By using JSP you are supporting botting and RMT

i don’t think that’s how it works. Realistically to make it worth it the people selling would need setups with many bots running at the same. At the same time, they don’t need to actually have the items they find on hand. They can invest the items into FG and buy them back at any time when they get a sale. Remember it is a created currency. Some people don’t actually need to trade for FG.

I in game trade all the time. That’s where the best deals are. Got both an Ohm for my random Tgods, and 42+41 Druid summon for a Lo just today.

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How many people do you see in the trade channels of SC? It’s possible to find people, but it can be very difficult to find the exact item you need, especially if its niche or very rare.
At least in HC. Last time I tried to trade in HC, I was looking for just a homunculus, and it wasn’t happening. In the past decade or so, I’ve only ever successfully traded in PoD and PD2, which each had their own official trading website. I know the one for PoD was amazing. Was able to get a 6os WF(12hrs), corrupted Wisp Projector /w frw(another 12 hrs), 9 ed/ias/max jewels(ohm-Full HR each), imperfect 3/20/20s…(vex-ohm each) like… easily. Could easily get all these things on the forum if you had the runes to afford them. Here, disregarding the PoD only items, there’s no way you could get items even close to that good without using jsp.

Too bad blizzard doesn’t take action even though they violate tos. Was a community of botters and always will be. Never used it and never will. JSP will probably be as much of cancer as they are in d2 in d4 sadly.


I just keep an eye out for game names. I don’t like to haggle, since it isn’t worth the time, but when I see “Ohm 4 tgods” you bet I’m going to join.

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the new season is already ruined because of D2jsp bots.

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Except it isn’t because i never paid for a single fg i’ve ever made.

that doesn’t change the fact that you can buy FG with real money on the website itself.

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And? FG isn’t a direct RMT of an in game item for $. That’s why fg and d2jsp exists to this day.

Why do you think most online transactions in ingame stores require you to buy an intermediary currency rather than just direct payment for an in game item?

For all jsp and blizzard knows, users could be buying that fg for jsp’s website game, ladder slasher.

I support botting and d2jsp.

Can we stop normalizing manual grinding?

git gud and learn to code


you sound like a crooked politician. you should be ashamed of yourself, but obviously you have none.


And as we can see from some forum users here by not using JSP you’re considered a noob.

imagine getting called a noob by someone who swipes their credit card for gear.


idk if i can speak for the term “noob”, but I can say that cheating to win is much easier than playing the game legitimately.


Can we stop normalizing legitimate play as being virtuous?


Yay new year new topic right ? RIGHT ? (laugh in Anakin meme)

Nevermind, its this brutally beat imba dead horse again.

Like the meme says: Just stop get some help :joy:

Apart from few Bnet forum post count grinders people dont really care about D2JSP and Blizzard cares even less. Not with D4 in final crunch.

Cant agree with your title. Botting exists separately from JSP. I dont like JSP but if it would stop, botters will be still botting and selling in all other places.


the creators of JSP are also known to be creators and users of bots. You might not be able to get bots directly from their website anymore, but it still enables botting by having currency carry over through the seasons. Without JSP, botters would have less of an impact on the economy, because all of their wealth would disappear every reset.

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Botting is something we did back in the stone age.
These days the money’s at D2 sweatshops with child labour in SE Asia.

You think you know how to grind?

7 year old Phek Phek does 1000 Trav runs every day…

… with each hand.