Botters invading public games now

it’s easy to get mistaken for a bot. when i TP for baal runs i don’t stop to talk in chat, i do what i do, and then after ball drops i just type the name of the next game

“baalrun_12” or what-have-you

if i’m doing my job teleporting to ball’s room and opening that portal, you won’t be able to tell the difference between me and a bot.

just because i’m not interested in talking to you during my run doesn’t mean i’m a bot

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It is not the not talking, it is the TP before baal that makes it obvious, there’s a reason they do it, and only a bot would do it.

Such nonsense…
20 chars

Oh I know the answer… Just wanted to see if the OP had legit points or a usual bias hatred.

far right corner of the throne room? it’s not just bots that put it there, it’s also anyone else who’s teleporting. especially if you haven’t completed your gearing. you go all the way to the corner, pop TP, then start killing and hope everyone gets there before you die.

by the time you have your gear right and your resistances and health up high enough, the habit is set.

No, they tp after wave 5, there is a reason for that.

and what’s that reason? most bots i’ve seen just exit the game after wave five, to make the new one and start the teleport run. i do the same thing. depending on you exact level, staying to kill baal may or may not be good from an xp per hour standpoint. i have all my gear, i’m not interested in drops unless it’s high runes

Did u talk to the vast majority and collected data? I would say alot of ppl even played d2 offline. U stated that it affect everyone i just prove that it doesnt affect me. And then u go on to jump another conclusion which u base on your emotions. I understand that u are frustrated but this is exactly why u cant understand the issue behind it all.

Its no coincidence that ppl leave a game when new games come around. Ppl find what they looking for but many times they miss the truth. Validity and reliability.

Anyway how is that relevant to the discussion? U missing the point. Its still hard to prove that someone cheating. Im saying u cant treat gametime as proof no matter how frustrated u are.

I am not frustrated at all, just stating the fact botters are out of control already in D2R and more needs to be done to control them

The bots team account for nearly half of the 5 million D2R sales,If you were blizzard manager, you will realized that bots team as your best partner,not players

Banning bots is their best partner, so they buy more accounts

every banned account is another $40 they will spend… endless profit to blizzard.

blizzard just needs to implement an official bot for an extra $5 USD and level the playing field.

Truth hurts

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Haha, no. Not even close. Botters are probably like 2% of that figure at most.

50% is indeed a lofty number

Bots are already running rampant in ladder, and it has only been 4 days

if they don’t add an offline ladder mode i might just uninstal this game soon.

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Still nothing done about bots


ive seen them in pub games too they are becoming more and more brazen.


Offline ladder? hahahaah

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