Blizzard Sorc Now Sits on the Iron Throne

Cold Mastery is not the problem. Those sundered charms are. But blizzard won’t change that. So either say goodbye to cold sorc, because they get nerfed hard or hail to the new king blizz sorc. Either way, blizz created a problem because they don’t know how the game works and what issues they raise and people in this forum are so dense that they don’t even understand simple mechanics and praise them…

Can’t wait for the tears after 2.5 hits live.


Change yes, but not for the sake of immense power creep. Instead of elevating underused classes and builds or balancing the content/zones to give those builds more purpose, they just made (almost) everything stronger. Too strong. Now they have to start with nerfing several classes etc. and it will not stop with cold sorc.
The problem is, that they opened the box of pandora with the introduction of these new GCs. If they would have more time until ladder start to tweak and fix things. Yeah maybe.
But this would require more iterations of PTRs to address the several issues that will emerge.
As it is now, it just feels like a desperate, rushed, lazy “fix” to TZs that does more harm than it does any good at the current state of the game. They really have to go back to the drawing board and totally rethink this approach and take their time.
Else, you will have next ladder, maybe kind of fun trying out all the new OP builds and then? What comes next when poeple complain everything is “too easy”? Hell 2, 3 etc. ? Greater Rifts? And then, when those are too hard? Paragon? Please no!


How bout just nerf hammerdins if they’re op in the terror zones instead of unbalancing everything to the point where you have to nerf the sorc instead. God forbid the Paladin takes a hit, but nope warp the game around them and nerf another character just because you can’t touch the precious Paladin.


You are insufferable and the worst influence this game has. Wish these idiotic modern game developers would stop listening to their obnoxious social media fanbase. The majority of people who play d2 don’t watch you, Twitch, or use this forum or Reddit, yet these clown devs insist on listening to the lowest common denominator who screech the loudest on social media. Modern gaming is trash. This game is becoming trash. RIP the remaster. All I wanted. But clowns like you need to make it D3.


Man I havent even had a chance to test it… Was an initial impressions video (which i said it was in the video) that I made before i went in to work night shift. It sounds like you just done like the changes which is fine. But please don’t speak for me. I was honest on what I thought was cool and what I was concerned about. The game is honesty on life support at the moment so id rather see bigger changes as opposed to none yes.

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I agree. Keep the game exactly the same and dont event consider changing anything. Solid idea


Changing it for the worse isn’t making it better. We all want changes just not crappy ideas being pushed like it’s gold.


Never said that. A logical fallacy, so lol’d. Changes like this aren’t improving the game whatsoever. NOTHING they’ve changed so far has been a good improvement, so it’s laughable to me that you will die on your ‘lol game needs change or will never be relevant.’ Game is being dumbed down to mass appeal to the casuals because all modern game devs care about is catering to the masses, even though a game like this will never be enjoyed by casuals ever. So, in essence, you get a game neither the nostalgic fans nor the newbies want. Good job modern Blizz. Nice dumpster fire.
You are deluded. LoD was on life support for years, and it was still more enjoyable than this modern mess. All these clown trash devs do is fix things people never asked to be fixed. PvP is utterly ruined, and it doesn’t matter if only a few people pvp, because those pvp whales have a huge impact on the in-game economy whether you and your Twitch plebians care or not. inb4 ‘well then go play LoD’. Yes, with the fractured community and 5 people still playing LoD. I’ll get right on that.


People seem to forget that Hammerdin is the one that sits on the Iron Throne. Hammerdin need not bother with Magic Sundered Charm since MI is few and far between, has Sanctuary aura for Undead(which bulk of MI happen to be), and requires nothing but Enigma to Teleport around and dominate like he normally does.

As his Queen, the Cold(aka Blizzard) Sorceress will dominate once the Cold Sundered Charm is acquired. No longer will they need Infinity to break anything, meaning Insight Mercenaries are their Meta option. Use of Energy Shield is optional, but a Meta foregone conclusion given they have Meditation recovering their Mana(just won’t be as efficient as Nova variants).

After that Fire/Lightning will be at Tier 2. They still need Infinity to lower Resistance to 10(from 95) plus -Resistance gear(Flickering Flame/Phoenix for Fire, Griffons/Crescent Moon for Lightning) to bring Resistance into the Red. The one build that will benefit immensely from this is the Tesladin(Resist Lightning aura anyone?).

Poison will still suck(think about it), Magic Charms will never be utilized(again think about it) and Physical will be an afterthought(they never needed Charms to begin with).

Edit I wanted to add one more thing. Sundered Charms effectively ignore Unique/Super Unique Monster bonuses. Why be Fire Enchanted with high Fire Resistance if I can ignore it? Ditto Cold Resistance like Frozenstein on Frozen River. Cold Immunity? Laughs as Blizzard Sorceress 1-HIT KO’s it despite it having 200+ Cold Resistance… ← This right here is extreme shortsidedness


Again it’s almost as if it was PTR and values could be adjusted based off of feedback…

In response to a couple of the points above.

Shape shifting wasn’t nerfed at all imo. Wolf got a lot better in terms of weapon choices. You could argue fire claw bear got nerfed but at the same time maul got a buff by becoming uninterruptable imo.

