D2JSP is Illegal and against the TOS

You guy’s realize that the whole reason this is not been a bannable offense is simply no way to prove that you got that shako on Jsp and not from a friend or from a trade forum, hell even a X platform trade like "I’ll give you a Shako on Xbox if you can hook me up with a SOJ on Switch, which I have seen these trades before. Add in Facebook D2R trade groups and there ya go no way to know for sure who traded what and Blizzard is not gonna ban people unless they had 100% proof you got that Shako from Xiao Bot Farmers, at places like g2g or D2AHM ect all the items those sites sales are either duped or obtained by bot’s problem is they funnel the items in as well through trades in game making it impossible to know for sure if you bought the item or got it in a trade that the person who traded it got it in a trade and that person bought it from a botter…

So 22 years now and not one person has been banned from the game for getting items from Jsp, or trade groups, or Facebook or even buying from websites. Since it’s a legal grey area for most companies, It’s my money, if I want to pay someone to farm an item for me it’s a service and that grey area opens up to many cans of worms for any company that will legally take action or infringe on the consumer rights act. Not sure why people still talking about this…

I am not saying it should be bannable just advised against. Seeing as your online characters can be used on any platform account that is linked to your battle.net account this allows you to make your trade on any platform that you have the game on weather it be PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, or PC as long as both you and the other person have 1 of the platforms in common

i wish there would be a dislike button on this ****** page

getting rid of jsp would do absolutely nothing (!!!) against bots, dupes, third party websites, hacks, item selling or unfixed bugs which make items from ur mules disappear to this date

I remember the old way of trading. Going to trade games was awful if you had certain gear you wanted to obtain. A lot of it was just trading for profit. Refreshing games to look for trades was awful. Waiting on someone with your iso in game was awful. If blizzard would make a trading site like POE, I’d gladly use it.

At least the old way of trading did not use a 3rd partys websight and its websight currency. A currency that is not in any way part of the game as well as it also being a currency that is purchaced with real money. If a game is going to have a specific trade currency the currency should either be earnable in the game or be purchaced through the game not a currency on a 3rd party website. for example platinum in Waframe can either be purchaced through the game via Xbox store or other platform exclusive stores or earned by trading in the game

Tanis, we’re pulling your trick. Tired of this one.

what is that supposed to mean SalveWarsong

All I am saying is that a trade currency should be tradded in the game not on a 3rd party website like D2jsp and its forum gold

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If you pay real money for a third party currency you are rmting and that is a violation of the terms of service. Dont jsp play the game the way it was meant to be played and get more enjoyment out of it. To everyone saying you cant rmt with jsp there are people who openly sell forum gold for real money they have been doing it forever. Jsp gives a massive advantage to anyone starting on a new ladder and should be prohibited. Pretty much and open and shut case and the OP is correct in saying it is akin to cheating.


All this conversation does is point out the obvious. The loot system is so bad that only bots or basement dwellers stand any reasonable chance of obtaining endgame gear. The average smuck uses JSP which is supplied by bots and basement dwellers. No offense to the basement folk, you do you.

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Why does every other Joe mention PoE as an m good example for anything? That game is terrible. And it’s dying. Surviving mostly on micro transactions and terrible season designs that keep disappointing the masses.


How can Blizzard shut down another web site? It probably is not even hosted in any country the US courts have any power over. Assuming even that Blizzard bother to go to court. I mean if they do, good on them, but I cannot see it happening. The site accepts cash (no way to stop that), and Paypal - may be Blizzard can ask Paypal to drop the owner of d2jsp.

Didn’t say that. It’s absolutely in their power to ban someone that uses it though. I mean it’s no different than not being able to shutdown a website that sells bots, but they can ban people for botting.

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But if I trade items for fg, and trade the fg for items without any exchange of REAL money from me it is all okay.

I didn’t break any TOS. if I didn’t spend any of my own money. All I did was trade my item, for a different item and trade that item for the item I needed. I could do the EXACT same thing in game, but it is 1000 x more difficult because there are less people trading in game.

It doesnt matter, its still curency involved with real money as people are buying it eith real money and fg you bough was most likely bought with it.


Have you ever bought anything on jsp @ beginning of ladder???
I get your point and nothing is perfect but you acting like everyone able to afford stuff at beginning of ladder.
Stuff like sigons would cost a fortune lol.
Most people use jsp because its so convenient for trading. Sure a handful of people spent money buying fg but 99% people i know only use it to trade and spent zero $. Unless you want to spend all day trying to trade some items? Especially most of us are in our mid 30s and 40s with wives and jobs…its kinda blizzs fault for having such a crappy in game trading system.
Now botting is a whole new level. Burn them

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I think you misunderstood my point people have hundreds of thousands of fg saved from decades of playing this game using jsp. All they have to do it wait for a new ladder to roll over and unleash said saved Fg. Doesn’t matter what they want to buy they have the fg to do it. I agree with your boting comment though get them all out. Also ironic that jsp was the premiere botting site for the longest time as well. I wish blizzard had a implemented a trading option other than the use of the trade forums that could offer us a more time friendly option to trade.

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Just play the game. items drop. And the excuse of, no good trading sites is pretty lame. Finding gear is kind of the whole point of the game. Don’t see how using jsp and conserving gold has any improvement to the enjoyment of the game. Although i guess we all play for different reasons.

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D2jsp will also lure its users to donate (pay real money for FG), and then they will request them for personal documents. If you don’t send your personal documents they will simple scam your money.

That’s not true and I don’t understand why you feel the need to lie?