Blizz to Desstroy their last decent game

Splashing rainbows, decorated glowing trees.

You haven’t made any good points either, but at least mine are reasonable.

Are you also you of those guys that say “don’t add gem stacking, it will ruin the gem economy!”, and then they add it, and literally nothing has changed.

Adding teleport for a week. That isn’t going to happen either. No one on the dev team is going to say “Let’s add teleport to level 1 this weekend” that would be completely pointless.

Would you have a problem with a 10% exp weekend? Even if they made it 10% exp EVERY weekend from here on out, no one would truly give a rats a** because it wouldn’t make a dent in how this game plays or feels.

Exactly. You can’t simply say, D3 HAD THAT! THAT’S WHY D3 WAS BAD, AND THAT’S WHY D2R WILL BE BAD!


It seems really far fetched/stretched to me. I doubt it’s going to be an issue.


Absolutely this.

It´s always the same. Feels like many ppl here started playing video games in 2022.

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I mean, I get that logic. I would prefer bonus MF not be a thing. But I also don’t think this is a slippery slope. Nothing wrong with making sure Blizzard knows not to go overboard with these kinds of things. If that’s the motivation, then I’m with you. But the event itself is no big deal.

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Tbf its not news we are gettings buffs.
It all started when they buffed the anni hunt event making it globally and giving everyone annis for free by doing this (yes anni is free, Clone D isnt hard).
I agree that they keep doing this from time to time, rewarding the player for doing nothing.

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If they read these reactions, I think they will think twice, if they should go crazy whit these buffs.

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True that - it´s really no big deal itself.

But I´m kinda paranoid when it comes to Blizzard (and the gaming industry itself in that regard)

I remember when they introduced buying cosmetic pets in WoW for real money - people were mad and I did not understand.
Well a few years later ppl were able to buy Gold for real money legitimately (and with that boost for the hardest raids, the hardest raid achievements and the most powerful gear)
I understand them now.


I think the devs are different devs.

Also, there is no sassy speak in D2R. That alone makes D2R better/different than D3.

Although I initially wasn’t fond of this bonus event for D2R, I don’t think it will negatively impact that game to make it as bad as D3. I mean the bonus event will not make the characters engage in sassy speak, and the event won’t make characters spit hockers. So I guess I’m indifferent to the coming bonus event.

I don’t blame you whatsoever. Back at you. The company is an absolute mess. But I also think it’s important to give them credit where it’s due when that happens instead of permanently focusing on the problems. Reward them with good PR when they do something good like fixing the lobby. But the only thing people want to talk about is the MF buff. I think that could end up being counter productive. If the company has no chance of getting good PR from people, maybe they’ll rethink further development on games that need it.


If the game prioritizes drop roll as Unique first (followed by Set, Rare then Magic last), how does unique get hit most by diminishing returns and magic least? Wouldn’t it be the other way around? Maybe the graph isn’t accounting for the lesser drops available for rolling magic (as already resulting in higher quality)? Help me understand this

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I haven’t seen a lot of praise on this forum, but on a lot of youtube videos there are people praising the D2R team specifically for continuing to do good work. So hopefully they recognize that.

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wont bother explaining a damn thing to casuals. the truth is more casuals gets attracted to Diablo II worse game it will became, in the end its casuals promoting easy stuff and increased drop rates that blizzard jumps after. you will be much better of playing Diablo III or world of warcraft retail i promise you that Plebsi.

when game is floated with easy and free stuff ,value of forum gold against cheap items go up even further. if you dont know basics of economy dont pretend like you know what you talking about.

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Hopefully Blizzard will come forward soon and let us know of their future plans with community buff events. We now know they can do it, the cat is out of the bag, the can of worms is opened… Doomsday scenarios are flooding the players minds…

It was the main reason why I said “Uh oh” to the 2.4.3 patch announcement on the magic find community buff… I knew a :poop:storm was soon to follow.

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Its a nice sentiment to close out ladder, but I would rather have a 50% exp boost for the remaining season. What could it hurt?

There has already been a valid argument against it, those that want to run minimal or zero magic find for farming base items. If the buff could be toggled off, that would eliminate that concern…

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Good point but who knows just how much 50% they are talking.

Many people posting here and upvoting have the collective memory of a goldfish. I’m not here to convince them. I just put out my historically accurate points and watch the copium.

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Man people are actually crying about this? A 4 day event offering a slight boost in drop rates?

You guys would set fire to a $1000 check if I gave you one.

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No, we’re not upset about the 50 MF specifically, although it has it’s own pros and cons. Read the OP again, and again. Then come back and edit your post into something resembling the main dispute of the thread.

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