Blizzard lying to people

All thanks to Pindleskin! :stuck_out_tongue:

I did several runs on him myself. Alas he didn’t drop anything good. He was stingy with the loot.

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Im saying everyone have their own expectations. Its not some kind of fact. U expected ladder to come shortly after release and I didnt. I expected there to be plenty of issues and delays consider its a old outdated core. So u could say they meet my expectations

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thats not what i asked. i asked if you believed ladder would not come out until june pre launch, not if you would be ok with it. its amazing to me how many people on this forum dodge questions, deflect and rationalize just about every rebuttal

Thats what i said. U didnt read?

Like its there:

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you said it once, i asked you point blank to confirm that you truly believed the first ladder wouldnt start in june before sept 23? you really think thats what you believed back then? I am aware it is there, considering i asked you to confirm after that post. maybe that was your expectation in feb, maybe it was just what you would tolerate, those are all very different things

what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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Why should i need to repeat myself?

And yes thats what I believed. And im closer to reality than your guess. So again they just disnt meet your expectations while they close to what i expected. Even better as they shown balance changes, force walk, smart cast which is things i didnt expect yet.

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because I think anyone saying the believed the first ladder wouldnt start until june prior to the launch is a flat out liar and rewriting their history. whether its delusion or wanting to be right, so I wanted to confirm thats what you were saying. so now i can directly call you a liar.

i dont care if they met your expectations, just simply when you thought ladder would start pre launch. like you said everyone has different expectations and i have no problem with someone being happy with what they got, what i have a problem with is trying to rewrite history

ohhh, he did that quote thing from the television right? so smart!

Thank you for further proving my point…

yawn, i may be a jerk (i wanted a worse word but filter) and rude, but you are just at troll, im happy with which one i am

March is mid 2022?
I dunno why you’re so eager for ladder. Just delete your characters and start over, it’ll feel the same. lol
No one’s going to play ladder with you.

Why? U think everyone have the same expectations like u? Thats consensus bias. Some ppl have experience of releasing games. Games being delayed isnt a new thing. Consider how outdated d2 core is and even David Brevik shared his opinion how complicated project it would be to remake d2. Im not the only one who expected ladder to come later.

So u got some psychological issues. Ppl who doesnt share the same opinion like u is now lying?

I just did.

Obv u dont care when ppl prove u wrong.


If you have a post pre launch confirming your thoughts I’m all ears. Otherwise I think you like many change what you thought based on events that happened after and struggle to differentiate. I’m not saying everyone had to think the same. Some thought a week or two. Some thought 2-3 months. I think no one thought 6+ months in September

And after that a polygraph?xD

Narcissistic personality disorder - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

I thought there would be a probability of ladder start being 6+ months away. Others shared the skepticism because of W3R and its ladder.

Simply put, I thought there was maybe 1 in 7 chance to be within 6 weeks if everything went well with D2R launch. More likely, it would be about 4 months as a de facto ladder to mirror the length of the first official ladder. If things really went sideways at launch, there was a 1 in 6 chance it would be 6+ months.

so to be clear, no you dont have anything to back up what you are saying but think you proved me wrong, got it

I figured 1-2 months after release of the game if all went well… Then the server troubles started… I knew it was going to be longer at that point.

The game was released still in an unofficial beta state, I won’t deny it.

They had no way of simulating the real-world player loads in-house. They had no choice but to release the game in an unofficial beta test state.


Nothing is perfect since day one. If they do early ladder and thing gets f up, people like you will definitely post wall of text to burn the forum down :rofl:


there is no way you thought a 16% chance it would be over 6 months for ladder at launch, thats just not realistic given the information they were putting out unless you think they are either liars or completely incompetent. you keep saying this de facto ladder like this was something discussed pre launch or by blizz, this is your own made up idea that isnt shared by the majority of players. why would they say shortly after launch if they intended to have a de facto ladder first? hint: they wouldnt

i get that it was a mess but the only post anyone has shown prior to launch of people concerned it would be way past was PRIOR to rod and pez’s tweets to alleviate those concerns. I think maybe someone of you believe that is what you thought back then because you have confirmation bias but I am certain that in the moment on sept 22, you did not think ladder was going to take 6 months or that thought even crossed your mind as a realistic possibility.