Botters invading public games now

The levels of cope in this topic lol. “How do you know they’re bots?” hahaa

Been playing the game for 20+ years, the game is full of bots. It’s obvious af.


Game is full of bots because you play the game 20 years? Kind of weak argument.

I know a bot when I see it bro.

It’s obvious as hell. But sure, put your head in the sand.


It should be easy to record them then and post clip here right?

So far nobody did. I see only claims that game is full of bots without proof.

You would just dismiss any clip anybody posted because it doesn’t suit your agenda.

Pro tip: If you a see game calle Xbaal-582 it’s a bot. Nobody is doing 600 baal runs in one session. Bots use a simple script for creating games, you put the name you want then XX and it counts up infinitely.

And u believe there are more ppl playing d2 lod now or in 2010 than when it got released? Or that the amount of sold units is equal to actual players? When I refer to d2 players i refer to actual population playing the game. I would say around release is when the game had the most amount of players. Obv no way to know as only blizz has the data. But according to their own report wow made most of their revenue. Obv battlechest reaching a peak close to d3 release isnt surprising especially in US where diablo been very popular. I still believe d2 had more players several years before that.

In the end u can believe whatever u want. I believe LA had more bots than lod had players.

Sure they could be AFK for 1 week, but not only does that make no sense, the game will kick you out before that happens…

Sleeping for 1 week doesnt make sense if something. Leaving the PC on is pretty common for ppl who play alot.

Again u can believe its suspicious. But u still need proof. Atleast thats the approach blizzard use. They trying to find proof before they act. Innocent until proven guilty. Banning based on guessing is weird. I wouldnt expect a well known company to use such approach. Thats just not how developed countries handle things. We know for a fact that punishing based on emotional reasoning leads to innocent ppl getting punished.

First of all, this thread is moot. They never had any intentions of curtailing cheating and bot invasion in-game or in chat. You don’t get it. If they had these intentions serious changes would’ve already happened. C’mon man, My employees deserve to make money off of this game. Now, What I WILL do is make vague promises, add extremely bright camouflage, and some very pretty bandaids.

Secondly, after 20 years of this, did you REALLY expect them to do something about it? HAHAHAHAHAHA, you really are a sucker. Until a major employee overhaul is done, you will NEVER see a change to this botting/D2 store problem.

Idle timers are common in all games…. why would they waste server resources for someone to leave their char in a game afk?. Also there is a difference between leaving PC on, and staying inside a game AFK 24/7

And still u can afk for several hours without dc. There are ppl doing it. I do it aswell. How many ppl didnt stay online when d2r had queue? I sure did. Some ppl do it to be efficient other just dont bother to turn pc off. Why ppl do it is irrelevant. Ppl do it which means gametime can not be seen as proof. Legit players can be online without botting.

Just like ppl with 3h/day can bot. Ppl with high ingame time can be legit. Again u can find it suspicious but it doesnt mean its proof.

Who said they afk 24/7? I said its common for ppl who play alot to leave pc on. They obv dont afk all day. They play, then break, then play, then break and so on. Not everything in the world is black or white.

Just because it is possible, it doesn’t mean it should be allowed, so there’s maybe 10 legit players doing this, and 10 billion bots, affecting every single player?.

If its a possibility it means u cant tell who is cheating and who is legit based solely on that. Aka u cant treat gametime as proof. If its not proof banning them based on that would result in ban without proof. Its nothing in the ToS which stated that u not allowed to play for a certain amount of hours or leave the game running.

Pure speculation. Obv u would believe this is the case based on your negative view. We cant base arguments on “feelings”. Or well u could and then we back on the witchhunt approach. Atleast thats not approach blizzard use.
Maybe they think most ppl are legit and only few botters. With that view banning ppl on gametime would result in plenty of legit players getting banned just to catch a few cheaters.

Thats why the court and blizzard have another approach. Gathering actual evidence to prove either side. This is what it means to be objective and considered to be the prefered approach. Rather than letting your emotions tell u what to do.

Me personally couldnt care less if there are botters or not. I dont care which lvl someone else is or what gears they use. However im not opposing that it does affect u. As u being frustrated about it. This depends on the individual.

How big of a issue is it to the majority though? Some ppl might even be happy that they can find baalruns whenever they log in. Im not saying that they shouldnt ban cheaters. Obv they should but i dont believe that legit ppl should get punished or that blizzard should start banning ppl without proof. Getting rid of cheaters is much more complicated than ppl tend to believe. Obv some ppl couldnt care less if innocent ppl get punished aswell but this is something blizzard is trying to avoid.

It might not be an issue for you, but it is an issue for the vast majority of players, it is not a coincidence D2:LoD was abandoned by nearly everyone shortly after bots were free and public

Honestly bots are a part of the reason why d2 was kept alive all these years. Most people would have ditched when they got bored of grinding if it wasn’t for bots.

We’re never getting rid of bots. Should they be banned along with the offending account, yes.

Now that we’ve accepted bots are here to stay, unfortunately, what are some of the perks?

  • Full games for XP runs like Baal / Chaos Sanct.

  • Reduction in prices for rare items due to bot farming.

  • Once you know a game is full of bots, MF at your hearts content.

  • Very low chance of PK due to flaming, trolling, insults etc.

Yes bots are bad, and they should go. However the next time you feel your neck getting red and your blood pressure starting to rise, just remember that while they may not get all the bots, they will be interested in banning enough to force repurchasing.

They are the reason it died, the game was only kept alive for the franchise, there are very few actual players left. Why do you think d2:lod is only semi active first week of ladder?, because after that game is ruined by bots

No one would be on LoD if it wasn’t for bots. People just got sick of playing the same game, bots make the grinding process more bearable for the people that chose to hang around. No body wants to grind if new content isn’t added continuously.

What killed d2 wasn’t the bots, it was the lack of content.

I would say it was both, but more the bots, several casual players enjoy ladder only due to the new economy, even if there is no new content, but that only lasts a week due to the bots.

Hardcore pvp players still play d2 regularly, that’s only possible because of the bots making it possible to acquire gear that would take months of non stop grinding to acquire. I assume all these players are non longer high school students so I doubt they have the same amount of time to put into this game.

For most people that play pvm, if the content runs out in the game, they leave bots or no bots, that’s true of most games. Only people that are willing to play the same content over and over again are pvp players, look at all the fps games. They’re essentially playing the same maps over and over again.

The lack of content killed the game for the majority of pvm player, the bots kept the game alive for the remaining pvp players.