Blizz to Desstroy their last decent game

Proof? Just because you have this paranoia, it doesn’t mean it’s true. The team does most things like walking on egg shells, because they how mad the community can be.

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is it added to the character sheet, or after the character sheet. Be pretty sweet if it calculates after.

You shouldn’t worry about Y, because of X.

Nice logic. If that’s true, they should just shut down these forums completely until they ban all bots, because with your logic it’d be silly to bring a point of contention to any other issue.

… a mysterious energy source will grant you a 50% buff to Magic Find

50% buff and not an extra 50%! :slight_smile: If you have 500% mf you will not have 550%, but 750%!

Says who? You make a statement and you expect everyone else to take it as God’s given truth ?

What exactly is “ruined” ? Please explain.

That will be a great change! Even though not strong enough. We need a 10,000% improved HR drop rate to see an impact in practice.

It seems to me, the only thing you are trying to save is your forum gold and your ebay balance.


It’s funny to me that people have such a outburst over 50% mf for a few days, when a certain site ruined the game (still is) for 2 decades and every ladder reset :rofl: .

We pick our battles. Everyone knows D2jsp is problematic, but then also act like it’s the only site engaged in these activities.

We also know Blizzard has been trying unsuccessfully over 10 years to shut it down and personally I’m always bewildered at these people that aren’t just beating a dead horse, but shouting at its moss-ridden faded tombstone.

Just because a problem exists doesn’t mean we give up or ignore other issues. I mean frankly, and this is blunt, anyone who bought this game expecting D2jsp to be shutdown is a moron.

You know now why OP is mad. Their FG will lose it’s prices, and all the time spent boting is for nothing. :laughing:

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Who knows? I think the buff is fine if they make it optional.

Also, the only way I see D2jsp and other sites being put out of our misery is after Blizzard is acquired by Microsoft. Microsoft has considerably more legal inertia and pull than Blizzard. Maybe they can do something, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

However, if I had a hope, that would be it.

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YEP that’s the only reason they whine and have 0 intelligent arguments besides the trading, which we already have with traderie and perhaps a own blizzard ingame option or trade site coming in a future ladder. :slight_smile: “Now they want to take my victims away I can scam, with creating a SSF Ladder. How dare them?!?!?!” :rofl:

I know I know jsp is not the only tumor, which ruined the game, BUT is the only site, which has the well known “FraudGold”, which carries over into next ladders making a new ladder start as “FRESH & fair for everyone” as a rotten corpse. I know there is Elitepvpers or whatever which are testing bots (what I saw when flying over the site), which jsp was initially made of as a how to dupe/bot/maphack guide so there is that. And whats left is those spam bot lobby sites d2shop xyz, where I saw a enigma for like 200$ lol. Sadly those scam p2w sites are also there in masses, but on jsp you can buy FraudGold or (how most likely the majority who is there for a long time aKa those pathetic "jsp is good stop the threads you insert insult :clown_face: s are defending it) got/still get it by botting and/or scamming people and the newer ones from what I’ve heard by just dumping a stash and see what they get out of it. What they still not understand is, that it’s the same like buying WoW gold from a 3rd party site/company.

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They said it stacks with mf so its like putting shako on your head.

I like this a lot personally

hmmm hope it doesnt work for offline for speedrunners.

It starts! Mwahahahaha! They know people are quitting in droves cause they can’t find things. Mwahahahaha!

Bring on the loot pinatas!

It’s not a big deal. You still won’t find griffins don’t worry bro

I agree with the author of the discussion. The problem is not so much the little bit of MF added, the problem that this can cause a precedent of facilities, as happened with the crap that is D3


Diablo 3 had many many problems, events were not one of them, they didn’t even show up until much later i think (years).
It serves as a “come and see/test our new patch”. 5 days bonus and you crying lol, amazing.
Everything is a frightening opening for some, guess game should have stayed trapped in 2001 (complain would then be the game is static).
So my advice is : don’t worry about those waahhh.


I do not mind having active events. They have limits. Now it would depends on how large of a change but I will not even notice a 50% bump to MF. I mean I may get a few less base items for a few days :stuck_out_tongue: Talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill. Calm down, you’re gonna have an aneurysm.


I’m not going to stop them because I am happy about the Magic Find bonus