WW did get nerfed for 2 handers I agree. But what I find surprising is dual grief got better and most people run duel grief anyways. I understand maybe the idea of being upset that 2 handers got nerfed. It did receive some qol like removing the normal attack at close range.
But yea I didn’t advocate for anything WW so you cant blame me for that one kekw

But yea anyways I’m sure people will disagree anyways :person_shrugging:

Maybe just fkn maybe your view point could be the minority. Just saying lol. I typically enjoying discussing other viewpoints and trying to sorta see where everyone averages their opinions across the board. It’s usually the best way to find the best solution across the board but I find it difficult to have a rational conversation here. :v:

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I’m very clearly not in the minority if you pulled your head out of your own behind and looked around. Most people have not been happy with any of the changes, even on these lowest common denominator social media sites. Most people don’t use this forum. I only just made an account recently to complain about how horrible this dev team is. :wink: There’s some perspective for you. And that site that shall not be named, with arguably the largest and oldest long-time player base, hates the patch entirely. And they’re the ones who played LoD up until this garbage remaster was made. I know when you sit in your little Twitch echo chamber though, you don’t know what’s going on in the world around you, and it’s easy to assume that everyone agrees with you.


Depending on the drop rate of the sundered charms, Jah+Ber is a lot more than what a blizz sorc needs with the charm and don’t forget that a Sorc always has the advantage early ladder, because she can snipe Meph very efficient for base gear and with changing TZs there will be very favourable areas for Blizz sorcs to farm the charm and be unstoppable afterwards.

MY guess, you will have a sundered charm before you get Jah + Ber. Early ladder cold-sundered charms will be super expensive if they don’t drop very very often. Next up the list are the light-sundered charms because light champs are still god tier and then you will find fire/psn for those who don’t want to go with the meta. Phys and Magic will be like curse skiller… useless.

Ladder meta will be the same, because the same 4 builds are godtier


It’s not as simple as what got buffed and what got nerfed. You’re looking at everything individually instead of the game as a whole that is the problem. It’s not simply this character got stronger this got weaker, it’s the relation between characters, balance of difficulty with the gameplay interactions.

The balancing they did in the characters were unequal, the characters that needed the least about of buffs, Paladin and sorcs got the most. The characters that needed them the most summon druids, ma sins, barbs got half as sed. Creating a bigger imbalance. Fhr and fbr rates didn’t need to be changed, there were so many complains about it on the ptr but they did not listen.

Now they are trying to mess with immunes without addressing game balance like they did with the fhr. I’m all for change as long as it’s done well, but they’ve been giving half baked solutions so far.

You on your streams remind me of Jay Wilson, as long as you see big numbers are are popping monsters left and right it’s all good with little thought about the overall balance of the game. I don’t know what you do in real life, it probably isn’t game design.


This always goes both ways.
You might enjoy the change as solo mf sorc farmer in SP. Sorc gets buffed a lot with that change. But is this really the best way to do this? Is this healthy for the game? I really don’t think so.


Sorc dethroned by sorc. Like what a change lol. Zero.


Then wouldn’t that mean that Sundered Charms are not the way to go to boost the popularity of underused builds? I mean if S-Tier are still S-Tier, then obviously they need to rethink this. I proposed elsewhere that they merely set Monster FCLP Resistance to 95(as opposed to being immune) for Trash with Uniques/Super Uniques being exceptions due to their Monster Bonuses that they roll with. Overall that’d be buff to Monster Resistance but it wouldn’t differentiate between areas/acts.

Sackett’s idea for Sundered Charms I actually like. It basically has Conviction/Lower Resist/Cold Mastery work at 100% Efficiency without arbitrarily setting Resistance to 95. This takes into account Uniques/Super Uniques who are naturally highly resistant but requires considerable effort to deal Cold Damage to monsters like Frozenstein who has 285% Cold Resistance on Hell Difficulty. With an Infinity, he’d be at 200% Cold Resistance, meaning it’d take a level 37 Cold Mastery to drop him to 0. Level 25 Conviction would drop him to 135%, with Cold Mastery easily bringing him into the Red.

Deep down it still rubs me the wrong way that Frozenstein can be obliterated with Cold Damage but I think Sackett’s method would be far better than the current mechanism.

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I didn’t you did, not sure if you noticed, but part of it was quoted.
Probably didn’t because I presume you did it mostly on the fly.
But saying you made vid with numerous concerns, conveys the impression it was a I have concerns Vid, it wasn’t however, it was a I love this vid, but lets not forget to playtest it as it might have a few less good things.
And since you where replying to someone insultingly as to PTR fase (while chances of change or very slim if we look at past results) and implying you made a vid with actual concerns in it, I didn’t think it was fair, so hence the response.
PTR fase is there to say what you think, also if you really hate it, keeping quit and seeing what will happen is not the way to get the thing you don’t like removed and since the Dev’s are practically deaf when players speak, you really need to shout to even have a semblance of hope to be heard.

Wish however I could say I don’t like the changes, but that would be an understatement, will likely quit D2r because of them.
Might use it to make a last few builds that never worked but can now crush Hell, but any real challenge will be gone for any elemental build if these changes go live as they were announced.

Problem is I actually liked D2, so didn’t need changes, QoL I welcome, new items, rw’s and balance changes only if they don’t make the game easier.
Nerfs would be more with my wishes, only to a few builds and items that are high and above the rest.
After buff other things to bring them on equal footing.
Problem is I have no faith in the ability of the current devs to do this right, which is the main reason I prefer no changes, they just proven to me that they are indeed capable of balancing, this crap shouldn’t even have entered PTR in this state and feels rushed just so they can push the Terror Zone concept.


Yep. This guy gets it. Sadly, this dev team WANTS this game to be easier and more like D3. People like Dbrunski are right up their alley. God, I despise modern gaming so much.


that’s conservative. i give it 4 days.

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