being trying to resolve it, even connected xbox to my LTE mobile network hotspot but still not able to connect. Hope that would be fixed soon. And the best thing is that I cannot connect when I’m in main menu and trying to select Online character. So at the main screen when you have to press “A” to continue, there is also a message “connecting to” and then is the main menu. So the first connection is working? Anyone from EU with same issue?


Ja ich bin auch EU. Es liegt nicht an deinet Xbox. Es gibt auf Netzstatus zig Meldungen. Nur Blizzard interessiert es anscheinend nicht. Hab vor Stunden schon ein Ticket eröffnet, keine Antwort.

Frage mich wozu man ein Technik Forum hat wenn es anscheinend eh nicht beachtet wird.

Wieder Mal das reinste Armutszeugnis.

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same here cant connect at all


Got the same issue right now, whenever i try to launch the game i get at the title screen and i get the “CANNOT CONNECT TO SERVER” message, i cleared my cache, still can’t connect. EU servers btw


Title screen? Or main menu?

Last night (first time loading the game, was gifted from a friend) I was stuck at the TITLE screen, couldn’t even play offline.

Today, I’m stuck at the main menu, so I can play offline if I want to waste my time :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: